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Everything posted by Skar

  1. Skar

    When is this amp coming out.

    Please do not spam our forum. Thank you.
  2. M5, I thought you only offered constructive responses? Because that is blatantly a derogatory comment at the end. He is very happy with the Skar VVX-15 and is choosing to get more of them. For a minute I actually thought you were going to give him advice... Mike - I am on my phone - but from what I can see in your images at a quick glance - the box looks great =) -Kevin
  3. Tirefyr, if you met me you would see this is far from the truth..the people I deal with on a DAY to DAY basis including Mark & Jacob can both tell you they haven't ever had issues with me, etc. These arguments are starting to get very old..
  4. To clear this up... Stephen pre-ordered some SKAR amplifiers from me (he is somewhat Local, I am in Orlando him in Tampa) and he is choosing to sell them on eBay trying to turn a profit. He bought out a bunch of sundown stuff from me before as well. He only pre-ordered 3 amps, and seeing as how you've shown hes sold one already, I don't see it being much of a problem. Normally I don't like this kind of thing for MAP pricing reasons, but what he chooses to do with his 3 preorders is up to him. I can't control customers. I don't know how some of you have so much time to waste just ragging on people, but there is the explanation. Take it for what you will.
  5. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    Thanks for the support!
  6. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    1) What are these "actual higher results"? -Actual results are still pending testing on production models for final numbers. We have a rough idea from prototype testing at the build house. Should have production results posted soon. 2) What was the test methodology for determining these "actual higher results"? -Higher quality parts were used in the final production models that should amount to a 8-10% increase in power. That is why the claim for actual "results" are higher then the sheet specs posted. 3) Why is the amplifier not rated at the "actual higher results" if that is the level of their true performance and you're just going to add a disclaimer that the rated power is less than their actual power anyways? -We are waiting on the final results from our engineer at the build house to post exact results on new power ratings compared to those of the prototypes which lacked the upgraded parts used in the production run. Kevin
  7. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    M5, I am not concerned over whether or not you think I "Cower & Cry", or if I don't answer your questions. My customers are taken care of 100% and I did answer in that thread. I am glad you have enough time in the day to waste though worrying about things like this...I assure you SKAR is doing quite well and whether or not you claim your defamation is intentional or not, we both know that you just don't like the brand - which is fine - but also the reason you were instructed you were are not allowed to post in the SKAR section a bit ao,... because clearly other people on this forum see you also wasting your time trying to stir up problems with a company that you have no interest in, etc. So instead of actually answering the question at hand with numbers and real world answers you just zone in on M5's post, your beef/bash with him, and bring up your CS skillz? I don't see anyone stirring up problems, people just want answers. It's easy to give them, believing you did test them at the "real" power. The real numbers will be posted as soon as I am able to do so...I want to make sure they are properly clamped and I am in the middle of a move into a new warehouse. I am not going to clamp them for true results in my personal Ford Five Hundred. That was just done for a ball park idea originally. The sheet specs will do just fine for the interm week... What worries me the most is that you obviously don't understand the uselessness of clamp results, especially how they relate to rated power specifications, or you do understand the difference and are perfectly happy to mislead your customer base into purchasing one of your products. And before anyone else mentions it, yes companies like Sundown also report clamp results on their forum. But if you notice, Jacob is always very careful of how he words the information provided. He never refers to it as anything more than it is; his clamp results. I've never seen him use them as proof that his amps are underrated, or seen him refer to them as "actual higher numbers", real output, etc. People mistake them for that. But I've never seen Jacob represent them as such. Skar, on the other hand, is apparently planning on releasing these clamp results as proof of their "actual higher numbers!" compared to rated power. It would be nearly impossible to find a more inaccurate description of clamp results. It would be even more difficult to find any reputable amplifier manufacturer who doesn't understand the usefulness (or lack thereof) of clamp results and who would mislabel them as "actual higher numbers!". It essentially puts Skar on equal footing with the Pyramids of the world. The fact you consistently delete posts out of your forum that you either can't answer or won't answer is the complete opposite of the principles of this forum. The members here take great pride in the fact SSA is different from other forums because information isn't filtered. People are free to disagree and question without retaliation. Unfortunately, that ended when you got a subforum. Being a vendor on this forum, you not only represent Skar but you also represent SSA. Your actions not only reflect poorly upon yourself and your business, but also upon Mark, Aaron and the great members of this forum. The reason Skar catches so much shit is because