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Everything posted by MikeMartel

  1. MikeMartel

    Two Fi Q 15"

    May be harder than i thought... But Triangle Ports sound very interesting.. If i could pull that off i think it could be pretty sweet..
  2. MikeMartel

    RUSH :D

    Epic ^^
  3. MikeMartel

    RUSH :D

    What do you guys think about the Rock band Rush? Personally id say one of the top rock bands of all time, (Neil Pearts drumming sounds insane with a good tight subwoofer.) Yeah, im just bored , wondering what you guys think.
  4. MikeMartel

    RUSH :D

    They just seem SOOO under rated .. first of all i cant believe that havent been inducted to the rock and roll hall of fame.... retards.... But yeah, i hear people saying there just alright.. or they cant stand them? Idk.. just seems insane such a talented band can be so under rated. Obviously they still have a huge fan base but yeah. =\
  5. MikeMartel

    if you had this budget....

    ohhh.. my mistake. ^^
  6. MikeMartel

    if you had this budget....

    Unless your looking to keep your 18 in a sealed box, id say go with the 2 12's.. that would be cutting it a bit low for an 18" woofer with only 5.5 cubes
  7. MikeMartel

    So Fi BTl or Sundown SA 8s?

    I guess im not the nest person to answer this considering i havent dealt with either, i just think you should do some research and decide if your looking more towards an SQ setup, or your more interested in SPL
  8. MikeMartel

    if you had this budget....

    Depends on what your looking for.. Are you leaning more towards SQ subs or SPL subs?
  9. I need to sell my old setup. o.O

  10. MikeMartel

    So Fi BTl or Sundown SA 8s?

    Hm... Thats a bit of a difference there.. What are you looking to accomplish with your setup?
  11. MikeMartel

    2004 Chevy Impala Build

    Well, as soon i get some money from selling all of my old gear, ill be doing Big 3, and getting a second battery. Ill make sure my electrical system is good and sound once i install everything.
  12. MikeMartel

    2004 Chevy Impala Build

    Alright, iv basically all over the map trying to consider what type of subs i wanted. Iv made up my mind now and i kind of wanted to know your opinion. I was thinking about going with two Fi 12"Q's, OR two Fi 15" Q's in a ported box, running off a Crescendo BC2000D. Now in order to eliminate trunk rattle, i was told sealing it off from the trunk and firing it forward was a good idea. The only problem is that i cant fold my rear seats down, now i do have the option of buying rear folding seats for about $300. I guess i dont really have a specific question.. just tell me what you think, any improvements or different ideas you think would work best. Since im fairly new im sure your ideas are better than mine. ^^ thanks -Mike
  13. MikeMartel

    2004 Chevy Impala Build

    I listen to rock, metal, techno some rap. Basically everything, thats why i wanted the Q.. because its a very accurate subwoofer, and i asked him why he recommended the BL, and he said the BL can take more abuse, he didnt want me to blow my first real subs, but i think i have enough knowledge that i wont blow them. I appreciate his opinion but im sticking with the Q's.
  14. MikeMartel

    2004 Chevy Impala Build

    Alright, thanks for that opinion, Keep more coming. I want my first real build to be as best as possible.
  15. MikeMartel

    XCON & ZCON 2011 Product Photos

    They look beautiful ;D
  16. MikeMartel

    Looking For a Demo!

    You know what, iv changed my mind, anyone really in the Niagara Region with any type of Fi, id love to hear them... Based on income and stuff... idk im still up in the air about what i really want to get, i cant decide, so many nice Fi subwofoers
  17. MikeMartel

    Looking For a Demo!

    Hey guys, feeling kinda bored this week, not a lot going on and i decided i want to hear a demo of Fi BTL N2's before i end up buying them and i would love to listen to all different sizes. I'm located in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. So basically anyone from Ontario in the Niagara region ill drive down for a demo. Hopefully theres at least one person! Iv never heard BTL's and im absolutely stoked
  18. MikeMartel

    Looking For a Demo!

    Man like 25 views and only 1 reply BTL's arent very popular up hear in Canada ;P
  19. MikeMartel

    Marine AMG Battery?

    Exactly what I was thinking just put it in the trunk.
  20. Hello, iv just been looking around for a battery and oddly enough i found a marine AMG battery in my dads garage. Its a Cabela's Advanced Angler "Group Size 30" battery. Heres a link showing all of its specs. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Boating/AutoBoat-Batteries-Chargers/Marine-Deep-Cycle-Batteries|/pc/104794380/c/104698080/sc/104446080/Cabelas-Advanced-Angler-AGM-Batteries/727395.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fboating-auto-boat-batteries-chargers-marine-deep-cycle-batteries%2F_%2FN-1100564%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104446080%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104794380%253Bcat104698080&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104794380%3Bcat104698080%3Bcat104446080 Now seeing the amp rating and cold cranking amps i see no reason why this wouldnt work as a second battery seeing as im running only about 1800 watts. What do you guys think?
  21. Oh... i see >.< I didnt know that input sensitivity and gain are the same thing :S.... Feel retarded now. Anyways, thanks
  22. Iv recently blown my Alpine 1000.1 amplifier so i decided to replace it with an older PG Xenon 1200.1 i had lying around. I was looking at the control knobs and noticed it only has a Bass boost option, but no gain setting. Iv looked it up and its a bass boost knob for 45hz, 0-18db. I was just curious how i would go along setting this boost without a gain setting as well. Also, how should i set my deck settings along with this? I'm running 2 Alpine Type X 10" subwoofers in a ported box if that helps. Thanks -Mike
  23. Now that iv figured out an AudioQue 2200D would be a great choice for my Fi BTL N2, along with my Phoenix Gold 500.4 for my component speakers, i was just wondering what kind of electrical upgrades i would need to support this. (~2700watts). Iv read up on what is needed and im seeing a few mixed results. This is what im thinking: Big 3 240 Amp Alternator Kinetik 2400 Now the kinetik would be replacing my stock battery instead of running my stock and the kinetik. If anyone thinks thats not enough, or i should keep my stock battery or any other ideas it would be a great help.
  24. Sounds great guys, And yes, To OhJay, luckly every police vehicle in the Niagara Region is an Impala So ill check out some junkyards for an alternator i can use. Thanks a lot
  25. I'm getting so many mixed answers here. Lol