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About gmf1

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  1. gmf1

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    Thanks guys, thats all i needed to know should be able to figure the rest out. Ille post some pics in about..... um 6 months hopefully but probably more like a year i have a saving problem. Dam impulse buying.
  2. gmf1

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    Mmm..... no So nobody can help me? i know im a noob but still.
  3. gmf1

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    Yea i get ya im just doing it for fun, and good sound i have nothing better to do. any help anyone?
  4. gmf1

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    Thanks Electrodynamic, and Tirefryr I dont see how lots of drivers and power would decrease SQ? plz enlighten me. I want SQ but i also wana be able to say i have 2/4 15 inch subs in my van, is that wrong And spl is and issue just SQ comes first. So sealed is the go? People have been saying you cant go as low and stuff with sealed, as i said i have no idea about enclosures. I listen to alot of metal, black metal, power metal. Lots of double kick and powerfull bass riffs. im guna get some CDT gear for the front, one of the 3 way systems and an image enchancement kit to go with whatever i decide in subs. Thanks.
  5. im thinking of getting 2 mag 2d 15's for my van I want SQ mostly listen to metal and rock so kick drum and bass guitar is important. size doesnt matter got most of the back of my hiace to fill up. so what size enclosure, ported/sealed, tuning, power ect. and maybe any nice amps you guys know of. I was thinking of getting 4, what you guys think of that? a waste of time? just thinking that if sealed is better for SQ then just get more subs for more spl. money isnt an issue. not buying right now but gota plan and see how much i need to save. and if you wouldnt mind could you explain tuning an enclosure for me i dont have a clue about it. thanks.