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DC Power Rob

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Everything posted by DC Power Rob

  1. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    We appreciate that Stephan, repeat/referral business is what made us, and what we hope to grow.. Trust me, shit like this pisses me off royally, and it HURTS MY POCKETBOOK!! Anyone think I like that?? No You are one of about 20 people that are EXACTLY why I posted: "The little things NONE of you see, is me sitting on my phone all day calling vendors making sure they are getting their shit done, so you all can get your orders. Case in point, our soon to be former machine shop got a $10k PO the ~20th of Dec, I was told point blank "we will order material in the AM, you'll have parts next week" (last week of Dec) I got back on the 4th, had no parts finished and they wouldn't answer the phone.. So, I drive an hour and a half away to find, drumroll, no F'ing parts.. So I ask (yell at) them, just exactly WTF is going on here?? Oh, I forgot to order material... Excuse me?? WTF do you mean you forgot?? I have a $10k PO on your desk, and your holding up a $40k order, plus making about 20 other customers wait, who were PROMISED, BY ME, because YOU promised ME, they would be done.. WTF??? 4 hours wasted, and I still got no F'ing parts." Because you dont know all the details.. And in this WHOLE damn thread it's been implied that A)We dont care if/when it gets done (which is total BS) B)Routinely been implied that we (I) avoid talking the OP. When I'm in R&D mode like I am now, the only person who I talk to during the day is my wife if she needs me. I dont even talk to Kyle Dave or Stan most days if I'm busy.. I'm EXTREMELY hard to get ahold of sometimes, that's what we have Dave, Kyle, and Stan for. At first, (iirc) this wasn't exactly a priority to get done by the OP because of his build status, and when it was a priority and we started working on it, our lazy ass fabricators/machinists couldn't get shit done, we had to change direction, I said F it, dropped a huge amount of money in the meantime, and the OP's stuff is almost done... I'm tired of explaining all of this, over and over and over again and this is the LAST time I say a word in here explaining things, (other than updating) But I swear the next time I see anyone adding their .02 and adding fuel to the fire because they think they have something to input here I will either lock the thread, or I will make it dissappear...
  2. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    How about transparent gloss black with ghost flames??
  3. DC Power Rob

    Difference between dc alt models

    Longer than either your amp or subs will handle it wide open continuously.. On the bench, they'll take 30 minutes wide open at least, on a car, who knows.. If Kyle couldn't kill a 150HP on an SAZ3500 at .5 in his Camry beating on it from LA to Vegas and back wide open, it's not a worry for me... And just for FYI, the XP/HP run the same regulators...
  4. DC Power Rob

    Difference between dc alt models

    I had to run down to Long Beach to pick up regulators for Denso for your alternator today(as well as others) so it will ship tomorrow.. Since it was brought up, ALL of our regulators have temp compensation. Some have more than others (late model Toyota's are worst, Honda's are decent, and our standard regulator has the least amount of compensation.. It's literally so close impossible to fry one of these alts because the level of safety in the regulators is so high. They are so smart, they'll run literally at 99.5% of capacity continuously without failure.. We've endurance ran 390XP's on the new bench balls to the wall, and burned up belts before we ever even got remotely close to hurting the alt.. In short, the HP/XP regulators straight up PWN everything else I've ever seen.. BUT we use nothing but NEW OEM regulators, and they are EXPENSIVE! To give you an idea, with NO exaggeration are pushing $80 a POP... Chinese regulators that our competition uses, are seriously 1/10 of that.. We have ZERO defects, they run 20%.. Ours integrate 100% perfectly with the PCM, theirs have all the OEM features disabled and throw codes.. On a Honda, this is like, HUGELY important.. The PCM and alternator are SO closely intertwined that when you separate them, you instantly take a 5mpg hit usually, your car will shake like a MF'r at idle, and it's just, not, good practice.. At least we will be upfront and tell you straight up why we do things a certain way, instead of color coat it with BS. Yeah, let's hang Fords WORST alternator they ever designed in a Honda, yank the PCM's control, and call it success... whatever... Anyways /rant /soapbox Back to the 3.5L Honda, I dont know how we're going to do exactly, yet with the way the mount is.. That alternator is in there TIGHT, and even though the XP's are just a bit bigger, the case just wont fit.. I know I can make a new one to fit these, but it's not even on my radar until we have our machines in and running. Sometime this spring, it will be done, but it's down the line a bit.. Besides, a 320 on this car with the pulley ratio's it has is actually really, really strong.. An XP with stock pulleys, 200 at idle no problem, with full PCM integration so it will actually WORK...
  5. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    What color? And if black, we can do gloss, matte, semi-gloss, textured or wrinkled... If there's anything else I didnt cover, just let me know.. Rob
  6. DC Power Rob

