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Everything posted by Jd377

  1. Alright so I just purchased a Sundown Audio SAX 1200d about a month ago and I have it running on an 18" Fi SSD and.. Yep its not enough bass for me obviously. I already planned on upgrading subs eventually but I just purchased the Sax 1200 so I most likely won't be upgrading amps for a while. So... If I buy a 18" Fi BTL and I only have this sax 1200 for a while ( Probably 6 months or more) will I even notice much of a difference in performance as in being louder just from switching to the 18 btl since it is still the same power source (amp) running the new sub. Like will the BTL be louder on the 1200w then another 18 ( ssd )on the same 1200w.. I mean I'm putting basically 1000-1200w on the ssd from time to time since its fully loaded and a big ported enclosure. ( And i'm not stuck on getting the Fi btl 18, Another question I have is should I get the Fi btl 18 or SSA Xcon 18 or even an AA sub or something? I haven't heard an xcon so I don't know how it compares. Can I get some opinions on which is better and why PLEASE!) and yes I'm sticking with 1 18"
  2. Jd377

    Should I upgrade?..

    Sorry I was at work... Ok so yeah basically I want like so much bass that I have the ability to turn my stereo to 30/50 and my eyes start watering Lol. And yes i know I cannot get that outcome realistically with 1 sax 1200.. But I will upgrade the amp in the future as well, just for the time being I am only looking to upgrade the woofer itself. It looks as if the Btl has overall more output than the xcon but everyone seems to go crazy for the xcon so I just want to know if there is some reason it would be better than the BTL. -- And no I would rather not get the BL. If I am going to upgrade that high i would rather just get the BTL and then I can't be like crap I should have got the btl instead..
  3. holy heck, what battery you got back there?.. thats jumbo!
  4. Jd377

    My big 3 install pics

    Some people wanted me to post my big 3 pics... i didn't really do it all fancy looking because my car isn't fancy really so I just did it good enough that it will work with zero issues Voltage somewhat increased.. ( sometimes its like 13.. others its randomly like high 14's low 15's?.. I don't know why it isn't always this high.. why is it sometimes close to 12's and others like 15 randomly. Anyways.. Pics: The first two are the same wire just different angles. The next is negative battery to chassis and the ones at the end are the + battery to + alt run with the huge random blue wire lol. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. Ok so I want to install my new sundown amp tomorrow but Im not exactly sure what to do with all these knobs and stuff because my old amps basically just had gain and my JL amp the dealer tuned for me.. I wanna get this right and you guys know all. I have 1 18" FI SSD in a 7.3 cubic ft ported box at 33hz with dual 2 that I'm wiring to 1ohm to a Sundown sax 1200d. I just wanna know what is suggested or you guys suggest for alll the settings.. i dont know exactly how do set them ... Like the LPF SSF and gain and umm.. crap i know there is more. Please help ME LOL. I know gain i am using a 50hz test tone with sub unhooked and a multimeter, but I don't know how to figure out what volts it needs to read on the multimeter when setting gain. and Yes ill have volume on h/u at 3/4 and all that good stuff. So what for LPF and SSF and how to determine voltage readout wanted for gain on mm. Also I think there is one more setting or knob on the amp but I cant remember it but if you know tell me it also I sound like a freaking audio noob but I honestly have just never had such a nice amp with these settings.. So i never learned. Thanks so much everyone. Every post is appreciated
  6. Jd377

