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Everything posted by markak134

  1. markak134

    how do you do fiberglass

    all i have is a vice it kind of suck working vertical all the time what can i buy so i can work normal wood clamps
  2. markak134

    how do you do fiberglass

    yea i do need a better blade they one it came with isnt very good
  3. markak134

    how do you do fiberglass

    it took me like 4 hours to get this far i had to cut out all the plastic inside there that sticks out so the wood lays flat but now i have a stencil yea it does fit perfectly in the door all the wood work was done with a 30 dollar jigsaw from lowes the outside is good but the holes in the middle are terrible im going to be a 1/34-1/78 drill bit for the tweeter can someone recommend what a can use to make the big hole
  4. i didnt buy this yet so i dont know the directions but what do u hook it up to and power source like the ciggarete lighter or does it have to run off your amp battery or hu http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360233695794&rvr_id=144091411136&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=%3F*F%3F&GUID=3be80c1e12b0a0e202b58835ff34951c&itemid=360233695794%24&ff4=263602_263622
  5. markak134

    where do you hook up the volt meter to

    i dont really need one i just think it would look cool and if someone is in my car and they ask what is that ill be like thats my sound systems voltage then ill feel cool
  6. markak134

    how do you do fiberglass

    id think wood would look the best im going to try that
  7. hello i pre ordered these way back in july i can do a review ill make a video of it its going to be 4 of these in a vented box brutus 2608 amp