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Everything posted by dorian01

  1. dorian01

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    damn those would be nice for the ssd. i could use it later when i upgrade to 2 12 btl. i wonder if the color blue chrome for fi symbol would match the blue on the enclosure vent, the batteries and wire are all blue so i kinda want it to match. but white vent would look sick with white fi symbol. im defiantly going to get one tho when i get the money.
  2. dorian01

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    The 15 bl fully loaded with 3.5ft^3 ported box from fisher customs is $564. 2 ssd ported with a 4ft^3 from fisher customs costs $593, so im going with the 2 12 ssd ported for a little more $$. im not sure if fi charges shipping for the subs because i didnt add that in. Overtime, here i come.
  3. dorian01

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    im a newb at car audio so im not sure if putting that much watts though a bl is a good idea. it will be safer for me to get 2 12 ssd with 850 watts each. i have a labyrinth slot sub box, 1.65 ft per chamber, tuned to 40 hz. would this fuck the subs up if i put 2 ssd in this box till i get enough money to get a box to the exact specifications? one last question, u think 2 sealed 12 ssd would be louder than 1 15 bl ported?
  4. dorian01

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    alright im leaning towards a 15" bl fully loaded at 2ohms. going to wire it up in parallel to 1 ohm. what box size would be the best?
  5. dorian01

    2 ssd 12 vs 1 bl 15

    you think it would overpower the components even when i have the t400-4 on them? the components are Rockford Fosgate Punch P1653 6-1/2" 3-way Full Range Speakers 60 rms each.