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Everything posted by NuXperience

  1. Ordered 2 bls on feb 20 and haven't received them yet. The tracking keeps saying the item wasn't received yet. Is there any way to find out what's the hold up? Its been over a month and no change
  2. NuXperience

    Any way to find out progress on subs from bl?

    So hopefully I can get my subs in 2 weeks
  3. NuXperience

    Any way to find out progress on subs from bl?

    Thanks for the info. I hope it doesn't take to much longer. My truck needs bass.
  4. NuXperience

    Waiting on my Fi sub

    I never got a call saying my bls were going to be delayed. The waiting game is driving me batty
  5. NuXperience

    Just wondering

    I bought 2 fi bl 12s on feb 20 and still still never receive them. Just was wondering how long suppose to take? By the way i live in hawaii if that make any difference.
  6. NuXperience

    Quick question on enclosure for bl

    It says 1.5-2.5 cuft so 1.9 should be alrite than
  7. NuXperience

    Quick question on enclosure for bl

    Will a 12 bl sound good in a box 1.9 cuft tuned to bout 33 hz? Or should i get a q n put in a 2 cuft box sealed. Which louder? Im thinking of running 2 bls on a Aq2200.
  8. NuXperience

    Fi BL 12 shipping cost to Hawaii

    I was wondering if someone can give me a qoute for Fi BL 12 shipped to Hawaii.(zip code is 96792) I want to order 1 next month
  9. NuXperience

    sub box

  10. NuXperience

    SUb box

    From the album: sub box

  11. NuXperience

    Fi Sub Box.jpg

    From the album: sub box

  12. NuXperience

    Fi Bl 12 good for a Tundra Crewmax

    I was just wondering if any one could help me out. I was thinking bout getting a Fi bl 12 for my Crewmax. Im going to rip off the back panel behind the back seat and make a sub box with an amp rack. The box it self is going to have 2 - 2.4 cubic foot of airspace and tuned roughly between 30- 33 Hzs. The amp i have right now is a Diamond d6 1000.1 which does 1000 rms at 1 ohm. So i was just wondering if anyone thinks that this would be good or not? And also if the sub would beat kickers subs? Cuz wea i live everyone likes kickers.
  13. NuXperience

    Fi Bl 12 good for a Tundra Crewmax

    Thanks for the feed back