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Everything posted by Elton

  1. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    ya theres no pro's around here lol unless i drive for 2+ hours
  2. Elton

    Box design...opinions?

    here's what my box looks like at 2.5 cubes tuned to 33hz
  3. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    shipped it back for a total of 30 dollars
  4. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    guess ill be sending it back monday
  5. was installing my new to me sundown sae1200v1 i waned to set the gains with a dmm ..went to tighten down the screws and the dam bit fell out and arched the terminals it sparked everything shut off ..then came back on speakers make a weird hissing sound sub did work so i swapped the speaker amp for another hissing stopped but now the sub works then it dont not getting any reading with a dmm on the rca's
  6. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    o i dont got that ill have to order something
  7. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    i do how would i go about plugging it in ?
  8. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    pretty sad if it broke that easy ive done it on accident with a few cheap amps and they still work fine
  9. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    4-Way Protection Circuit (Thermal, Overload, Speaker Short, and Over Current ????
  10. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    i should mention my dumb ass thought it be good idea to set the gains with a dmm as i was tighten them down for a better fit that's when it all went down hill
  11. Elton

    is my amp a paper weight

    ya i made another thread thought maybe id get a better answer over here i did contact db-r said might of blown the outputs but it say it goes into protect if theres a short
  12. ok im for sure the pico fuse is blown but the sub worked for a min the cuts out
  13. really ? i sent a email to db-r hope i dont have my self 180 dollar paper weight
  14. thats where i got my amp had it a whole day wish the amp had allen screws none this would of happen
  15. well the front and rear speaker rca's work but not the sub i tried to check with a dmm maybe its a pos cause i dont get nothing reads bat voltage fine
  16. Elton

    Pictures of your new equipment

    got me my first ever real amp and now im part of the sundown family ... 180 at db-r for a b stock v1 its got very light scratches don't bother me any
  17. Elton

    db-r Customer Service

    it got shipped and should be here tuesday very excited be my first real quailty amp
  18. Elton

    db-r Customer Service

    nice amp im still waiting on my sae 1200 v1 to ship out
  19. Elton

    Amplifier Recommendation for BL 15

    that sub needs some real power start saving up
  20. i had one with 4ga wire and it just went poof one day
  21. Elton

    electrical questions

    what kind of car or truck ?
  22. Elton

    What do you think about my truck?

    very nice now dont go ruin it buy adding them chrome visors and door handles