    Difference between dc alt models

    We just had a customer bring us a JDM B16 type R motor to do some work on, and yours should be the same.. Point being, with a motor sitting in my hands, I can make an XP work, I just have to make a new bracket. Problem is, we have a 1 day design, and 5-7 days for the fab shop to make a run.. So, at the time you ordered, your right, no XP was available, however, within the next 2-3 weeks it will be available.. If you want to wait for an XP, I'll upgrade you at no cost for waiting... Rob
  7. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    Trust me, we haven't stopped working on it... And I will say that I am personally very happy with how this turned out from a mechanical standpoint. From an aesthetic standpoint, I think he will be very happy with the custom aspect as the alts should be just stunning if they turn out how our last ones this color did.. I know he's not happy, I dont blame him.. Neither am I, believe me, what none of you know or see, is you've never heard me rip someones ASS up one side and down the other over them not getting their shit done so we can actually finish it. Those of you who know me personally know that I'm hot headed, and trust me, Im not afraid to rip someones (suppliers) head off when they aren't doing their f*cking job. The little things NONE of you see, is me sitting on my phone all day calling vendors making sure they are getting their shit done, so you all can get your orders. Case in point, our soon to be former machine shop got a $10k PO the ~20th of Dec, I was told point blank "we will order material in the AM, you'll have parts next week" (last week of Dec) I got back on the 4th, had no parts finished and they wouldn't answer the phone.. So, I drive an hour and a half away to find, drumroll, no F'ing parts.. So I ask (yell at) them, just exactly WTF is going on here?? Oh, I forgot to order material... Excuse me?? WTF do you mean you forgot?? I have a $10k PO on your desk, and your holding up a $40k order, plus making about 20 other customers wait, who were PROMISED, BY ME, because YOU promised ME, they would be done.. WTF??? 4 hours wasted, and I still got no F'ing parts.. And you wonder WHY we just bucked up and dropped a quarter million on CNC machines....... Yeah, because we dont care about how long it takes to get things done... If you only knew...
  8. DC Power Rob

