So I've been reading a ton about aeroports and I've heard they reduce port noise and take up less space therefor reducing box size. I want to do two SA10's in 3 cubic feet tuned to 33 hz. I've been trying to use all sorts of different calculators and such trying to figure out port sizes and what not but its not coming together for me. Basically I want to know how you figure out port length and diameter as well as port displacement in the box. Also where is a good place to get these ports from. I'm going for a really nice sounding setup that can get loud if I wanna show off a tad . Any info I didn't include just ask and I'll do my best to fill in the gaps. Thanks BumpinAlong
I don't forget that there are EQs but I'm just not familiar with them and I don't know which ones would be good for my uses. I actually would like to use one. would you be willing to point me in the right direction.
I'm extremely interested in a pair of the focal 165 a1s and I went to listen to them at a shop and I was completely blown away... at first. The song started out I gave the guy my own test CD and the mids and mid-bass was awesome it sounded really really good. I have limited experience with listening to different speakers but this is undoubtedly really nice sounding. all things must come to an end however and a sample came in that was very high pitched and those tweeters are very bright. I like a somewhat aggressive tweeter but this was over the top. I still want to get the focals but I'm wondering about changing the tweeter. How would this be done with issues such as compatibility? and what tweeters would be a good replacement for these ones? I'm going for something that is upfront and crisp but not so much to the focals tweeter level. When installed they would probably be playing alongside 2 SA10s on an SAx1200d and themselves will be powered by a SAX100.4. I'm going for good sound quality most of the time but theres those times where I just wanna turn it all up and play it loud. Thanks
Hey whats up I'm just joinin the forums. I'm from santa rosa, california. I'm getting super into car audio and right now I'm looking at taking everything out of my car and doing an ill build from the start.