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Everything posted by Jd377

  1. If i get the charger out and 100% charge it and then check resting voltage of front batt its like 13.3ish.. but with car running my front batt is like 12.7-12.8
  2. Well today is the first time it has EVER went 14.3.... It is always 12.7 max.. 12.8 if Jesus charges my battery for me. It is always 12.6... llike normal and goes down to 11.6 - 12.3 for the whole ride to school/work each day.. I am planning on gettin a DC Pro 210 alt this friday anyway but didn't know if that would fix it or not.. btw when i get the new dc alt, is the regulator part of the alt? Im noob at alts.. ( so like if i get the DC alt, does it have a new regulator or whatever, that way its not the same as the one stock on this alt or would the regulator need to be purchased seperate if thats the problem..)
  3. The voltage at my front battery is MAYBE .1 higher than the voltmeter... which means the whole car voltage is screwed, not my wiring of the amp.. My battery is BRAND new from 1 week ago PLUS i have fully charged it before install ( kinetik hc1400 ) At batt. its like 12.7v Yes big 3 is done in 4awg 3 ground upgrade plus 1 alt to batt Car is from 1997.. As far as i know its the original but not sure? Ive only owned car 2-3 yrs
  4. They are ran directly to my amp, But im saying the voltmeter has to be right cuz if I pull over and get my Dmm out and check the amp it reads the exact same, and at my front batt it read maybe .1 or .2 higher.. but thats obviously because the amp might have .1 less than the front batt. What would make my car be screwed on voltage.. like what voltage does the car die lol.. 11.5 driving with nothing on was making my heart race
  5. DC Power FTW!! I plan to order one Friday as I just picked up an 11 hour shift today Its the last day for the friday check and I knew if I worked 11 hours today randomly I would have enough for it! It was a long day but i cant wait to get the alt!
  6. Jd377

    A RHINO LINED CAR!!!!!! CRAZY Nissan Maxima&#3

    I totally want this on my civic, I need a new paint job cuz mine is crap, and with that you wouldnt have to worry about paint lookin bad. Plus it kinda sparkles in the sun LOL. I wonder if my car would rattle less ! Only 1000 bucks? that's cheaper than a paint job.
  7. Jd377

    Found my new sub!

    I think I want one.. Especially since it is made with diapers..
  8. Jd377

    2 10' DCon's or 1 15' ICon

    he means they can both be very good, it just depends how good your box is.. If your box isnt good- both setups will suck. But if the box is good they will both sound great
  9. That is so sexy!! Congrats on finally gettin your baby!! I might get to order mine next friday hopefully my check is big enough!!
  10. Jd377

    Soo... sub choices with avail room... 18-20ft^3

    I think 8 SA-8's would be legit, but I don't think they would do the best. 2 Zcon's is probably what I would pick out of your list. What about fi sub's?.. Also 4-15's would be great as well.
  11. Jd377

    WHOS PUSHIN 150's BABY???

    Bro 3x on the 8 sa-8's!!! Those things are sooo sexy and only 135 a pop. I want lots of pics/vids if you do it because I thought about running 3-4 sa-8s for fun but didn't know how it would be.
  12. Jd377

    Which is louder? Fi BL 15? JL w713? RF T2 15?

    I use to own a w7... And holy crap, If you have a good box.. That thing is the Cleanest sounding sub I have heard to date! The w7 is by far IMO the cleanest sub out of the 3 for SQ.. I have a fi now and the w7 was wayyyy better at SQ. I'm not sure about "loudness" I would suspect they would be very close overall if they were both placed in perfect enclosures with the right amp. But still sq=w7.. But for the price.. get 2 bl's I had JL and I even agree they are very overpriced. They do sound AMAZING but still.. compared to their competition.. go with ssa-sundown-fi
  13. Because he said he would be getting 2 deka's vs 1 xs... So 2 deka's is 200 vs the 110 of 1 xs.
  14. Jd377

    Jd377 97 Civic HB Build Log

    Yeah bro, HB's also make this setup sound so LOUD, I get some pretty good reactions out of people when I demo it to friends and random's lol, and it's only an ssd. People jump cuz they arent expecting so much. I think bein a hb helps a lot tbh
  15. Just to echo what you said about being in CS, attitude begets attitude in almost all situations. Admittedly, I am a hothead and wrongly made that post right after nearly brawling in my office with one of our now former machine shops (who walked into my office without knocking this morning, got in my face and started throwing parts around after I refused them **while I was on the phone no less**) I know better, dont say things when your hot, just walk away. With regard to people waiting until things are in stock, you would be shocked at the number of people we tell we wont be able to ship it for 2, 3, 4 weeks and could care less. They just want to order and will wait. Within 2 weeks, that will be a long forgotten chapter in our business when we couldn't conduct business not only how we want to, how we should. We are no longer at the mercy of people who have no interest in our business. Even that being said, I hope it's alright and you are in no way offended if I do call and ask if the one I want is literally there in stock at that very second, and ready to be shipped in that same or next day before I place my order I'm not very patient once I hand my money over and I will admit it, so I am willing to wait until it is in that readiness to place my order if its not a problem
  16. Jd377

