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Everything posted by Freshh

  1. Freshh

    Big Secret?

    It's been a little over a week? lol
  2. Freshh

    where's my order

    I agree, from my experiences with Fi, the wait is usually a tad longer then what they say it will be, but the wait is perfectly fine as long as they keep producing such great products! You'll get your product, just hang in there
  3. Is what you call a bonnet just the hood?
  4. Freshh

    This is... hmmm... intense???

    Lantz took the words out of my mouth. How did you come across this?! lmao
  5. Freshh

    Need my SA8's to beat a pair of 10's

    He said in his first post he wants to hit 144 db+ at 29 hertz or lower..
  6. Freshh

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    BIG sale!! WOOOT!
  7. Freshh

    Box Question For 4 10's

    That's a lot of power, but I'd say if you're going to have over 1,500 watts to each sub might as well go with the BTL's. I'm pretty sure 2 BTL's is cheaper then 4 BL's anyways. Make sure your electrical is up to par with all that power!
  8. Yessss! that'd be so sick.
  9. Freshh

    2 18" ZCON's on a Digital Designs M4a!!!

    Jelly.. I hope my subs ship today.
  10. I say go BL, or even a BTL or Zcon, if you ever plan on putting more power to it.
  11. Freshh

    dvalue, you have some splaining to do....

    Woooot! 21st b-days can make for a rough next day, lol hope you're feeling alright!
  12. Freshh

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    lmao.. :/ looks rough. good luck fixing it!
  13. I'm down, just let me know what I need to do to help,
  14. We're going to need more then two or three people..
  15. That second one does look pretty legit!
  16. I'd for sure be interested, I'm from Springfield Mo., and would love to compete together!
  17. Freshh


    Give us some max dimensions that you can use for an enclosure, and we'll let you know what we think! And welcome to SSA!!
  18. Freshh

    FI BTL 18 or SSA ZCON?

    That's what I kind of wanted to know, lol. Or if he notices any direct sq differences. Also - what generation BTL did you have OP?
  19. Freshh

    FI BTL 18 or SSA ZCON?

    What made you decide to switch to a zcon anyways? Just something different?
  20. Freshh

    Where can I buy a 187?

    I really like my IA comp's, but I've never heard the Morel Maximos you speak of..
  21. Freshh

    FI BTL 18 or SSA ZCON?

    I say you just switch out the sub and keep the same box, and let us know the differences you hear then. That'd be interesting.
  22. Freshh

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Keep us updated! When is the next time your camaro will see a TL?
  23. Freshh

    R.I.P. grandpa

    Life can be very fragile.. Sorry for your loss man, I'll pray for you and your family.
  24. Freshh

    18" BTL N2 Box Design

    Chill. OP - Looks good! You'll have to show us what it looks like when you get it all done! He has a build log started!! Ohhh, thanks Sefugi!
  25. Freshh

    18" BTL N2 Box Design

    Chill. OP - Looks good! You'll have to show us what it looks like when you get it all done!