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Everything posted by WeDgE

  1. WeDgE


  2. WeDgE


    Not that I know of...?
  3. WeDgE


    I'm glad the motor fell off that other proto...those baskets are so ugly...
  4. WeDgE


    Wow the motor on that mid-line 12 is as big as the Mags!! Sweet!
  5. WeDgE

    Wire Ring has started

  6. WeDgE

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Grading curves are ghey...
  7. WeDgE

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *Bang* "Yer ded."
  8. WeDgE

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ughhh, -31C w/ windchill this morning (-25 w/o)...what the fudge? Last Friday we were in the +13C range! What gives...
  9. WeDgE

    Canadiens... wtf, eh?

    If Harper wasn't the leader of the Conservative Party, I'd feel better voting for them... :\
  10. WeDgE

    Canadiens... wtf, eh?

    One incident? Faaaaack, I wish...
  11. I've owned a pre-order 15A...which IMO, wasn't all that (sound wise)...looked nice, though.
  12. It's going to blow you and them (16Ov2, 15A) out of the water...SQ and SPL wise, provided you have the proper box. It will easily handle the vr1000d, again, provided it's in the proper box.
  13. WeDgE

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. WeDgE

    How Many want more?

    If you're going for "SQ" you shouldn't need the extra SPL from a 2nd sub.
  15. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    Well, the new Legacy GT has piqued my interest as well...
  16. WeDgE

    Looking for this

    Mag 15 > 2x Dayton 12
  17. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    LOL, I was looking at that exact one a couple weeks ago. I will try for an STI if my budget allows...it'd be silly not to...
  18. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    Of course not, esp. the way I drive...lol. I've had the tires crying out around turns in the Accord and the rack has held up... Possibly going with a false floor setup. Good so far, but the coldest it's been was only -13*C.
  19. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    All depends if I can find a stable job in the HR field after school ends in April. And if the payments are within my budget (have to factor in full coverage insurance b/c I will have to finance..and don't want to lease b/c you can't mod it at all... :evil: ). Yeah, I'd say within a year or so. Thanks Steve, means alot.
  20. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    Still planning on IB in this car, still waiting on the 12. Well, *fingers crossed* my next vehicle will be a WRX ('03 or newer). I'm not sure what the heck I want for a front stage though...most likey DIY so I can run active, just not sure what drivers...maybe Dayton 3-way (tweet in a-pillar, midrange in kicks, midbass in door)... Aaand not sure if I want to do 5.1 or not. But the substage is set with either two or three SI 12s IB'd, CarPC & H700 (obviously... ), Kicker KX800.4 and PG Tantrum 1200.1. Bleh, I hate when ppl keep system plans secret...no secrets with this guy...
  21. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    No, the 701 doesn't do amber. Yes, they'd look sweet if covered, but I am taking out the 4's and putting in some Polk 5.25" coaxs (they will sell with the car) and then I will cover them. They're not too bad, though, I'd rather run them in home. They're hp'd around 140hz since I took out my XXX mids. No idea if they play flat out to 20khz as I haven't RTA'd.
  22. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    That, my friend, will entail a different vehicle entirely (read: new... ).
  23. WeDgE

    Some pics of my ghetto install

    That's not a HU...the pc is my HU. Yes it is easy to see/reach, it sits right beside my thigh. Yeahhh I could've but then it'd be hard to see the dials.
  24. WeDgE

    Production driver porn

    Here's my 15" before I shipped out...was sad to see it go... But it will be replaced be either a duo or trio of 12s. That's an ed10kx for reference...and it's also for sale.