    Difference between dc alt models

    The "HP" series alternators are the smaller of the two hairpins, and we build them either 180, 250, or 320.. For their size, they are untouchable for output. Smaller than a CS130 Delco alt yet they will outrun most every 300+ amp GM large case alternator at idle too, but with a LOT less load on the engine due to the efficiency. Their best use is in multiples, I can stack 5 in the place of 4 LG case GM's, get 600 amps or so at idle, and 1600+ amps at 1500 RPM's.. The XP is the "large" case hairpin alternator, and is designed just for idle output. It's the best there is, hands down.. I dont know how many thousands we've sold, still have yet to see a single hard failure.. They are pretty much in-destructable. The big XP, the 390 will do 215-230 at what our competition rates their idle at.. I've seen them hit 415 or so, but our old bench would trip the breaker then... For a lot of import cars, and a lot of Domestic cars a 320HP will have more idle output than stock, and 3x the output cruising.. Awesome little alts...
  9. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    What is your name, and what did you order? Our HP's literally just showed up Friday (a week late thanks to Denso).. Because of the end of year crap that our suppliers go through with inventory etc and running lean (J.I.T. inventory) with us being as busy as we've been, we've been OUT of damn near everything after the Christmas rush.. Don't let this scare you, as what we're doing for the OP here is WAY out of the norm.. We are still shipping about 98% within 48 hours unless we have an issue with one of our components being out... And, like I mentioned above with suppliers running lean, sometimes if we run out of something, they cant back us up. All of which I covered earlier in this topic.. We have almost 800 new units in the shop right now, believe me, we have plenty of product now, finally!!! If you want to hit me up privately, I'm on AIM (dcpowerrob) or Skype (dc_power_rob) Rob
  10. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    Just so everyone knows what's going on in the "Days of DC Power" this has become... Look, I know this has been blowed WAY the F*ck out of proportion, but honestly people, why do you all insist on throwing gas on a bonfire instead of just letting it play out and let us finish this before hanging us on the cross?? All I will say, is this is going to be one very, very nice setup, and something I am 1000% sure couldn't be bought from ANYWHERE else, get 5 320 amp alts with the finish they have, with the bracket he's getting, let alone getting it for what he paid for it. So then what, I refund his money so he can dump another grand into having someone else do it (something which NOBODY else has even developed)to get something nowhere near the quality?? That just doesn't compute, at least not to me.... Settle down people.. Anyways... Update, if anyone cares... I made the revisions to the bracket that I needed to in CAD, we had to do this because we're running our new alternators and because they are smaller, as well as the housings being "clocked" different I had to re-arrange everything on the bracket.. So, with me being gone 2 weeks over Christmas, and our waterjet/laser cutter being closed as well to set up their new shop, this now just got finished and I wen't up their today to take them the changes so they could cut it.. The alts are at the powdercoater now that I know I dont have to machine anything on the cases, all of which I told Randy the last time I spoke to him.. And as I recall I told him it would all be done no later than mid- January, which it will. He didn't seem to have a problem with that the last time I called him, which in case if anyone was wondering, I haven't heard from or had any calls from the OP since I called him last.. I will be picking up an engine probably tomorrow so I can make exactly sure the spacing is correct on the bracket, and it's all done.. The only thing I dont recall is what finish to do on the bracket.. Powdercoated or Chrome?? If you read this Randy, either reply here or call me, you have my cell number.. Rob
  11. DC Power Rob


    If you want to do it the best way, a triple bracket with either 2, 270XP's or 2, 390XP's plus a stock output alt in the stock location. Run the 2 390XP's isolated from your stock electrical because your 'Lade has the stock RVC system which is just FAIL for guys like you so it's best to just go around it. One of our 270XP's will run a 4500 pretty dang good, one 390 @ 15v continuous will handle 6K no problem which is what a 4500 @15v is about capable of.. One 270XP will handle a 3500 @ .5 all day long, and depending on how hard your on it, you'll cook an amp LONG before you ever need to worry about the alt. One 270XP will run a 4500 at .5 about 8/10 of wide open with no drop.. One 390XP will run a 4500 at .5 wide open with no drop whatsoever and again, you'll cook an amp long before the alt gives up.. Either way you go, it will be better than ANY other setup you can get.. Kyle has a 3500 he ran at.5 in his Camry on a 270XP and we've done hours and hours and hours of testing with it so we're very familiar with them.. In all the testing we did though, we could never run the amp long enough to over work the alternator before either the amp or subs got too hot and we had to back off...
  12. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    Totally different setup... JP was the first customer to get that kit..
  13. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    The ONLY reason this isn't done is because we are waiting on other people. Waiting on our CNC machines because 2 of our machine shops went out of business, waiting to get the vehicle back that we're using so we can finish the bracket, and that's it. Plain and simple.. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing WHATSOEVER to do with us and our customer service, NOTHING! We've done everything we possibly can to get this done in a timely manner and Randy damn well knows it. I've spoken to him almost on a weekly basis giving him updates and he knows everything that's going on so if anyone has any ideas that we're not trying to resolve this, I assure you that's not the case. If any of you had any idea how hard prototyping is, and then dealing with losing a vehicle mid-stream and having a machine shop going out of business while your doing it, you would understand! If any of you think that we're just blowing a customer off and not getting it done because we dont want to your wrong. I dare say that any of our previous customers know how fanatical we are about maintaining the highest level of customer service and know there's just about no length that we wont go to to make sure our customers are 1000% happy. We still ship 98% of our orders within 48 hours, and the rest within 7 days max as a general rule. If that's not good enough, then as the owner of the company I dont know what else I can do. Sometimes despite our best efforts to avoid it, shitty things just happen, and this is one of those times. But, on the upside... Reasons like this is why we spent $250k on our own CNC machines, moved into a new 5k sq foot building, dropped another $50k on a new test bench, and now have 3D laser scanning, rapid prototyping, and an engineer with an MBA in mechanical engineering from MIT on staff. Do any of you really, honestly think that we did all of that, and spent that kind of money because we dont give a shit about our customers and when their things get done? No, we did it because we build the best high output alternators on the planet, and we're NEVER satisfied with what we have and we're ALWAYS trying to be better and we wont ever stop! We also realized that we cant rely on other people and businesses to have the same desire and relentless pursuit of perfection that we do, so we are bringing all of that capability in house so WE are in control of it. I promise you, as sure as I'm living and breathing that pisses me off MORE than it does the OP that this isn't done, and anyone who personally knows me knows that. Anyone who thinks otherwise, you have my apologies but you know absolutely nothing about me, about our company, and what we really stand for because what happened here, just doesn't happen here unless it's totally out of our control and it's something we take extremely personal..
  14. DC Power Rob