    SSA Store Shipping

    Hey just wondering if anyone knew about how long it takes on average for you to receive something if you purchase it from the SSA Store and its the free shipping? I was thinking about ordering something today or tomorrow but I was wondering how long it might take to get to my house?.. I figure tons of you have ordered things from this store and just wondered how long it took to get it to your actual doorstep. Thanks guys!
  7. Actually the bass knob at it's highest point only goes up to where your gain us set at on your amp. So if the gain on my amp is set to 3/4 and I turn the bass knob all the way up then the gain is still only at 3/4 because that is where I set the limit on the amp.
  8. Alright so I just got my Sundown SAX 1200 in the mail friday and I was going to wait for my Kinetik battery to get here ( this friday a week later ) before hooking it up at all.. But today I was just dying to hear it because its so hard to wait.. So I went ahead and hooked it up using the old wires that were in from my old crappy sony 1000w max 500wrms walmart amp, Well when I hooked it up and I put the gain at maybe 3/4 or a little under and was listening to it, I turned the little bass knob up and once it got to about half way up, anything above half on the bass knob didn't even make it louder, almost like it is at its limit.. but can it be at its limit at 3/4 on amp and 1/2 of that on the knob?.. I'm hoping that I will surely get more out of it once its got the extra battery and new wiring?.. but will it? Right now it sounds basically just as loud as the stupid walmart amp got and it sucked. Currently when i ran it, it was hooked up with 8 awg wire from stock walmart starting battery back to the amp with my stock alt ( honda civic around 70amp) and the big 3 done.. Will it give out more power once I wire up the second battery in back near the amp and also 4 awg wire ran from front to back instead of the 8 awg that is in there now? It has to get louder..?......
  9. Ok I think I found my h/u online. Here is a link to it: http://www.crutchfield.com/p_257KDG720/JVC-KD-G720.html?tp=5684 It says preamp voltage 2.5/2 I'm not sure if the numbers are different like for the speaker out and sub out? Idk but you guys can see it on the site I guess if you want to see what h/u we are dealing with. I enjoy it for a free h/u.
  10. I think it is an older Jensen h/u but not for sure.. My friend gave me it because he got a new car that had a good stock system and so he didn't need his stereo anymore. It's at least a few years or more old and so I'm not sure what the pre-out volt is. Is there any way I can figure that out? *** EDIT: It is a JVC Head unit, still unsure of all the goods on it thought.
  11. Yeah, Im kinda thinking i should have done this also but I asked a lot of people on here and at local shops and they said in their installs 4 awg worked fine/ that's what they usually use or would use for a setup like mine. If I didn't already have all the wire purchased I might redo this and just run 4 awg from the rear batt to amp and yeah used 0 from front to back, but I guess that will have to come in the future ( maybe at christmas when I plan on adding a 3rd battery the Kinetik 1400)
  12. I had planned on running 0 Gauge wire, but the amp only accepts up to 4 awg. So.. Yeah I got 4 awg lol. I already have like 30ft of 4awg now. Also I asked multiple people and audio shops and car shops about running a second battery. All said that 4 awg can handle around 150amp current at the length of wire I am running and said that since the amp only has 120amp worth fuses that as long as the wire is above that of the amps draw then I should be fine. Many also said they use 4 awg for almost every single install they have done with second/third batteries. They said 4 awg is almost always enough unless maybe with a HO alt then they go with the 0.
  13. Oooo yeah I didn't think about that, yeah it was at the dash.
  14. It's a Rockford 8 awg kit from my old system, and I never let it go below 12.8v when testing it last night. I already have all my 4 awg wire and it's the real deal all copper copper and more copper I am just waitin for my kinetik battery to get here tomorrow before installing the wire and all 3 of my 150 amp fuses and all the goods.
  15. Yeah i was planning on tuning it to 34 volts but I couldn't get the dmm to work tonight. I think 34 is right 34x34= like 1,156. 1200x1ohm = 1200
  16. btw, you put the dmm in the speaker terminals correct?
  17. Question, Since The dmm didn't work, I obviously didn't tune my amp really yet, so just wondering, when you guys tune your amps about how far is the gain knob? approximately. I know it is different for everyone but I'm just wondering about how far up it usually is after you guys tune them. 1/2.. 3/4 almost all the way up? estimate of the knob for gain lol.
  18. I set the ssf and everything already and I know it isn't a volume knob, I was just expecting it to be louder, I was just testing it until I get my batt. in. I was just watchin my voltage and turning it up until it got close to 12.6 then turned it back down but noticed it was gettin too loud really vs. my previous amps which did 500-600rms.. So i was just wondering if its doin low volume since the power its getting is restricted by small 8awg power/ground wires plus only 1 little batt up front that runs the whole car. Edit: Wired to 1ohm and.. I tried our dmm but I don't think it was working.. Idk I could try it again. we didn't try it on the amp we tested it inside the house first to see if it worked as it had not been used in ages and didn't seem to be working right.
  19. Jd377

    Random YouTubes

    What the crap?... Are you serious I just watched that whole thing LOL. Can I have those 2 mins of my life back now please.
  20. Ok thanks guys! I just want to get the most out of what I have and I know you all understand that. I just want to make sure I don't ruin it in the process of getting the most out of it! So that's why I was trying to figure out how you all tune yours and get the best from your equipment! Thanks again.
  21. You think I can run 1000wrms to my 18? I know they "recommend" 800wrms.. But I've heard/seen plenty of people do between 1000-1500rms on it * yes the Ssd.. * But.. If you think I am going to kill my sub at 1000 then ill.. i guess tune it to 800wrms max.. Just be honest lol. Ive never fed this much power to a monster sub so I dont know its limits as well as others with experience. The guy I bought it from said he had ran 1500 on a previous one without problems as long as it was good clean power..
  22. Ok yeah.. Phase is the other one I forgot, How on earth do I set the Phase on the amp?.. I've never had an amp with that setting and don't wanna ruin my amp or sub.. PLEASE HELP!!! Oh and p.s.... I should leave bass boost on 0 like all the way off correct? Thanks AGAIN!
  23. You guys are SO awesome! I cannot thank you enough I can't wait to hook her up after class today! If I have anymore questions I know where to come!!! Thanks guys
  24. Ok so I am about to add a battery soon to my system and I was talking to a local audio place and he said an idea and wanted to make sure it would work without issue's. So When i run my wire back from my front battery I need to place a fuse close to that battery, Then everyone always says you should place another fuse right before the rear battery on the same power line. Then I wasn't for sure if you need another fuse between the rear battery and the amp also since its only like a 2-3ft wire of power?... But ok.. so he said instead of buying a fuse near my rear battery and a fuse between the amp and rear battery ( because this would = 3 total fuses ) He said on the rear battery I could just buy like a Fused Distribution block and have like ok There is one big input side and 2 outputs on the other side.. so He said if i wanted i could do the one big side connected to my rear battery and then on the side that has two outputs have one lead to the front battery and the other lead to my amp because both wires are fused seperately inside the dist. block. and this way the front batt is connected to the rear batt. and the amp is also connected to them .. and they have a fuse for both coming off the rear battery. He just said it would be cheaper to buy the one dist. block with 2 fuses then to buy 2 seperate fuse holders and fuses.. It seems like it would work but I wanna make sure. Thanks for reading that super long boring post haha.
  25. If I buy inline fuse holders, Do I really need one between the rear battery and the amp? Or do i really only need a fuse right after the front battery and then also another fuse right before the rear battery on the same wire? Do i need to have a fuse on the power wire between rear battery and the amp? Anyone? I want to order it right now if possible so I wanna know if I can just have the two on the main power wire from front to rear battery or if I have to have on also on the rear batt to amp wire?... I dont wanna buy 3 if I dont have to :L Im poor.