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Everything posted by Skillz

  1. Skillz

    2x SA10's + SAX1200D = 141dbz @ 24Hz

    no love for a budget daily system? anyways.... the subs had a chance to break in and loosen up a bit...and the score went up a bit in case you are wondering, that is the new SPL Lab Wireless Bass Meter! really neat gizmo we wanted to test....reads dead on accurate against our handheld...and that one is within thenths of a a Term Lan this can be used with just about any tablet, phone or other similar device....no wires needed and now for kicks we swapped out the sa10's for some brand new SD-2 10's also d2's more testing to come
  2. Just got these in - Thanks Jake!!! these have the NS parts since the z v3 parts were not in yet when these were built
  3. Skillz

    Who wants to see some z-series v3's???

    the 12's look brutal in real-life....pics don't do them justice
  4. Hey guys, greeting again from Russia... we just had the national DbDrag finals last weekend. Our team in Rostov quickly (about a week) build up a system for SS1-2 that was good enought to take second place in the class with a 156.5 two SAZ4500's two Sundown Audio z18v2 subs two XS Power D3100's here are some pics of the build and from the comp this has a ton more potential ...hopefully they will rebuild it soon with metal for the cage
  5. Skillz

    60's Mustang Build

    Great looking install in a great car!! what kind of seats are those?
  6. Skillz

    Team Sundown Rostov - SS1-2 - 156.5 dbz

    Guys, I'm just posting this from the info the team gave me and posted on the local forums (i.e. - this isn't my build) ...as far as I know this will be a daily system as was planned originally. this had pretty much zero tunning before the comp - I think they metered it two or three times before rolling out for the comp...they didn't even have time to do any roundovers the scores from the event are up at the dbdrag website if anyone wants to check them out http://termpro.com/asp/officialevent.asp?EventID=11946&Method=1
  7. Skillz


    not quite - this was on 3 12v bats and 2 4v cells... starting voltage was around 16.2 with a drop to 13.xx ....we would have done better on if we had XS Power d1600's
  8. Skillz


    we clamped a bit over 20k from a pair on less than optimal electrical. they are beast amps
  9. Skillz

    Ferrari 430

    done by one of the local install studios
  10. Skillz

    Ferrari 430

    Didn't think the film would become such an issue... it has become somewhat of a fad here in Russia over the past several years - starting from the flat black\grey\white and gradually doing other colors...then a few people did chrome vynil - I haven't seen this Ferrari in person, but I have seen a few Cayennes and one or two BMW m5's in chrome and gold - the look does attract alot of attention. anyhow, here the web-site of the guys that did this http://udtuning.ru/ - use google translate or something to navigate
  11. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Hey, thanks, I personally like the Team Sundown meet vids...we might get a chance to shoot another one this weekend on paint - the paint guy has a really great orange metallic mixed, and i'm thinking hard about that. Things is, I can't paint the car completely as I already have a cut-through with the seal installed between the bed an cab so taking the bed off to paint it isn't that easy and I will likely need a bew boot if we do.... plus the costs go up to disasseble the whole truck. haven't done anything to the frame
  12. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Thanks! I do have to say the truck makes me smile more than any other vehicle I have owned to date.... I'm working on dropping it a bit lower, I already have Belltech 2" shackles for the back, but the shop said I should get the upper leafspring bushings as well as my old ones may get chewed up when they try to get the bolts out (I do drive this in the winter so bolts tend to freeze up after a couple of seasons in our climate) - so I'm waiting for those to come in next week my paint guy is gonna drop by tomorrow, I'm gonna talk to him about finding a timeslot for me to have the truck painted...i want to get rid of the chrome grill and paint the front bumper as for the vids - subscribe to the guy's youtube channel - he usually does 1 or 2 vids per week...i know he is working on another vid for the rubnroll crowd
  13. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    yeah 03-05 3g Rams have the best look overall...this is my third one actually - I had a black quadcab and another grey single cab with a hemi the rims are u2 55's - pretty popular in the US from what I have seen. very clean and basic style which is exactly what I wanted
  14. Skillz

    Ferrari 430

    that's not paint, that is actually a type of vynil film...it is a rather tricky job from what I hear try google translate on this http://udtuning.ru/index/news1/avtozvuk_ferrari_430/ the sub is an e8v2 and from what we have heard and seen in other install they sound amazing in small sealed boxes.... we actually have done a number of these in sport cars and coupes of all types... it does a great job where space is limited - great response and overall SQ
  15. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    here's the youtube channel of the owner of that car, check there http://www.youtube.com/user/Venomes033
  16. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    some random flex from Russia ...that's a single 18" Nightshade BTW
  17. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    here's a level out of about 2.5" in the back using 60 SA8's
  18. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Here's another vid - this is from the IASCA National finals two weeks ago where Team Sundown Russia posted a 160dbz score in Advanced NW with a single Nightshade 18
  19. Skillz

    Team Sundown Russia - Ram on 24's

    Thanks guys!! not trying to compete with anyone, just doing our thing LOL ...but yah, in Jeezy's words - I get alot of that I have some drop shackles coming from the US - gonna see if I can level this thing out and the vids - these are going up every week, subscribe to the channel
  20. We here in Russia have over 50 Mechman alts installed on Team Sundown Russia rides in the past year. Top notch product, customer service, fast replies to all questions, no matter how stupid and repetative these may at times be. Our Mitsubishi with 15 SA10's runs a Mechman alt - that thing can demo allday long at full power - and that's a heck of a load on an alt to run full tilt We have a Lancer walled with 6 JL audio 13dub7's, four Sundown Audio SAZ4500 amps and 9 XS Power D3100's that runs a Mechman 350SMD - that thing burps a 159+ and destroys windshields playing music in the 156-157 range http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5N_z7oFAvI bunch of our guys run these in daily groundpounder type systems.... nothing bad to say about the other guys, but it's Mechman or nothing here
  21. Skillz

    Awesome Sundown vid from Team Russia

    new vid here
  22. Skillz

    Awesome Sundown vid from Team Russia

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtNyTJPqA18&feature=feedlik New vids up! Enjoy!
  23. Skillz

    Awesome Sundown vid from Team Russia

    another great vid...even if it doesn't have any subs in it