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Everything posted by swagger_wagon468

  1. swagger_wagon468

    ICON 18 D2, SAX-100.4, Skar 1500.1, Alpine CDA-117, Hertz hsk165

    Heres some more pics of the Hertz components. Brand new. 1st pic. And a couple months ago when i replaced my door handle.2nd pic Bump
  2. swagger_wagon468

    ICON 18 D2, SAX-100.4, Skar 1500.1, Alpine CDA-117, Hertz hsk165

    its in pretty good condition overall. only thing i can think off is that the skip foward button has rubbed off. other than that, its about perfect. i need to clean it up tho.
  3. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    So... i have been rockib the DCON 15 for a while and i am VERY impressed. So i have decided to add 3 more! Yup... 4 15" DCONs walled behind the second row seating I plan on doing a little deadener as welll. Not crazy tho. So i will be lookng to buy a 1200-1500 watt 1ohm stable amp. (Sae(x)(z)1200-1500, AQ1200-1500 etc. No more than $200 Pics and stuff later.
  4. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    I see you are adding to the non build relating bullshit.
  5. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Agreed. and hell yea man! That would be awesome! Is u need S4 DCONs.. lmk! I haz 2. Ill get a vid of the new ICON soon.
  6. swagger_wagon468

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Oh ok. I was just curious. Thanks.
  7. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    THEY ARE FUCKING DCONs! And it was on 1500w! Ur a douche. And ever since u have joined... i couldnt stand your smartass comments. Shut the hell up and get the fuck out of my thread!
  8. swagger_wagon468

    WTB: Cheap 8" sub

    I have a RF P1 8"... needs a recone tho. Which is like $10-$15 on ebay .
  9. swagger_wagon468

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    How do you know they put put 45-50wrms? And they are rated around 85rms. Not 200. Just curious if you have done any tests or are making assumptions.
  10. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    I hear ya on the second row. I always havw friends in the swag wag. Thats y i did it behind the second row seat. Dont let the laziness win!! 4th order FTW!!!!!!!!!! And thanks Danny!
  11. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    For now... This will be my first time having a icon. Its a 18". And for those who remember my old box for my 18" xcon ... i bought it off my buddy that i traded to, for $30. so ill be using that. But i womt be doing another major build untill my 2dr is my new DD
  12. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Nice. U gonna keep the second row? my buddy has a 99 tahoe and i love that thing. I would also do the 3.5. Always good to have extra.
  13. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    They seem to like the power. No bottoming out. Very crisp No unwanted noises. And i never even got to tune my amp like i wanted . i think 8 12"s would be sick. What vehicle? To bad u dont need 15"s. I have 2 left i Need to sell. Or trade for a new gen icon 18 d2.
  14. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Daily driver. Once its not a DD... ill do some crazy power..
  15. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Why?... tell me why. They're dcons... 300rms. I had a [email protected] on 3. They dont need more power. Why dont u buy some and fry them yourself.
  16. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    video looks like the wagons doing work. nice man! i've been looking at wagons on craigslist for a year now because of you!! Lol. Thanks man. I love wagons. And they are great for big systems w/o having to drive a 14mpg suv.
  17. swagger_wagon468

    KnuKonceptz Sound deadener? Kno Knoise.

    Impious... 100% correct about don... hes great at CS amd deadener knowledge. Very honest as well. SDS what i will be using most likely I am curious to see the knu quality tho.
  18. swagger_wagon468

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Haven't used it in months... had sundown amps. (100.4)
  19. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    thats a pretty heavy wallet FYI... lolz
  20. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    heres the vid! couldnt find ANY of my 3 HD cameras... so shitty droid "HD" (lol, HD my ass) quality it is... video does no justice. 2 of these are on the way to Sean.
  21. swagger_wagon468

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    i still have mine. probly gonna sell it here soon. GREAT amp. just dont need it.
  22. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    ill get one today. lol sry guys. have been bbusy with the whole " got hit by a Dodge Sprinter" thing. lol
  23. swagger_wagon468

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    been a while... these DCONs and the big box are to much weight for my car daily. (box mainly) anyone interested in any DCONs? i have 3 in the wagon and 1 extra. i would do some trading for a ZCON 18" mine are all S4 coils. LMK
  24. swagger_wagon468

    new and "improved" classified section...

    sorry. didnt realize it has been discussed before. mods plz close.
  25. swagger_wagon468

    new and "improved" classified section...

    hey guys (Mark and Aaron) i was thinking, this new Classifieds setup seems to not work as well as the old setup IMO. -i hardly see new items being posted FS (compared to old setup i was just wondering if you will ever switch back to the old setup?? maybe its just me? idk... so i put a poll in this topic. just thinking thanks -jonathan