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MikeMartel last won the day on February 25 2013

MikeMartel had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

64 Excellent Member

About MikeMartel

  • Rank
    Regular Member
  • Birthday 01/04/1992

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  • Vehicle
    2004 Impala

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  1. Don't get either in my opinion.. Get an American Bass VFL 1100.1
  2. MikeMartel

    1 15" in trunk design

    Try both 6" and 8" port In my opinion. Easiest way to figure out what is best
  3. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

  4. MikeMartel

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    Oh of course. There will be a review
  5. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

  6. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

  7. MikeMartel

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    Good luck!
  8. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

  9. Thought I would start a little build log of the SUV we have been working on for a while now. Not many pictures of in progress but Ill be posting pictures of what it looks like so far, Almost done! Heres a list of what is in this bad boy. 16 Selenium 8" Mids 10 Selenium Super Tweeters 8 18" Fi SP4s 4 American Bass VFL 750.1s (Subs) 3 American Bass VFL 3500FR (Highs) 1 American Bass VFL 4000FR (Mids) Audison Bit One 64 Odyssey PC 635 Batteries Lots more I probably forgot..
  10. MikeMartel

    2001 Pt cruiser wall build ........

    Good shit man
  11. MikeMartel

    My progress.

    Only 2550 RUR.. Damn
  12. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

  13. MikeMartel

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    Can't wait until these ship out . Real close.
  14. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh

    is anyone up?
  15. MikeMartel

    chat? yeh
