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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    What do you guys think?

    Do you know if you can fit the box required for either of those options in the ranger? I think it is easier to go with the single ZCON if your experience is minimal. If 500 is your total budget you wont be able to afford a zcon and amp and the electrical you will likely need to back it up. The ZCON 18 is 480 plus shipping if I'm remembering correctly. I don't know if you've considered the cost of wiring and wood etc as well.
  2. Luke.H

    What do you guys think?

    Personally I would rather have an SSA product.
  3. Luke.H

    Post your Desktops

    nice find.... will look into this when I get home... I like songbird
  4. Luke.H

    so im putting subs in my 1965 mustang....

    Maybe a b-stock SA-12 if your minds set on one. I personally think that sub is geared more toward SPL but depending on what you listen to I'm sure it will sound fine, especially in the right box. Sundown recommends 1.75 cubes for the SA-12 so your box should be ok if you really wanted to reuse it.
  5. Luke.H

    New to the forum and Car Audio in general

    I would take this advice. Listen around and get an idea of what you want. Do you not know if you're looking for a spl oriented setup or an SQ oriented set up?
  6. Luke.H

    New to the forum and Car Audio in general

    I would learn to do the install yourself. You've come to the right place to learn
  7. Luke.H

    so im putting subs in my 1965 mustang....

    Goals? Budget?
  8. Luke.H

    IB build

    The site is still up and the test can be found here.
  9. Luke.H

    Daily Nightshade 18''

    What kind of car do you have that can fit a 7 cubic foot box in the trunk? You measured the opening right?
  10. Luke.H

    Don't know which 15" sub

    Define "better" and maybe someone can help you. Without knowing what it is you want no one can help.
  11. What has lead you to believe this? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing I am just wondering where this information is coming from. If you're planning on upgrading in the near future I would suggest buying used. The depreciation will be less that way. There's a DD for sale here that might not be a bad place to start.
  12. Luke.H

    Need help choosing a subwoofer

    I would not put a pair of SSS's in a box that is too small. I realize you said you just want it to get loud, but you may want to be a little more specific. Do you care about sound quality at all? Is this for competition or just daily use? The XCON is a more sound quality oriented sub with the ability to get loud and handle lots of power. The BTL and ZCON are more geared toward SPL, but by no means will either of them sound bad. SSA and Fi do not manufacture subs that get loud at a high cost to sound quality. I hope this helps
  13. Isnt this the point of a forum, so members can share their experience, ask questions and people can help decide on answers based on what the poster needs. Not trying being a dueche bag or anything. That's exactly why this vs that threads aren't allowed on this forum. They will only get subjective answers which will mislead future readers. If someone wants a recommendation based on their situation that's a different story. OP I agree with what everyone is saying. If you've got the money go with sundown.
  14. Luke.H

    What's wrong with this website???

    Like I said try ad block plus. When you install it you'll be asked to add a subscription. There's a few different ones available, they're basically just a list of what type of pop ups etc to block. Imo you should stick with firefox for awhile and get used to it. If you don't like it switch back. It can be a bit of a memory hog compared to other browsers though.
  15. Luke.H

    Custom Port into cabin?

    Your amplifier wont affect sound quality enough for you to notice. Any particular reason you're thinking about the SA-12 for your goals? Clearly defining exactly what it is you want will enable the members here to give you the best possible advice
  16. Luke.H

    Fatmat Rattle Trap?

    Quality deadener requires the installer to think a little more than with something like fatmat, rather than just cover everything with cheap shit. It's astounding how lazy people can be.
  17. Luke.H

    15s in the DTS

    That caddy must have one monster of a trunk to be able to fit two inverted 15's. It's looking good though
  18. Luke.H

    New ZED Product Photos

    Great looking amps
  19. Luke.H

    Fi Bl tuned low?

    How much room do you have to work with under the seat? Lower tuning means the port is going to take up more internal volume so your box will have to be bigger. I agree with Watts, but if you were really curious you could graph it out and see. If you planned on tuning so low why didn't you choose a driver you knew would excel in that area? If you don't mind me asking.
  20. Luke.H

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    The SA-12 is another sub in your price range if you haven't already considered it
  21. In my opinion you should build another box. You will get much more performance out of that DCON with an optimal enclosure
  22. Luke.H

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    You won't get any legitimate answers out of a this vs that thread. The best anyone can offer you is their opinion and I doubt there are many people who have run both. Ohjay has experience with the Skar and likes it. If you want an opinion I'd rather have an IA product.
  23. Luke.H

    What's wrong with this website???

    You might want to try installing adblock plus for FF if you haven't already