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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fuck Skar. I love it how anybody that buys some skar product can basically be a "rep" and all of sudden there hot shit. Any damage? At least nothing worse happened. I pulled over and didn't see anything, I didn't run over any of it thankfully, so I'm good. The people he's letting be "reps" says a lot about the company. Good to hear about the car
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any damage? At least nothing worse happened.
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WTF is with all this "PM me for Skar" shit going on here lately? Annoying as fuck.
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How long ago was this? Not making an old joke, I'm just curious. 12-6 years ago I was relatively in that scene. I don't think much has changed. I don't frequent them, but Datsik was an absolute blast last summer.
  5. Luke.H

    SA12 VS VVX12 VS LI12

    This. The other two you listed would each work well for what you're wanting to accomplish. Run whichever you prefer.
  6. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How long ago was this? Not making an old joke, I'm just curious.
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love it when Louis CK goes off. I watched the first season of his show. It was pretty good.
  8. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If that was a reference to what I think it is I hope you don't find that moron entertaining.
  9. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've tried Pandora so many times and just can't seem to enjoy it. I have to be in control, lol. I don't even like to put my iPod on shuffle. When I use Pandora I end up pressing next 30 times until something I like comes on. It's definitely hit or miss. It might help if I took the time to thumbs up or thumbs down (or whatever the system is) the songs. Yes, it's pretty confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's nice. Sorry, I had to. I've used so many internet radio services I'm having trouble distinguishing which features each has. If I don't have it on CD I use Grooveshark
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I personally like two of the tracks on Slightly Stoopid's acoustic album, but I'm not much of a reggae fan. I like a few of Lee Perry's songs along with Peter Tosh and Bob Marley.
  11. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've tried Pandora so many times and just can't seem to enjoy it. I have to be in control, lol. I don't even like to put my iPod on shuffle. When I use Pandora I end up pressing next 30 times until something I like comes on. It's definitely hit or miss. It might help if I took the time to thumbs up or thumbs down (or whatever the system is) the songs.
  12. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't understand those 3 videos at all.
  13. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've tried Pandora so many times and just can't seem to enjoy it. I have to be in control, lol. I don't even like to put my iPod on shuffle. When I use Pandora I end up pressing next 30 times until something I like comes on.
  14. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Indeed. Amusing really. If I don't like a band a year or so down the road it's a pretty strong indication that they were shitty to begin with. I still have the first album I ever bought myself and still listen to it on occasion.
  15. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't say I blame you
  16. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not the interiors where its not even close. Audi wins. Haven't been in too many Audis, but the few I have I've been impressed with. Wouldn't be a deal breaker for me though.
  18. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xl4bby_saturday-night-live-british-toothpaste_fun One tube lasts a whole year
  19. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They grow them bigger in the UK. LOL big hands and bad teeth
  20. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, but the way one of them was mangled (in terms of the aluminum), the rebuild job looked like it was on the TOTALED scale when only the front corner was really damaged. If I trusted Audi, reliability wise better, an A4 or A3 set of keys would be in my hand right now. An A3 would be about perfect for me right now, with more power and AWD, that covers the two things lacking in my current scooter. I trust Audi WAY more than Mercedes. Hasn't Mercedez made significant improvements in recent years? I know a lot of their cars are frequently at the bottom of reliability surveys. Not like they were in the 60's... All the way up to the mid 90's. Then something changed... I'd love me a W124 diesel. Cost cutting
  21. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hand prints on that Ford look a little big to me
  22. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As far as appearance is concerned, MB > Audi for most of their range IMO.
  23. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, but the way one of them was mangled (in terms of the aluminum), the rebuild job looked like it was on the TOTALED scale when only the front corner was really damaged. If I trusted Audi, reliability wise better, an A4 or A3 set of keys would be in my hand right now. An A3 would be about perfect for me right now, with more power and AWD, that covers the two things lacking in my current scooter. I trust Audi WAY more than Mercedes. Hasn't Mercedez made significant improvements in recent years? I know a lot of their cars are frequently at the bottom of reliability surveys.
  24. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Took Dad's '65 Imperial Crown convertible to storage today. I really like that car
  25. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Watching Arrested Development and having a G&T. I love having free time.