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Everything posted by manrossdamn

  1. manrossdamn

    Help me choose a new CPU!

    Haha it is just a simple thing I need to fix. It's an.. Foxconn Mirco-Atx board. It's good for what I'm using. The CPU bottlenecks after playing some games, and causes stuttering. Even when overclocked 25% more from 2.4ghz to 3.0ghz. My video card usage hasn't been past 70% so that's fine.
  2. manrossdamn

    Help me choose a new CPU!

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130562 Or should I just upgrade my videocard from a GTX 9800+.. I also have 4GB of DDR2 ram at 833Mhz.
  3. manrossdamn

    Help me choose a new CPU!

    Anybody have any insight on these two cpu's? o:
  4. manrossdamn

    2k vs 3k on BTL N2

    Putting up his post^? :facepalm: There's a hardly noticable difference, as other intelligent members have stated. That's your opinion, but they know the actual difference it makes. Judging by it, you're new to some of this, as am I.
  5. manrossdamn

    Fi BTL N2 Pics + Fiday X Pics

  6. manrossdamn

    Fosgate Power 2500BD vs Sundown SAZ-2500?

    Oh SSF = Sub Sonic Filter
  7. manrossdamn

    Fosgate Power 2500BD vs Sundown SAZ-2500?

    There are plenty of videos with people using Sundowns. Sundown can create a huge amount of power, but it takes power to make power. Their amps are able to run at .5 ohms, not recommended, and I won't be doing so, but I've seen and heard from people who own their equipment, nothing but good things. They underrated their products greatly. My two crappy cents lol
  8. manrossdamn

    Sundown vs. Fi

    What a vague set of questions from op Good luck with your install, although I would've chosen the SA-8's for space requirement reasons.
  9. manrossdamn

    Pics of the engines I work on and with...

    Freaking MASSIVE!
  10. manrossdamn

    SA-8 in a 2007 Mini Cooper S!

    Well, my friend said he wants more boom for his stock ass Mini. Man the thing has a horrid stock stereo, and it's too complicated to get an aftermarket stereo. He wanted an 8" sub, or a 10", so I showed him the SA-8. Should I build a box with .65cuft after dicplacement at 32hz? He listens to variety of different genres. I plan on running an in-line-converter to the amp later on. Thanks!
  11. manrossdamn

    Just saying Hello

  12. manrossdamn

    Happy Birthday BanginGMC

    Happy Birthday
  13. manrossdamn

    Random Questions :)

    Does anyone know any examples of these few subjects? -Nonconformity -Self-Reliance -Confidence/Trusting your intuition -Importance of Nature -Society is the source of Corruption and materialism If you can quote something of a song, a book, commercial, or just anything in today's society, thanks
  14. manrossdamn

    Quad Alt Brkt for the Masses

    That is a beautiful piece of artwork
  15. manrossdamn

    Soo.. after much deliberation..

    www.houston-imports.com Is one immature ass car forum. Just my headsup if you plan on going to that crappy site. Most, if not all of the people on their flame and talk stuff. I was just reading a thread about this guy, and dang, he got his ass served to him. What is everyone doing for christmas?
  16. manrossdamn

    A/V Suggestions on Room Entertainment

    1920x1080 Projector
  17. manrossdamn

    Random Questions :)

    It's somewhere in that area, a younger friend of mine has it for a project. Thanks brother
  18. manrossdamn

    Fi X 10's

    Sounds awesome man Depends on your enclosure
  19. manrossdamn

    Fi mids and highs

    I want some AA 7's, but no money till next week.. AA/FI = Win
  20. manrossdamn

    Fi sub as H/T sub?

    Good luck I just read this thread. Hope to see a build log!
  21. manrossdamn

    Soo.. after much deliberation..

    O_o? whut? If I did, where and my bad lol
  22. manrossdamn


    Welcome sir Awesome system!