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Everything posted by manrossdamn

  1. Has anyone ever heard of their wiring? I've been looking at it because it was so cheap. It's on 1800woofers and I've looked at welding supply, I'm debating on which one to get right now. Thanks guys
  2. manrossdamn

    How is Fi pronounced?

    I say Eff Eye
  3. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    Ah, thanks to afterschool activities and recent money issues I have been filled with work Also, my friend just switched his fuel injection motor into a fully carb'd motor, man. That thing is wicked.
  4. manrossdamn

    Happy Birthday Duran

    Happy birthday You're a year closer to dying 8D
  5. manrossdamn

    SMD Forum is well...

    lol@people trying to hate on ford
  6. manrossdamn

    Fi wins Street B for DBDrag in Indy on Feb 26th

  7. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    Haha thanks guys One day, I'll boost it whenever I do a engine rebuild!
  8. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    Thanks guys m yfriend said those seals and gaskets would start to crack so i'm gonna try to fire her up soon before I do dump money into it lol xD
  9. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    I've heard, I just want it to be my DD until I save enough for a swap!!
  10. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    Thanks for the support! I'll try to get pictures later today
  11. manrossdamn

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    thankss I plan to ask my oldest brother to help me out! He's been working on cars for 10 years now
  12. a friend of mine who Dj's made this little dubstep mix http://soundcloud.com/deejayzeroe/newyearsdubstepmix?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_me He always has other mixes on there I believe check him out!
  13. manrossdamn

    2000 Civic Coupe DX

    I was wondering if you guys have any alternators that would fit in a 2000 Civic Coupe? It's a SOHC D16Y7 motor. Thanks! My price range would probably be a max of 400$, thanks DC!!
  14. manrossdamn

    sub posts

    Banana plugs on Alpine Type R subs always rattled loose for me Just a little trimming like erryone' says!
  15. manrossdamn

    BTL Trouble

    x2 on electrical. Box seems to be way off o_O
  16. manrossdamn

    Radio Install

    I would say splice the wires, but I donnooo..
  17. manrossdamn

    T3 Audio TSNS 18 + Soundigital 16k

    Awesome build!! I always wanted to see how deadly that sub was!! 102 Pounds? Use it as a weight when you're working out As always,
  18. manrossdamn

    SA-8 v.2 Prototype Video

    AWESOME!! When can I buy one?
  19. I've done that, it's hard to harness all of the power from the PSU and get the amps that you're wanting. The PSU will just cut off and die if you pull too much power from it But I went from a 300 watt one to a 600 watt one, made a huge difference!
  20. manrossdamn

    SA-12 vs. Treo TSX

  21. manrossdamn

    Movie recommendations?

    I'm looking for movies that are worth the time of getting to watch, darmas, comedies, horror movies, anything you guys like! I hope this thread can be someone everyone can look at if they're in need of a movie to watch. If you can, state the name, and the year it was produced, thanks!
  22. manrossdamn

    Newb from Houston

    I love how some idiot thumbed my comment down when I politely welcomed the sir to this forum. Dumbass. Your head:
  23. manrossdamn

    Newb from Houston

    Welcome! Where in Houston are you from?
  24. manrossdamn

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    in for epic build!!