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    Im still working on finishing it, if I could ever NOT be sick I could actually work.. I've been down for basically the last 2 weeks now... It's not forgotten, trust me..
  15. DC Power Rob

    Hi Output Alt for Honda Civic 1.4L

    I would run one of our 180's and call it good.. You'll have at least 50 amps more output at idle with ours, than your stock does at full output. Cost is $389 for the alternator, and I would have to figure a shipping quote for you. It will be a direct bolt on, just do the big 3 if you haven't already and your good to go.. Let me know what you think.. Rob
  16. DC Power Rob

    Contacting DC

    Spoke to Julian.. Between being at SEMA and being sick, I think this is the first time I've had a chance to get on here in about 3 weeks... Between us moving, and me being out in one way or another I just haven't been around.. ROb
  17. We decided to play with one of our 390XP's on the Dyno. We only have 320 amps of loadbank on this dyno, but in layman's terms this is an almost 400 amp alternator that will do 213 at what our competitors call idle? I just call it ridiculous amounts of power DC Power style.. Everybody else, dream on... And to think, somebody turned 4 of these down....
  18. DC Power Rob

    Dual alternator kit requests...

    Our new S-10 dual kit should be done by the time we get back from SEMA.. It's about 95% now and the prototype is all mocked up.. This is going to be one S I C K kit for the 4.3 S-10's and Blazers.. This will also fit the '96-'2000 5.7 Vortec Trucks/Tahoe's etc as well.. I dont have pricing yet, but the kit complete with the belt is going to be in the $275 ballpark Im thinking... Rob
  19. DC Power Rob

    Install Help

    It's boxed and ready to be picked up, you'll have it tomorrow.. Thanks again, Rob
  20. DC Power Rob

    Alt Request

    That's totally understandable man.. Thats why we have so many different alts, got to fit everyones budgets and power needs. We have a 250 amp alt that runs $369 that would work perfect for you. They are still GREAT alternators, just old school vs new school, but I guarantee you that you wouldn't be disappointed.. Rob
  21. DC Power Rob

    Install Help

    You will have the correct adapter harness in the morning. We must have had a typo on the year here on our end. I apologize for the mixup, Rob
  22. DC Power Rob

    Alt Request

    I apologize for not replying sooner, most days Im so busy that when I come in here it's just in and out and sometimes I miss things.. We can do literally anything you want in your Impala.. We only run the large case GMs or our XPs in these, so we can run some big power if you want.. If your looking at dual kits, just run a single XP because it's cheaper than going the dual route and the XP's are just ridiculous in performance.. A 270XP will run a 3500D at .5 no problem, so you should have no trouble with a 2500. On your car, it really just depends on what you want to spend and what you want to get in the end. Let us know.. Rob
  23. DC Power Rob

    Anyone want to see some real power?

    We just have a few right now that we saved for prototyping.. I have a few hundred of these on perpetual backorder because we cant build them fast enough so we dont really advertise them..