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Everything posted by MikeMartel

  1. MikeMartel

    Port ideas

    Dont see why it wouldnt work, try it out! Worst thing that will happen is that you still dont like how it sounds and need to try again?
  2. MikeMartel

    Visonik V4000XD

    Decided to get it, picking it up tomorrow
  3. Alright, going a little old school here. Someone locally is selling a Visonik 4000xd. Im looking to compete in the dbdrag street trunk class and need a 4000 watt amplifier. Are these amps any good? Iv read some mixed reviews.. Some saying they are very power hungry and im just not sure if its worth buying or not. Anyone have experience with these things?
  4. MikeMartel

    Visonik V4000XD

    Well I'm limited to a battery upfront and 1 battery in the rear. I'm just not sure if that amplifier will be efficient enough with only a small electrical upgrade allowed
  5. MikeMartel

    Visonik V4000XD

    Yeah... Its not that great, idk. We will see.
  6. MikeMartel

    Visonik V4000XD

    I don't know.. I can trade my current AB 100.1 and give him an extra 100 bucks for it.. It seems to have A Lot of current draw though. Going I need to upgrade some fusing.
  7. MikeMartel

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Found this website a few years ago after checking out Fi's website, redirected me to their little portion of the site and iv been on here ever since. Not to bash other forums but this place just seems so much better than any other forum. Everyones thread seems to atleast get a few replys, unlike other forums where less popular members get swept away for the more popular posts. Love it here, and cant wait to order my Icons.
  8. MikeMartel

    First 160+ db Trunk Car

    I fully agree, he built it for a burp class, and as of now did it better than anyone else ever has. For sure, and I wanted to congratulate him on being badass.
  9. MikeMartel

    First 160+ db Trunk Car

    Heh... Awkwardness at its finest.
  10. MikeMartel

    First 160+ db Trunk Car

    Always gotta hate drew.
  11. MikeMartel

    W7 or MTX 9500?

    Still Anti JL Aaron?
  12. MikeMartel

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn Aaron no wonder how you have so many posts you post whore. ^^
  13. MikeMartel

    Amp Clamping

    Ontop of that you wont be getting 6000+ watts out of strapping those two amps..
  14. MikeMartel

    VW Passat install

    Wow.. Not much else to say other than awesome.
  15. MikeMartel

    Bandpass 4th

    Fancy shit Sean.
  16. MikeMartel

    need help picking subs and components

    Super tweeters are never a good choice. Pick up a pair of Focal 6.5" polyglass components and you will be more than happy.
  17. MikeMartel

    16 New X 12's in action

    Beautiful. Love it Nick.
  18. MikeMartel

    dbdrag Street Trunk Build

    Yeah.. So twice the cone area on about 4k rms should do just fine. Going to fool around with the tuning a whole bunch to find out what I like best for daily situations. Im thinking about 28hz.
  19. MikeMartel

    Hello there, from Idaho.

    Welcome from Canadia eh.
  20. MikeMartel

    Port flares for sale, 8" and 10" diameter pipe

    Pair of fifteens actually. So im thinking the 10" will be more towards my needs.
  21. MikeMartel

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Very strange. I feel the exact opposite. I almost never eat in the mornings. Not really sure why im just totally turned off of food right in the morning. Usually dont start eating until around lunch time.
  22. MikeMartel

    Port flares for sale, 8" and 10" diameter pipe

    Well then. Once i order my icons and they come in ill need you to make me a pair. (Not sure whether im going 8" or 10" port yet, testing needs to come first.
  23. ^ Customer service ftw.