    Jd377 97 Civic HB Build Log

    Also here are some quick vids I took one day, I was in a hurry so nothing special.. and yes I have a retarded curtain in my back window.. Cant afford to tint it, and someone busted my rear window out and stole my old amp about 2 months before I got this setup.. so i did it for when its sittin at work parked for hours, I close it.. SCREW HATERS!! I know its ugly but IDC so ignore the curtain, I will tint it and remove the gay curtain LOL. Also keep in mind, It doesn't sound that crappy, There is not any rattling of the box or anything.. It's just my digital camera that I take my vids with isn't amazing
  17. Jd377

    Jd377 97 Civic HB Build Log

    Here's some pics of the sub in the box we built.. We have never had time to finish it up.. it was 3-4am when we "finished" but we have never had time since it became winter.. He messed up one piece of wood when he cut it.. no big deal, not hardly noticeable, we just had to fit it diff. then we planned but still works great. Should have double baffled, it freakin destroys the box as is LOL. First box i've ever build so Those are the things you learn from doing it and I will know how to do it better next time !! EDIT!! BTW: Box is more complex than it looks.. The back is angled to the angle of the seats, and also there is almost like a "mini box" on the bottom, we made it to fit down into my spare tire compartment, so there is this little box like thing connected to the upper part to add more ft cubed to my box! thats why it isnt so perfect like a normal easy rectangular box!! just fyi
  18. I love everyone. You guys are all so awesome, wish I could meet everyone on here in person Lol. I cant wait to order my alt from dc. I work in CS and dude its a sucky job when you get to talk to ppl in dickhead moods all day hopefully now that DC got their parts shipped in, all the delays will be caught up and have no more issues. TBH if everyone was smart, if you are this concerned, call DC right before purchasing and say hey go in the back and check if you have this "xxxx" ( the alt you are wanting to order ) in stock right now?? And could is it ready to go, shipped out in 48hrs?.. If they say oh yeah we have one right here ready to go.. WOW HOLY CRAP BUY IT!! if not.. Call back later.. BUY IT WHEN ITS FREAKIN IN STOCK Then you don't have to worry yay party!
  19. Jd377

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    I charge my batts maybe every week.. I have a stock alt and 2 kinteik batts in my car, so for example last night I was at applebee's with a bunch of friends and afterwards we went outside. When we got out there they all wanted to hear my system becuase a couple hadn't heard it before and so I cranked it in the parking lot just sitting there for about 15-20 mins ( car was running of course!) But this kinda drains them pretty good since my amp pulls so much ( my amp can pull almost as much as the max amps my alt makes lol. ) And I only live like 3 mins from Applebee's so they didn't have any time to charge up on the drive home really.. So that's when my charger comes out and Fills em back up Then next day you can still party like a rockstar
  20. Even though he already has a single 12" box he said though? so It's not like he would be building a single 12 box and then have to redo it and make another dual 12 box.. He already has the 1-12" box ( if i read correctly ^ )
  21. I agree, I Fully 100% believe in your product, and that is the only reason I am going with you guys.. I have heard horror stories about people getting things from you guys. That being said, The horror stories have always been in recieving the alt. From you guys. BUT they have all LOVED the alt. 100% once they got it finally.. It's just the gettin it part that is horrible i've heard. Isn't it possible to list on site either "IN stock" or "OUT of stock"??.. I actually believe something as simple as that could help your c/s 10000%. I am actually in the customer service area of the company I work for and I am just trying to help because I know you product is amazing and the BEST you can find.. but if people were more informed accurately of how long they will be waiting it would fix 98% of the problems I have come across. I honstely bet even if you said "this alt has a 4 week wait" or whatever next to it online, people would still buy it! They just want to know how long the wait is. Noone is happy hearing 1-2weeks and then getting it in 4-8 weeks. I honestly want the best for your company, Everytime a friend talks about upgrading alts I recommend you guys and only you guys because of the RELIABLITY of the alternator.. I just want you guys to be THE #1 In every area company for alts which includes cs along with the actually product PS this is in no way a bash or anything, I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am still planning on making a purchase next month when I get the cash! I just want to help you soar above every other company out there.
  22. Plus the 2 in the rear? You could have to speakers in the rear as well if you wanted rear's to fill the Surround.. Idk sometimes I feel weird when there is only front speakers ( I have no rear speakers atm ) It has a strange sound like its only on one side of you or something.
  23. This shouldn't really be noticeable by the ears. I say go for it and grab one up now!
  24. Would like to know the answer as well, I'm hoping the 210 is a *direct* fit, and fits perfectly where the stock one is with out any adjustments needed
  25. Party like a rockstar! This means by the time I order mine next month I might be able to get one in 1-2 days shipped out that makes a grin come on my face !!! And yeah OP I live in missouri so my shipping distance is almost half of what it is from cali to nj for you