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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    new car!

    How much space do you have to work with?
  2. Luke.H

    ICON Stock?

    Why not list the Q, especially since he mentioned SQ? I like Aaron's suggestion on the SSD's as well. His interpretation of SQ and yours or mine maybe a lot differentt so therefore did not mention it. The SSD is a great choice as well. Wasn't sure they were available yet. The Flatlyne is worth mentioning as well if he's looking for SQ. Never mentioned an exact budget, but it is a little more expensive than the SSD and Icon.
  3. Luke.H

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    The table looks good. I think it makes the store look professional. Very nice
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Maybe if it had the following it has internationally. It is gaining popularity, but I still don't see it as a big deal in the US. How many people are going to throw a Super Bowl-like party for the Women's World Cup? It's probably a bigger deal in other countries that they beat us. How many people are going to throw a party for Women's xxxxxxxxx? Excluding lesbians? Not many
  5. Luke.H

    How to make two amps compatible?

    hmm.. idk i was hopin to put the tweets n midranges in each corner of my poolroom.. is that not good? soory im exceptionally new to car audio.. ill check out zaph audio.. thanks. I am by no means an expert at this. I do think that you will get much more favoreable results from a proven design that fits your application. Should be cheaper too.
  6. Luke.H

    How to make two amps compatible?

    I'm a little unsure what you're planning to do with the midranges and supertweets, but I have a feeling it might not turn out all too well. If you wanted to build your own HT speakers I would start off by checking out some proven designs at places like zaph audio. I think you might be able to produce better results going that route than pairing some midrangers with supertweets. Not sure what you planned on doing for a crossover
  7. Luke.H

    Is A Wall In My Car A Good Idea?

    I'd reconsider your equipment if your going to put all that work into fabrication. Just my opinion
  8. Luke.H

    ICON Stock?

    You could look into Mach 5 Audio. You could find a used IXL 12 or if you can get ahold of a dealer an Underground 12 could work.
  9. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Agreed.....and last night's home run derby felt like a cheesy wrestling event at the start. Just the way they announced it. Once it started it wasn't bad though.
  10. Luke.H

    HCCA box finally done!!!

    Glad to see it turned out well. It should look really nice once you get the amp rack in and clean up those wires
  11. Luke.H

    Help for a noob please

    Good answer Shogen. If you listen to mostly hip hop I would personally tune to 32+ unless your listeing to a lot of slowed music
  12. Luke.H

    Saz 1500D v1 Power output

    Welding cable would save you some money, but go with whatever makes you happy. If you need a really flexible cable the hyperflex would be a better choice, but most installs don't call for that. As for the batteries, both are fine. If you need to save a little money on batteries for the rest of your system go with whatever you can get a better deal on.
  13. *cough* IA Lethal Injection *cough* Havnt heard too much about these, any reason why you recommend these over sa-10's? If I'm not mistaken he has ran an IA sub before. From the reviews I've read in the past the LI seems like it could be a good match for your goals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you currently have a D1 BL 12" and an AQ2200? I know its not "different", but I really think you should consider adding another BL. If you got the electrical to back running the AQ at 1 ohm you would certainly see a noticeable increase in output and it would match your goals very well in the right box. I personally would have a very hard time overlooking that option if I were you. It will meet your goals and be considerably cheaper than buying new subs. Just my opinion. Good luck with your system I hope it turns out well for you
  14. Luke.H

    amp decision

    You could get a refurbed sundown amp. There's a few SAZ-2500's up for sale for $600 a piece. Not a bad choice if you've got the electrical to back it.
  15. I wouldn't put so much emphasis on RMS rating. You will most likely be happy with either the SA or the SSD, but for my money I'd get the SSD. It might be a little easier to get a smooth response from them
  16. Luke.H

    (3) 15" Dcon Box: VOTE

  17. Luke.H

    Fi btw n2 12 amp options

    Without knowing an exact budget it's hard to provide you with some information. You should specify if you have the D1 or D2 voicecoils. If you're planning on pushing 2KW you'll most likely need to upgrade your electrical. You haven't mentioned that so I want to be sure you understand that and the costs involved. Depending on your budget and the ammount of power you are wanting to push something from crescendo or audioque would be a good choice on a budget. What amp do you currently have?
  18. Luke.H

    Looking for ouput from 1.75ft^3

    Glad to see that you've got yourself some subs. It should turn out nicely
  19. Luke.H

    12in sub

    Nowhere near enough information given for anyone to provide you with an answer. I'm not trying to be a dick, but read the terms and conditions you agreed to before posting a topic. You can find them here SSA Membership Terms and Conditions. You get what you put into a thread and with a thread like this you won't get anything. It's important to make a good thread so that others might have the chance to learn from it as well. With the right info myself and many other members would be happy to help you
  20. Theoretically it would be a little louder, but in a perfect world you need to double the cone area to see a 3db increase in output. The difference isn't enough to be audibly louder and there are too many factors to say for sure. When comparing two different models of subs there are other factors that will make more of a difference. For simplicity's sake I would personally just get a 15.
  21. Luke.H

    Quick question on a box design

    Sealed isn't always the answer for SQ. A well designed ported box can be the perfect fit for some sound quality applications. These are the specs for the current models T/S Parameters. I have no idea how much they have changed since 2001. Tuning will depend on his listening preferences if you decided to go ported.
  22. Luke.H

    Need help choosing a subwoofer

    Great deal, enjoy that sub
  23. Luke.H

    NS-1 12v Testing - Derrick's Explorer

    Well said. What a beast
  24. No such thing as under powering a sub. If you set your gains reasonably the DCON's would be just fine as well. I'm unsure if they're still working on it or not, but I remember hearing about a 600W line called the FCON