of your consistent display of childish, unprofessional and unscrupulous actions along with a past that you can not deny is shady as hell. Your present actions under Skar don't seem to show that you've changed much over time. As Dr. Phil always says; the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I think you realize all of this to be true, you just don't give a shit and would rather carry on about your typical ways. Impious, On the contrary anyone who has dealt with me & SKAR Audio can attest to the fact they have been treated with more professionalism then most car audio companies. Not saying we are 100%, no one is, but we sure do try to come damn close when serving our customers. I do take offense to that, and I have always treated Mark & Aaron well in their dealings with SKAR, and they can attest to that fact. Feel free to ask your questions in the SKAR section, no matter how much of my time you are trying to waste - I told Aaron that they would not go unanswered from now on.
  8. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    M5, I am not concerned over whether or not you think I "Cower & Cry", or if I don't answer your questions. My customers are taken care of 100% and I did answer in that thread. I am glad you have enough time in the day to waste though worrying about things like this...I assure you SKAR is doing quite well and whether or not you claim your defamation is intentional or not, we both know that you just don't like the brand - which is fine - but also the reason you were instructed you were are not allowed to post in the SKAR section a bit ao,... because clearly other people on this forum see you also wasting your time trying to stir up problems with a company that you have no interest in, etc. Is your world really that small? First off, I never said anything about not liking the brand. Personally could care less. I don't buy into brand boners, never have, never will and this works in both negative and positive directions. What I don't respect is lying, cheating, hiding, scamming and the like. My intentions are very simple. To call out any bullshit that happens in front of me so things are exposed for what they are. Please feel free to do that to me as I encourage that sort of openess out of everyone. Needless to say as the voice of Skar you are regularly hide, cheat, and misrepresent. Obviously I won't do business with you and would encourage everyone else to stop as well, unless you choose to straighten up and actually run your business like you care about your customers and stop the BS. i realize you see this as me embarrassing you again, but reap what you sow. I couldn't type anything if you weren't the one posting the junk that made this all possible. It truly is really simple. Either state the facts and back them up, or don't state stuff. Welcome to the world of internet business. You get to choose your destiny. One other clarification. I was NOT told I couldn't post in the Skar section. Surely can. Still have mod powers there. I was asked, because of your wee little man hood, if I would avoid posting in your section as a favor. My response was to say, sure, but that means I won't post in ANY non-topic section. Since then I've violated my own promise less than a couple times, but they were pretty off topic posts anyways. Your "clearly" is confused. There are no honest manufacturers on this board that have beef with me. They may not prefer that I wear my opinion out in public, but guess what, this is a forum. The most amusing thing is that you see me as trying to stir up problems. Not my goal. I have no gain nor intent for that purpose. Obviously you see it that way since a very informative and innocent question you take in a defensive manner because you are hiding something. Stop acting like a child and instead act like a company representative and you wouldn't at all see my posts that way. My responses have sold more gear for other manufacturers than you'll ever sell total, but that's right you know better. ROFL. Oh, and why do you think I'd personally give a shit whether Skar is doing "quite well"? Need to puff your chest up much? Pathetic. M5, Whatever floats your boat sir...If you think I wake up in the morning to "Puff" my chest for you - I laughed.... On a side note - I apologize to anyone's post who got deleted earlier today in the SKAR section, and welcome anyone to revisit and ask questions as needed and they will get answered. Regards, Kevin
  9. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    M5, I am not concerned over whether or not you think I "Cower & Cry", or if I don't answer your questions. My customers are taken care of 100% and I did answer in that thread. I am glad you have enough time in the day to waste though worrying about things like this...I assure you SKAR is doing quite well and whether or not you claim your defamation is intentional or not, we both know that you just don't like the brand - which is fine - but also the reason you were instructed you were are not allowed to post in the SKAR section a bit ao,... because clearly other people on this forum see you also wasting your time trying to stir up problems with a company that you have no interest in, etc. So instead of actually answering the question at hand with numbers and real world answers you just zone in on M5's post, your beef/bash with him, and bring up your CS skillz? I don't see anyone stirring up problems, people just want answers. It's easy to give them, believing you did test them at the "real" power. The real numbers will be posted as soon as I am able to do so...I want to make sure they are properly clamped and I am in the middle of a move into a new warehouse. I am not going to clamp them for true results in my personal Ford Five Hundred. That was just done for a ball park idea originally. The sheet specs will do just fine for the interm week...
  10. Skar

