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DC Power Rob

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DC Power Rob last won the day on June 24 2011

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-4 A few mistakes

About DC Power Rob

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    RIverside, CA - SLC, UT
  1. DC Power Rob

    wtf? dc power

    To my knowledge these got built and shipped last week?? You should have them in your hands already, if not extremely soon. Did you not get a tracking number??
  2. DC Power Rob

    wtf? dc power

    Please, do keep us informed on how it goes. So yeah, we finally got the infamous powdercoated blue 390 XP. It is sexy as hell. Wished we coulda got it closer to when I paid for it back in July. But, guess I'm one of the "bad luck" customers. and the hell with biebers car. lmao. You would have if I could have paid attention to what I was *supposed* to be building.. I cant apologize enough for that..
  3. DC Power Rob

    wtf? dc power

    As I don't know who you are by your forum name, I really don't know what to say.. There's only one reason I could think of that your situation ever would have or could have happened, and that was a LONG time ago.. The alternators we run on ALL VW's today run factory clutch pulleys PER APPLICATION to make sure this very thing doesn't happen. I vaguely remember running into one situation on a VW that I couldn't fix, but I cant remember specifically what happened. If it wasn't fixed at *that* time and I told you that, the ONLY reason I would have told you that was because there was NO way to fix it at *that* time.. That doesn't mean that we haven't figured out a fix for your situation. if your not happy about it, give us a chance to make it right.. Let me know if I can help..
  4. DC Power Rob

    wtf? dc power

    Ok, I am officially an idiot.... I SWORE this was for a Ford application, not a GM... So, I had the Ford frames sitting in my office, and Kyle kindly pointed out to me that this was for a GM, not a Ford.. So, long story short while I don't have a blue anodized frame for the GM, I do have a metallic blue powdercoated set of frames for this.. If that will work for you I will get it built and shipped today. If however you want a blue anodized frame, I am going to the anodizers today and can get a frame done in blue for you. Personally, I would take the powdercoated set because I think in *this color* they look better, but I will leave that decision up to you.. Had I not had this confused I would have had this built last week... I really apologize for the mix-up, totally my fault for confusing 2 customers both waiting for 390XP's, and the other customer just happens to drive an '04 F150, and I got that mixed up with your username.. My stupid mistake for sure... Rob
  5. DC Power Rob

    390 xp

    Yes, 100%... The parts are sitting in my office and I will PERSONALLY build it...
  6. DC Power Rob

    390 xp

    well i can see its not ur fault, it just didnt work out in my favor. I wish it would have, but yeah, can you just refund me. my paypal is [email protected] I actually have ONE winding left that I didn't know we had. I can still get this done and out to you next week if you still want it.. Please let me know... Rob
  7. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    Yes and no on the more attention, yes because it needed to get done, no because it should have been done three weeks ago but because its SO complex and the parts are SO big that it just became a nightmare that wouldn't end.. It's done now THANKFULLY. But to clarify on THIS job, it didn't get bumped for another job per se, it just got held up over it.. Either way it's done at this point, just have to wait for it to get back from anodizing.. As far as alts go though, this one turned out very, very nicely.. And the shitty situation with employees, is just shitty.. We've hired FOUR different people in the last month, $20+/hour wages and nobody wants to show up to work, or has other baggage that prevents them from working.. We know we need help, we've tried, we just cant find any good GD employees!!!! If you guys were in the metro area, I'd fucking work for you... I find the shit amazing that can be done with alternators and I'm fcking balling with CS... bitches love me... lmao The last guy we "hired" was for a CNC operator, $24/hour, he was only making $16 and we gave him very flexible hours.. The MF'r didn't even bother to call, just didn't show up.. Even in So-Cal, good stable jobs are VERY hard to find, I can't for the life of me understand why someone would just say f*ck it and not show up.. He was a referral too.. We will get our shit straightened up, and it's way better than it's been in a LONG time and that mostly has to do with I am now in a much better "place".. By the end of the year we will be smooth sailing and everyone will be happy, I just need to get some freaking parts made and get suppliers to get me some units to build!!
  8. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    Yes and no on the more attention, yes because it needed to get done, no because it should have been done three weeks ago but because its SO complex and the parts are SO big that it just became a nightmare that wouldn't end.. It's done now THANKFULLY. But to clarify on THIS job, it didn't get bumped for another job per se, it just got held up over it.. Either way it's done at this point, just have to wait for it to get back from anodizing.. As far as alts go though, this one turned out very, very nicely.. And the shitty situation with employees, is just shitty.. We've hired FOUR different people in the last month, $20+/hour wages and nobody wants to show up to work, or has other baggage that prevents them from working.. We know we need help, we've tried, we just cant find any good GD employees!!!!
  9. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    I suppose because sometimes we just cant get things done on time, and we just happen to have only those people comment instead of the hundreds of very happy customers we have a month... We dont like it any more than you or anyone else does, believe me.. Sometimes in our work schedule, things have to get bumped around and this got bumped the last couple weeks because I have a multi-million dollar job on the line.. I'm sorry..
  10. DC Power Rob

    390 xp

    And to add insult to injury, I literally just barely got an email saying that not only will we not get this shipment, we wont get next months, or January's either.. Nothing until at least the middle of February, maybe....
  11. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    No, it's called we just have too much to get done, and not enough time or bodies to get it done. Either way, thank you for being such an ardent supporter of our business, it's greatly appreciated!! You won't be seeing them too much longer, this will be our last month here on SSA. We have plenty of better things to do than to deal with people like you..
  12. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    Nope, you said it so it must be true... Your not the one answering phones 8 hours a day, we are, we cant answer EVERY FREAKING CALL AS IT COMES IN! Either way, I don't know what all of this matters to you other than obviously you like to run your mouth??
  13. DC Power Rob

    390 xp

    No, actually you are not. I got an email from them on Friday that there was a problem with this batch of alternator so even though they are here, we wont be getting them.. I am just going to give you a refund for this because I am in NO mood to play the waiting game any longer than you are and at this point being that I cant give you ANY idea of a delivery date I have no other options left on the table... Rob
  14. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    Such nice words you have there.. Nobody's getting ignored, it's called we are two people down and only one person is on the phones. I'm glad people are so comfortable making such assumptions and spreading it as truth. If said person thinks they are being ignored, I apologize but it's just not the case. Seriously, at this point I am just going to have Kyle refund you because I am absolutely SICK of hearing about this. Find somebody else to build you an alternator.. I know this has taken way longer than ANYONE has wanted, but at this point, I would rather you just not have the alternator than to have to listen to this...
  15. DC Power Rob

    So who can update me on my order?

    No, LASER cutting is FAR superior to waterjet cutting.. The laser beam used to cut is about .004" (4 thousandths of an inch) in diameter, and waterjet streams are about .020" (20 thousandths) so lasers are MUCH more precise.. Not to mention that laser cutting is done on hot rolled steel that is pickled in oil, versus straight up hot-rolled steel so with laser cut parts, they are DEAD on and PERFECT and can go directly to plating, whereas waterjet parts look like A$$, have to be sandblasted, and aren't all that accurate.. Not to mention, we are getting laser cut parts for about half what we were getting waterjet cutting done for.. Either way, we all win with this...