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Everything posted by BKOLFO4

  1. BKOLFO4

    buddy put drill through my the rubber surround

    They make a drill bit that has a guide over it that slides over the screw and then comes back up as the screw goes in. If you install subs much, go get one. . . If you use silicone, just do it on the inside so the outside does not look bad.
  2. BKOLFO4

    Diamond Audio D3 vs Ascendant Audio Havocs

    Glad you like them. I almost called you back to make sure you got everything hooked up the other night, but when I did not hear back from you, I assumed you did.
  3. BKOLFO4

    brand new fi q 10 rattling noise

    Was the box good and clean inside? Might have sucked something up in the pole vent. If you turn the sub upside down and shake it, can you hear anything hitting the dust cap?
  4. BKOLFO4

    amp/ohms/power question

  5. BKOLFO4

    popping noise

    Nothing wrong with the setup. You can tune a box at 100 Hz as long as the SSF is set to protect the sub from over excursion. Sounds like it was. Watching the sub play, I am going to bet something is under the dust cap, or the edge of the cap has come unglued. My first guess is something under the cap. You could cut the cap off and see. . .
  6. BKOLFO4

    popping noise

    Tell us more about the pop. . .loud clanking sound, soft tick sound? i have run BTL's and Mayhem's for the last three years and never heard the tinsels slap. I have heard the coil hit the pole with 4000+ watts How old is the sub? Just curious, since it does not sound liek it has integrated leads. I do not see the answer to how far the cone is moving. 1", 2", 3"? While it is out of the box, move the cone up and down by hand. Do the glue joints all look ok where the cone meets the voice coil? Do they look ok around the spider landing? What box is this sub in (cuft, tuning)? You have the subsonic set to 40 Hz?? edit - now I see why above.
  7. BKOLFO4


    x2 Sounds like something broken, not clipping or bad settings. . .Did it do it all the time, or just when it was turned up loud?
  8. BKOLFO4

    Fi Q12 Enclosure Questions

    2.33 cuft @ 34 Hz is the correct calculation for the first box. The RE calculator SUCKS!!!!! New box looks better. Only problem I see is the Subsonic filter - Is it fixed at 15 Hz on that amp? If so, watch your mechanical excursion, or your next topic will be titled "My Q12 stopped working. . ."
  9. BKOLFO4

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    got a question for you what or who told you to set with a dmm. reason is i know for a fact that you can set it by ear or by osiloscope never ever use a dmm. reason is it give's false readings even with paek hold set on it. see the ac as we know it that the amp out puts is realy a pulsated dc that is considedered ac. the problem with calling it dc or ac is there incorrect it has trates of the two stuff like. polarity and can form a sine wave etc... if you try to use peak hold on the dmm it is not accraute as the o-scope to get it on the verge of cliping and you can not dectet this with the dmm, this is unless it has a oscope feature on it. this is why they say you should over power with the amp and set to the distortion method so to bring the gain up slowly till distortion is heard and remove gain till no distortion is heard. sorry not trying to be a prick just try to help on bad old habbits ask around it true. It is easier to find a true RMS DMM than an O-Scope. . . DMM is fine as long as it is True RMS and you have a nice 50 Hz sine wave. But I do not disagree. . . I set everything by ear. Only time I use the DMM is to set multiple amps so the are all the same. It also becomes difficult to hear distorion playing music at 160 dB.
  10. BKOLFO4

    Probably a dumb question

    You have a "2 ohm" sub and a "1 ohm" sub in parallel. The 1 ohm sub is going to get double power due to the current flowing through it. In your case, there is a final load of .67 ohms (which is hard on that amp). Lets say you have 1000 watts coming from the amp. P = V^2/R, so you have a voltage of ~26 volts (26^2/.67 = 1009 watts) Now calculate each sub power using the voltage and resistance: The 2 ohm sub = 26^2/2 = ~338 watts The 1 ohm sub = 26^2/1 = ~676 watts The sub with only 1 coil connected is getting double the power of the sub with both coils connected. Looks like you will toast the other coil on that sub soon, and maybe even that amp with the low ohm load. . . Brian
  11. BKOLFO4

    Probably a dumb question

    How are they wired? If you have one dual voice coil sub and one "single" voice coil sub wired to the same mono amp, you could actually be giving the "single" voice coil sub more power depending on how they are wired. That is why it looks like it is working harder. Brian
  12. BKOLFO4

    Quck Vid of the Mayhem

  13. BKOLFO4

    Q's versus BL's

    Xmax is nice, but it is not the only parameter that determines the performance of a subwoofer. . . Just the box design alone can determine how much of that Xmax you really even need.
  14. BKOLFO4

    Box Help For 4 15" Havocs

    I can definitely design a box. Shoudl not be a problem for a non-wall with (4) 15's. Brian
  15. BKOLFO4


    I may be wrong, but I do not think IA tooled that basket. . .
  16. BKOLFO4

    Box Help For 4 15" Havocs

    More than enough room. You can even make the entire box 1.5" thick and still have over 4 cuft per driver with 60 sqin of port per driver tuned to 32 Hz. That sounds like maximum space/volume. Are you going to do a wall type setup, or a box?
  17. BKOLFO4

    Burning smell

    The bottom line is you overpowered it for too long. . . It may or may not take it. . . Short periods of time will be ok, long periods of time might not be.
  18. BKOLFO4

    reconed my 18" BTL

    What kind of glue did you use? Was the basket surface really clean???? how long did you wait before you played it? Did you remove the dust cap and re-align the coil before you glued it back down? I leave the shims in and let the glue completely dry before I remove them. Once it is dry, remove the shims, solder the leads, glue down the cap. Playing hte sub at low volumes does not break it in. have to get the suspension moving to break it in. . .
  19. BKOLFO4

    1/0 crimping tools

    This is the best way for sure. . .
  20. BKOLFO4

    Question on the FI BTL 15 Enclosure size???

    Use these external dimensions that you posted: Box Width 32 Box Height 25 Box Top Depth 15 Box Bottom Depth 15 wood thickness .75 Make the port 3" wide x 23.5" high. Make the port 32" deep. That is an L shape. Run the "side" port wall into the box so it is 3" from the back wall. Add a second piece that will run parallel to the back wall (3" away from it) that is 17" long. This gives a port length of 32". Leaves you with ~3.9 cuft tuned to 35 Hz. Will work great. I have run BTL's in 2.9 cuft tuned to 35 Hz and they sounded great.
  21. BKOLFO4

    Question on the FI BTL 15 Enclosure size???

    Using the dimensions you have above, go ahead and make the port 30-32" long. ~4 ft^3 of airspace tuned to 34-35 Hz. Will work great.
  22. BKOLFO4

    Thanks AA for my new Viper 5901 remote start!!!

    The comp we had during the summer had a couple of guys from a local shop show up and let us know they had 2 15's on a TRUE 1000 watts sitting at their shop that would take anything we had. . .Man was he surprised when he walked around the corner and my astro was sitting there. He never showed back up with the shop truck
  23. BKOLFO4

    Thanks AA for my new Viper 5901 remote start!!!

    Good thing that box has a lot of depth, in case a sub with a lot of depth ends up in there. . .
  24. BKOLFO4

    new box for AA Mayhem 18's

    Need to just go ahead and build the wall man! Box looks great!
  25. BKOLFO4

    Thanks AA for my new Viper 5901 remote start!!!

    Man, that looks like a nice box. . .It appears to have another hole in it as if it was waiting for another 18" sub. . .