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Everything posted by MikeMartel

  1. MikeMartel

    Dual Subwoofer Sealed Enclosures

    For most of the enclosures iv seen, they have separate chambers for each sub. Is this the way it is recommended to be done? Or will it also work with having both subs sealed in one box? Im simply trying to expand my knowledge about box building and I know you guys will help.
  2. MikeMartel

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Sean you needs some more clamps..
  3. Looking towards buying a new amplifier for my Fi BTL N2 sometime this summer and looking at my options. I can obviously do as much research on my own as possible but numbers are just numbers, Id like to ask people who have experience with these amplifiers and your opinions on what I should get. I have around 4 different amplifiers that Im currently looking at, all around the same prices. Dont really want to spend over $700 and will buy used if need be. 1. Sundown SAZ-2500D (used) or SAZ-3500D (Refurbished) 2. DD M3a (new) 3. Orion 2500D (Found one locally used) 4. Crescendo BC3500D (new) Any input much appreciated and also FYI, Im running a stock battery upfront, big 3 upgrade and a Kinetik HC1400 in my trunk as far as my electrical goes.
  4. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Now, Im not sure if this is actually done very often but it seems like a lot of laziness to me. Here is what my local shop did back when my dad first got the speakers installed. They simply spliced into the old connectors for the OEM speakers instead of just running new wire from front to back. But anyways, Im in the middle of rewiring anways so I guess i just need to cut those connections and tape up the loose ends for now.
  5. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Well, Its done for now. Guess its just a personal preference for me.
  6. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    My grommets were very easy... Coat hanger and it was good to go, one side was a little hard becuase the E-Brake assembly was right on the outside of the opening for the grommet but still only took me about 15-20 minutes of screwing around with it.
  7. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Whatever you say buddy. <3
  8. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Ok jay-cee, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Also, if you knew how to read you would see this used to be my dads car before I even got it so yes, I would have wired it myself. And I have. I simply wasn't sure if this was typical or not. And I understand why shops would do it for less cost, I just personally thought it would be done differently. So relax.
  9. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Well, now if it does break ill be able to find the problem easier. Thought you guys would think direct wiring was better, guess i just wasted my time though.
  10. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Well, because I did it all myself it cost me close to nothing It looks great, much cleaner, and I actually know what all my wires DO this time.
  11. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    I have an aftermarket amp, a PG Ti500.4, the reason they went through that connector is so they could bypass running wires through the door grommets, the just spliced into the factory wiring connector.
  12. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    All finished...
  13. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Well, Im redoing it
  14. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Alright, just a noob mistake by me then, but what im saying is that I do have an amp for my speakers, they arent being run of the HU, they ran the wires from that connector all the way back to the amplifier. (If there was any confusion)
  15. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    My speakers are amped?
  16. MikeMartel

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    Alright, could be I just feel better running wire from front to back, instead of going through like 3 different connectors, Id rather have a new and solid path.
  17. MikeMartel

    difference in quality in speakers

    Well, typically, the amps that are able to make lots of watts rms are monoblock amps.. These are only made to run subwoofers and are not used for regular speakers. Also, just because a speaker can take a higher wattage, does not mean that it will sound better. Some of the highest quality speakers made only take around 100 wrms. Hope this clears things up.
  18. MikeMartel

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Looking good Sean.
  19. Yes, I know im upsetting you bass and im sorry. I thought id be getting an M3a but we will see. It may be gone by the time I get the money for it. I just like planning ahead a little.
  20. Yeah, thanks for everyones help. I think i might grab the Orion 2500d, because its locally. Thanks Everyone!
  21. After doing research, Iv noticed overall they are all great, reputable companies.. Just wondering if there was anything that would put one of these amps above the others.
  22. Should have said that.. Not 100% sure what it puts out at 14volts though.
  23. MikeMartel

    *NEW* Impulse Shirt

    Looks pretty sweet.
  24. MikeMartel

    SLOW build on a 2001 GMC Jimmy

    Very interested Never seen much of PR builds.
  25. Since when did SSA status updates become twitter/facebook?

    1. jcarter1885


      when these new members joined

    2. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      You can link the them from the outside so that you only update your FB.
