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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    Win my gear contest nobody else in the world can do this

    Smart move to copyright that, lol.
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've always wanted to try a gated shifter.
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you do now? Nothin. Got laid off last week. Well that gargles cock. Hope you find something. Did you work as a mechanic or is it just a hobby? I did maintenance for Sears and Kmart. Never really been a mechanic, just grew up in a garage, several actually as well as a body shop, and worked with my father as soon as I could handle tools. I figured you had some background in it from some of your posts.
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    All my friends keep talking about exams. Fuck you, I'm trying not to think about it. I have two that will make or break my grade. Next week will suck.
  5. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you do now? Nothin. Got laid off last week. Well that gargles cock. Hope you find something. Did you work as a mechanic or is it just a hobby?
  6. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you do now?
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just sold a 3rd gen on CL for $200. I switched to a Classic.
  8. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The Yankees make more than enough profit every year on merchandising alone to pay for their entire operations payroll, so just imagine how much money they are bringing in total. Sports are beginning to disgust me anymore, but they are what we make them, so. . . . Pujols is deserving. He still loves the game, he has the talent, he brings in the fans, and he brought them a WS title. For that $250M they spent on him, they'll probably make it back three fold. I admit, I was surprised. I thought at the 200+ point, he was still going to stay put, as he seemed loyal and had projected that before. I feel this is partly agent driven. I think that the hyper-dollar stars should stay with the teams that can really afford them. The Angles have a strong fan base, but it is not like the Yankees/Phillies/Red Sox/Cubs/O's/Mets etc. that have true die-hard lifer fans that keep buying more and more merch and don't miss a game ever. Well said, I completely agree. Being a Reds fan I can't say I'm sorry to see him leave our division
  9. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did it have to be brand new? I got a perfectly good used one off CL for 60 bucks. Ipod touch 64 gb J Damn, good buy. What gen?
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was surprised by the move, but not at all surprised by the amount.
  11. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh yes! I love that site.
  12. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Speaking of Absinthe...http://www.tuckermax.com/stories/the-absinthe-donuts-story/ Pretty old, but still hysterical.
  13. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Supposedly they only last a few days after making. Reminds me of cannabis tincture, only not as good. Yea, I figured they'd dissolve after a few days. Doesn't seem too appealing to me, but I thought it was interesting he used absinthe.
  14. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Someone sent me that vodka gummy bears article a few days ago.
  15. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd kill to go back to sleep right now. So tired
  16. Luke.H

    please share your thoughts

    Based on your goals I think sealed will be the way to go. It might be worthwhile to plot the response curve for the mids in that MB set and see where they drop off and you need a sub to fill in. Plot some responses for a driver in an alignment you think will work and see how well it will blend and fill in where you need it to.
  17. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's even cold here in Tucson. Light rain for the last few days and highs around 45. Same weather here. Walking around campus blows
  18. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spent all day doing the same thing minus the zero gauge. That would be one aught wire. I guess I was just mirroring the terminology used in the post I was replying to. Normally I would write 1/0 as that is how I've always seen it written, but I think I would say zero gauge in conversation. One aught does make more sense now that you mention it. Hadn't heard it previously.
  19. Luke.H

    Happy Birthday Bigjon

    HBD Jon
  20. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spent all day doing the same thing minus the zero gauge.
  21. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dem 'mericans will be like , I've done it several times
  22. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm assuming the speed limit's 65. Would cops normally stop you at that speed? I pass them frequently at 75 and haven't been stopped. That's the average speed for most people on our interstates.
  23. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Marketing data That's what I was thinking. I've heard that male college students in their 20s are one of the toughest groups to market to as well and large number of people in that demographic own smartphones so I can see the marketing value.
  24. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We got a light flurry here, but my dad was in Indiana about 4 hours away yesterday and said they got around 5 inches.
  25. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Google monitors more than you would ever think! lol Directed ads, buying habits, listening habits, errors in the software your phone runs on, cellular service, etc explains a lot how google uses your info.. http://www.google.com/privacy/faq.html I've heard about Google doing that before and understand why. I guess I just don't get why a company would be interested in what I'm texting people. Aside from marketing reasons. I guess it could be fairly useful in that regard.