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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. I don't see a different amp making much of a difference. Unless sundown amps are able to operate at higher temperatures.
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have two options waiting in my stock pile, the rest have been scheduled for sale. The options are the Bravox 3-ways, or active with the AA Carbons/SEAS Neo Textiles. Both seem pretty nice. I hope you're able to find the time to install those bad boys.
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What does your front stage currently consist of Aaron?
  4. Luke.H


    It's funny...your profile pic is a Ferrari.... What does that have to do with anything?
  5. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ah, like autocorrect on iPhone. I disable that personally.
  6. Luke.H

    need with box size for 10" DCON

    Good luck with the system. I'm sure you're gonna love that Dcon
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Does Android not have spell check? I'd die without that. You said this phones not for work use right? So fuck spelling. Dance the dance of life and enjoy that keyboard (getting really intense about this phone)
  8. Luke.H

    Help Picking A Component Set

    I wouldn't trust that at all as that will be completely dependant on install. It's possible that those mids have poor midbass response, but without knowing the details of the install I surely wouldn't trust a review I read online.
  9. Luke.H

    5 Channel amp

    I'd look into a used Pioneer Elite receiver. You can find one fore decently cheap if you look around.
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL at the sensational comment. Looks like the keyboard needs some getting used to After a about week it'll be second nature for you
  11. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is anyone familiar with the vlookup function in excel?
  12. Luke.H

    did the price go up on the btl?

    I can't really tell you which is going to be minor. Install will be a MUCH bigger factor.
  13. Luke.H

    did the price go up on the btl?

    Who's happy?
  14. Luke.H

    did the price go up on the btl?

    Better? No I never said that, if you were referring to my post that is. Doubling power will only net you a 3db gain in theory. In actuality you likely won't see that much of an improvement. So if you're not competing there's not a lot of reason to run all that power to them.
  15. Luke.H

    Question on Amp

    A watt is a watt, so if it truly does rated power go for it. You might run into reliability issues, that would be my main concern. Price shouldn't scare you away from a product though. If it's good it's good
  16. Luke.H

    did the price go up on the btl?

    This is getting way off topic, but there's no such thing as underpowering a sub. Those 10's on your AQ would be just fine. In fact you won't hear much a difference (if any) between the AQ and whatever 4KW amp you use. Unless of course you plan on competing, in which case disregard that.
  17. Luke.H

    Goodness gracious, God almighty....

    Cool jeans
  18. Its pretty useful if you're the type of person that likes to adjust the bass output from song to song. Personally, I haven't touched mine since I installed it.
  19. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congrats skipper
  20. Luke.H

    Bring back the life of the paint

    X2 on the rubbing compound. Depending on the condition that will be your best bet to restore it in the mean time. Buff it out and then wax it. Doing that has really surprised me in the past. I also agree with the paint job. If buffing doesn't produce the results you want and you decide not to pay someone a decent amount of money to repaint your car as decent single stage paint job isn't all too expensive if you do it yourself. It's not easy, but can be done to produce some decent results. A DIY single stage will look a ton better than something done at MAACO if you take your time and practice a little.
  21. Luke.H

    1 sundown SA8 enough?

    Show me a video of an SA-8 mounted IB doing wonders. And no, not some stupid useless excursion video. By no means am I knocking the driver, but in general 8" subs don't usually make a lot of sense. A 10" takes nearly only the same space sealed or ported and has a huge cone advantage. There is no SQ disadvantage either and in fact a larger driver in general will do better at the same output levels as it doesn't have to move as much to make the same output. IMO it is a VERY rare application where the 8 is a better choice and this gets even more so when you are talking about a single driver. Obviously it is space that defines this, but again its a miniscule difference. all im stating is the fact that 1 sa 8 alone will pound it's up to him and the enclosure to take advantage of the little beast' i have 1 and i know what it will do It's not so much that the 8" will have poor output relatively speaking, it's that a 10" can be used in a box that isn't all that much bigger and will give more output.
  22. Luke.H

    Official: Show Off Your Shots Thread!!

    Your pictures look really good. I'm not seeing anything strange on them from my computer btw
  23. Luke.H

    single 12 death row

    As you should be. You're happy with it and not doing too bad numbers-wise. Congrats
  24. Luke.H

    Alt help

    Why exactly are you wanting to do this? Include some specifics like which company, what alt, etc. and maybe someone will know
  25. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean's ebay listing reminded me of this http://www.dontevenreply.com/view.php?post=28 I thought it was pretty funny the first time I read it