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Everything posted by Bray

  1. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    I ordered mine the 14th too, just confused how we wouldn't be in the same batch or how i didn't make the batch he placed on the 26th. Not really trying to make a big deal just confused. Or are you saying like they make a batch of D2s and D1s ?
  2. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    Whaaaat, your orders from the 14th and 26th shipped already?
  3. Bray

    SSA order wait time?

    Want me to say it again? LOL
  4. Bray

    SSA order wait time?

    Tomorrow makes 2 months since i placed my order
  5. Bray

    SSA Dual Inputs | By ToolMaker

    Check the arrangement of the inputs on the amplifier. The big Sundowns & Crescendos are (Ground)(remote)(Power) & (Power)(Ground). 3kwp is (Ground) (remote) (Power)
  6. Bray

    SSA Dual Inputs | By ToolMaker

    Fit most amps such as Sundown,RD,Digital Designs, DC, Sound Qubed Etc Will these fit the Crescendo 3kwps? (I wanna assume yes)
  7. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    4th Order, B Pillar
  8. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    Not really a shipment as they are all made to order, but yes, they are all moving to the new spider pack and non-sandwiched leads. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a picture of the new spider and leads? +1 im curious as well
  9. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    02 Tahoe
  10. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    As long as they don't rush to get mine done ill be good lol, would hate to have to wait even longer due to an error because they rushed the assembly. Thanks for the update Aaron Part of the lead time is due to things being done right. Hence why we have such a low (almost non-existant) failure/defect rate. Excellent, can we get some SSA stickers for the wait? lol
  11. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    As long as they don't rush to get mine done ill be good lol, would hate to have to wait even longer due to an error because they rushed the assembly. Thanks for the update Aaron
  12. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    I hear ya i ordered 6 zcon 18s
  13. Bray

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    8315 placed Feb 17th and still haven't received? I also placed an order on March 14th and was hoping it would be shipping sometime this week.
  14. Bray

    MY ORDER? :(

    The only 1800woofers order from Marth 14th has been shipped. Whoops didnt realize this was in the 1800woofers section my bad lol you can delete above post
  15. Bray

    MY ORDER? :(

    Still waiting on my order as well from March 14th..
  16. Bray

    Order #3920

    Dang, im still waiting on my order from March 14th. Tracking still shows no progress
  17. Bray

    my order..please help..

    Says 14+ business days build time. Today's the 15th day. Just gotta be patient, trust me i know it sucks, but it is what it is. I placed an order on the 14th for 6 Zcon 18's.
  18. Bray

    my order..please help..

    What date was the order placed?
  19. Driving up early Saturday morning!
  20. Bray

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Glad to be part of Team SSA, want to thank Aaron again. Can't wait till my Zcons come in!