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Everything posted by bdawson72

  1. bdawson72

    Some pics of the lines...

  2. bdawson72

    Happy 4th of JULY Debut

  3. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm guessing that nice computer equipment isnt meant for me
  4. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And then I just had to send my 500 gig external off
  5. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I sent my laptop off like a month ago. And I still havent gotten it back yet
  6. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    possibly sexy
  7. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    Oh im gonna so slot ported. But I want to keep my woofers happy
  8. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    I talked to Mark a while ago and he showed me some pics of a ranger blowthrough that he did But, i then talked to someone esle and they suggested that instead of doing the port on the passenger side. They suggested that I do a port in the center.
  9. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    But back on topic. Does anyone actually think that on-axis aeros could be a viable solution.
  10. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    Spite install now! Hey B, I did not ask, were you going for something that you plan on for competition? It'll be my DD. But I will be going to competitions with it I dont know why it scares me. But It does. I'll probobly get enough courage 2 cut the truck in the next 2 weeks.
  11. bdawson72

    The sound deadener Poll

    I happen to love raammat
  12. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    Spite install now!
  13. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    Jim it definately wont be that loud. I doubt that I can even break 150
  14. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So do I but I have a feeling that its gonna suck
  15. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I remember that my old football workouts used 2 take forever. Thank god I don't have to go through that anymore
  16. bdawson72

    Ranger Blowthrough

    It should be pretty fun. I'm just scared of cutting my the truck myself. I guess I'll probably get someone else to do that one.
  17. bdawson72

    "Super Q"

  18. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That was rather quick
  19. bdawson72

    ssd's or Q

  20. bdawson72

    Competing with Daily setting?

    Nick is busy as well. But chances are that if he hasn't replied in a day or two he probably didn't get the e-mail.
  21. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A friend of mine keeps on telling me that its good. Oh well
  22. bdawson72

    Cograts Zed!!!!

    For the love of god someone please
  23. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And by the way thanks to: Acidburn- teh deletion of 07ers Denim- Just because I wub jooo
  24. bdawson72

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats scary