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Everything posted by swagger_wagon468

  1. swagger_wagon468

    yet another "what battery for my car" thread

    Ok. That makes sense. How do I know which batts don't need modification? I just don't wanna have to deal with modifying the wires going to the batt.
  2. swagger_wagon468

    yet another "what battery for my car" thread

    And I have looked at the chart. But I saw that you stated the chart is very general and is is recomended as if u had a stock alt... so I did try to figure it out. thanks again.
  3. swagger_wagon468

    Skar vvx12 Down fire vs rear fire for suv box

    I see that you are looking for a amp. I have a Linear Power 2202. Its 220w x2. So around 450-500w x1 bridged. Just tryin to help you out. If your interested, PM me. Good luck!
  4. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Ok So I ordered my design for my sub enclosure. Optimal size. So about 7-7.5ft^3. Kerfed port Double baffle tuned to 32hz Im still trying to think ofwhat I want to do on the outside of the box. I like truck bed liner but soooo many people do it. Any suggestions on as to what to do on the outside?
  5. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    ok. cool. so when i get my saz-1500D, will i want to use it then?
  6. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Oooo ok. So if I have crossovers, then that means the lpf won't do anything right?... Gotchya.
  7. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Hmm... still kinda jiberish to me. Lol. This amp is powering my front stage. Its. Bridged (190w Rms). They are Bravox carbon fiber components. The thing is tho... when I turned it all the way up, to the middle, etc... it all sounded the same.
  8. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    What do mean crossed at? And what does it do?
  9. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    So... enough of this.lol. today I set the gain so max is btween 25-28 depending on song. Now... I have what I think is a low pass filter on the amp. What's that do? I turned it all the way upp... and didn't sound any different from all the way down...?
  10. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Ahh.. touche. Lol
  11. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Makes sense... but I never let anyone drive the swagger wagon. I should upload some pics...
  12. swagger_wagon468

    curious.. What does it take to "become" a member?

    Cool. Ill keep that in mind.
  13. swagger_wagon468

    Xcon 18 Sound Quality

    then XCON.... /thread
  14. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    hmm... ok. yea, Sean, any input on this subject? (in terms i would understand)
  15. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Hmm... it seems as if most say to stick to the 3/4 rule. So for a Kenwood, that would be like 27 right? If so, I would need to set my gains as high as I can with out distortion at 27 volume. Correct?
  16. swagger_wagon468

    Finally came in

    Weather is no excuse!! jacket!
  17. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Thanks for the complements. and more input on the volume situation would be good. I heard not to go past 30 when max is 35. But idk...
  18. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Today I took 10 min out of my day to go to besbuy and get some splitters and bridge my amp. Got a pack of 2 Kicker splitters for $15. Not too bad. But talk about an improvement... sounds sooo much better. Tweeters are alot crisper. And the woofers are much clearer. Now each side is seeing 190wrms.I have the gain about a 1/5th of the way up. And is perfectly clear untill 29 on the volume knob. (Out of 35 I think.) I have a Kenwood. So I think I need to turn it down just a tad. So I can get 30 with no distortion.
  19. swagger_wagon468

    curious.. What does it take to "become" a member?

    Sweet. Good to know. And of course I would drive up. Lol
  20. swagger_wagon468

    curious.. What does it take to "become" a member?

    Hmm... so well versed and knowledgeable as in you know alot about car audio? Im fresh in the game so I wont be able to "join" for a while. Lol.is there anyone on Team SSA here in GA? Incasr ineed some help or something...? It would be awesome to be a part of it. Maybe in the futre some time...
  21. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Thats what I was thinkin about actually. Just hard to find for the wagon Camry. Easy to find for the sedan lol.
  22. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    O ok. Sweet. So just like a d2400 up front and I should be good? That would be nice. Also, I was talking to kyle from DC, and he had a avalon witht the same engine as my Camry. And he was satin somethin about the d2400 was reverse( or not reverse... can't remember.) And that he just had the positive terminal go to the starter?... something like that. Any of that sound like somethin u have heard being done before?
  23. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Edit: deleted double post.
  24. swagger_wagon468

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Bought a Sundown saz-1500d today. He said he's shipping it tomorrow! Im excited. Question... im getting a 180xp alt from DC at the end of the month and I was wondering... 1) which should I do first? Upgrade my primary batt, get a second batt, or just wait till I can do both at the same time ? Im just not to familiar with the whole electrical part. Current batt is a walmart with 765 cold crank amps. (Idek if that's good.) Lolz. Im also ordering a design for my box. Doing kerfed port annd double baffle. 7.5ft^3 is about right correct? Its right within the optimal specs. thanks and stay tuned.
  25. swagger_wagon468

    ZCON Prototype

    See post 102...