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Everything posted by Freshh

  1. Freshh

    Gotta get that Boom Boom Boom.

    Looks like a nice HU! I say go for the IA! That way you will have something to look forward to in your build. (adding the amp to them in the future)
  2. Freshh

    Wheres my Sub???

    Drink more beer!!
  3. Freshh

    impedance change?

    If you have the money, might as well get the cooling option. That will help it's thermal power handling. Might as well get the extra spider option too, it's only $5 and will help with mechanical power handling! Also; the Q doesn't have a flatwound coil option.
  4. Freshh

    6.5" sub for midbass?

    Look at some of these guys build logs! Not only are they awesome to see how it's done, but they are great ways to learn! If none of this will be happening until spring, it sounds to me like you have plenty of time for PRACTICE! Good luck!
  5. Freshh

    New Truck Tough Website

    That would be bad ass, but on the other hand... sooo annoying lol Cool site btw!
  6. Did your thieves get -everything-? Including the HU?
  7. Freshh

    T15k Amplifier model DETAILED

    That amp is so awesome, didn't it retail at like... $25,000 though?
  8. Freshh

    New Crisp SSA Logo

    It all looked good! But I wanted the reflection in black with the words at the bottom so I made this.. in paint, so yes it's not as clean but it had what I wanted ;P
  9. Dang that's a bummer for sure, do you live in a bad city? Or just bad luck? But yeah man this sounds like an oppurtunity! Hopefully there will be a build log?!
  10. Freshh

    Power options for two 10 BLs

    You can NEVER underpower a sub. I don't know anything about those Memphis subs, but you would be damn happy with 2 bl 10's off of 1,000 watts!
  11. Freshh

    Scrapwood Bandpass

    Agreed! Hands on wood working and seeing the results is always fun! What's there to lose?
  12. Freshh

    My Transaction with Mechman

    Always good to hear positive feedback about a company! Are you alright from your crash?
  13. Freshh

    Volkswagen Lupo build log

    *Jaw drops* This is a good start to your build log!!
  14. Freshh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <3 going out on the lake! I think I've already gone out my last time for the summer though.. bummer.
  15. Freshh

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Are you going for more of a daily tuned box or spl?
  16. Freshh

    10-12 ft^ for a single BTL N2 18?

    Crazy cool, props! Let's get that N2 slammin now!
  17. Freshh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nature is awesome.
  18. Freshh

    Problems with the new Fi SSD 15"

    Glad you figured it out! Bummer it came at the cost of time and money though. EDIT: JUST NOTICED, TODAY IS MY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO THE FORUMS!!!!
  19. Freshh

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    That's awesome! Cool build, can't wait to see more!
  20. Freshh

    Is bigger better?

    I've heard with sub up and port back you get better spl numbers, in general. But I don't think it's worth losing some of the music that you listen to, IMO just keep option 1 but put the slot port all the way to the side and keep it around 30-32 hz. But, that's just me! Good luck!
  21. Freshh

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    That's, going into your mustang?
  22. Freshh

    15's with kerfed port

    Looks aside, do kerfed ports add any output or musical benefit to the enclosure?
  23. Freshh

    Problems with the new Fi SSD 15"

    Will somebody explain to me what went wrong when he wired his sub to 4 ohms? I thought that was okay, it only got more dangerous as you got lower ohm load.. Or so I thought?