    Skar Audio Off Topic Amplifier Questions

    M5, I am not concerned over whether or not you think I "Cower & Cry", or if I don't answer your questions. My customers are taken care of 100% and I did answer in that thread. I am glad you have enough time in the day to waste though worrying about things like this...I assure you SKAR is doing quite well and whether or not you claim your defamation is intentional or not, we both know that you just don't like the brand - which is fine - but also the reason you were instructed you were are not allowed to post in the SKAR section a bit ao,... because clearly other people on this forum see you also wasting your time trying to stir up problems with a company that you have no interest in, etc.
  11. Skar

    SBN March 24-25

    SKAR Audio will be there!
  12. Adrian, Never usually post more then 1 topic at a time. I am on a phone now, but if it's really a huge deal feel free to combine them. I have no problem with that. Regards, Kevin
  13. Skar

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Unsure what this is about, but ok. On a side note - there is no way you can compare the 2 setups. Look at the boxes first off.
  14. Skar

    1800woofers.com Under New Ownership!

    They did indeed take over the domain, interesting to see the new store
  15. M5, I don't know what your question is aimed at that I haven't answered already - I'll take another stab at it... Since ever considering releasing an amplifier line we have searched among different build houses internationally and domestic to find the best engineers, build quality, track record, etc. When we finally decided on what is now our build house in Korea, we started working directly with their engineers - we sat down (although not literally in the same location ) to collaborate and build amplifiers that were extremely powerful but also reasonably priced. The engineers over there came up with a few different designs which we then reviewed and selected to come up with the current prototype board design. I then went further and modified several components on the board including the MOSFET's and Transistors so that they now an even better grade (A little overboard). So working hand in hand with their engineers we came up with these prototypes (800W & 1500W). While having knowledge of the electrical components that make up an amplifier, it was there engineers we had to work with to design the PCB for maximum efficiency, etc - I find that there engineers have an unmatched knowledge for this portion of the design, and then I can match that design up with what my desired end results are to make the modifications needed. Putting together our combined efforts for the final design is what gave us these prototypes which should be great performance at a reasonable consumer price. Kevin
  16. Hey all, Got the prototypes in my hands today . Very satisfied with the quality of the work done! I will edit this thread tomorrow with tested power results. 1500W (0 GA Power Terminals) @ 1 Ohm is the first amp 800W (4 GA Power Terminals) @ 1 Ohm is the second amp Will post estimated pricing shortly as well! These are designed to be some brutal class D amps as you SPL enthusiasts have come to expect, so I think you will be very pleased!
  17. Rubenen, that is a terrible analogy, FYI. Also, I can tell they are different because of the way they are aligned and positioned.
  18. Amp looks like it has a similar PCB board, but I can already tell you those MOSFETs are different for one. Hard to say without the board. As most amps come from the same build houses, there will always be similarities between these sort of amplifiers.
  19. Far from nothing, but if you fail to see that then that can be your personal opinion. There are many reasons people choose to buy a brand - Customer Service, Brand Loyalty, Great Product, etc. We have many customers very happy with their VVX subs that have been requesting for a long time now that they have matching amplifiers to go with. So now, they will have the option of running SKAR Class D amplifiers.
  20. Oh not to worry, he has started another. yeah I see it, i guess thats how it goes now I have always been told that one bad apple will ruin the bunch, hope that is not the case here. To great of a forum to have this type of bs, especially from someone who was warned before. The original thread was deleted because it was horribly off topic. The topic was started to post some pictures, and to leave it at that. I know for a fact the questions being asked were going to draw the topic offtopic, so it was deleted. Glad it is entertaining so many however . Will be posting some gut pics soon
  21. Hey all, Got the prototypes in my hands today . Very satisfied with the quality of the work done! I will edit this thread tomorrow with tested power results. 1500W (0 GA Power Terminals) @ 1 Ohm is the first amp 800W (4 GA Power Terminals) @ 1 Ohm is the second amp Note - these will not be the heatsinks utilized on the production models, these were just used to get us the prototypes faster. Our heatsink will be capable all the way to our 5000W model! Will post estimated pricing shortly as well! These are designed to be some brutal class D amps as you SPL enthusiasts have come to expect, so I think you will be very pleased! P.S. - Higher quality pics coming soon. These were done from my phone.
  22. The production run with our unique heatsink, etc will be our own unique design. SKAR Amplifiers will not sacrifice build quality or internal components for price at all, which serves our market all while keeping consumer pricing at a fair level. Many of our customers who run the subwoofers are looking to match them with amplifiers, so here they are!
  23. These heatsinks are actually different from the one I have designed for the production models. While they have similarities, the production run heat sink design will be even better . We want our own unique look to distinguish among some other popular SPL brands.
  24. Skar

    Going from an Xcon 15 to 3 SA-8s

    As others have said, so many other factors come into play when asking this sort of question. On that note - the Xcon is a very well built sub as are the SA-8s. I do think you might be a bit happier with the SQ from the Xcon but the SA-8s sure do get loud and low for 8s, especially 3 in a ported enclosure. It's worth playing around with
  25. Skar

    Box designing on Macs

    There isn't much from what I have been able to find.