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Everything posted by manrossdamn

  1. manrossdamn

    Ross's noobie build

    makes me cry that I spent 10$ on that can.. and it didn't come out the way I wanted it to
  2. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    Does anyone have any expirence with this product? I plan on buying it to coat my box with Thanks!
  3. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    I have them on my phone, I'll upload when I remember and have the chance. Busy in class at the moment x_x
  4. manrossdamn

    Fi sub as H/T sub?

    Buildd loggggg!
  5. manrossdamn

    ICON 1ohm vs 2ohm and which amp

    Buy me one too? No work makes me sad.. Build log!
  6. manrossdamn

    Black FiDay Sale

    Oohh. Midbass speakers... LOL! Just kidding GLWS's! If I could I'd buy a dozen just for a small wall.
  7. manrossdamn

    XT-2000D Price?

    I'm interested to see how much this amp would cost Also want to know how much a MD2d cost, thanks a bunch Trying to decide on what amp I'll buy.. Thanks!
  8. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    Did not come out the way I wanted it to.. Going to buy a pint today!
  9. What's welding supplies website? Tried googling it, not 100% sure
  10. manrossdamn

    Sacrifice box volume for port area?

    More = Less port noise? Less = More port noise? Don't trust me, I'm not 100% Sure, LOL
  11. manrossdamn

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    More picturesssss! Wire that "som-bitch" up. Looks freakin sick! Nice work bro!
  12. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    Instead of getting Dupicolor or the durabak stuff cause I was out of time, So I Settled with Rustolium - Truck bed liner. I hope it comes out the way I want it to, thanks for the help!
  13. manrossdamn

    Grounding to body instead of frame.

    I was reading about KK wiring and CCA type stuff, I'm fixing to order some of that to do the big 3 and then some. And then get a secondary battery too, good luck broham!
  14. manrossdamn

    need help on system choice

    AQ and AP ftw! as other's have called it, 15 or 18 ftw
  15. manrossdamn

    BTL N1 Video!

    Siiicccck! Whoever commented saying that it's weak, go die
  16. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    Whoooy, that looks like some good stuff! I'll look into it
  17. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

    No one? Any recommendations?
  18. manrossdamn

    The N218 sub

    Don't ask, don't tell
  19. manrossdamn

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

  20. manrossdamn

    The N218 sub

    no, it will split that 3500 between the two subs. yeah that is if he was using one 3500 watt amplifier but he will be using two of them. OP if you have to ask that question then yes you will be in need of recones before you know it, just stick with the recommended rms and use one of the amps on both subwoofers. But hes saying 2 3500s for 4 btls. assuming hes running 1 3500 per pair of subs. 1750 rms per sub. Man you better have a stout electrical!! And either way, I'm pretty sure they'll withstand 2k+ rms, just the guy behind the gain knob
  21. Continue on.. Yes, I'm trollin'. Thinking about buying a roll of KK 1/0 wiring
  22. looking in on getting new wire here too!
  23. manrossdamn

    Ross's Small Box for a 1988 Camaro

    Lol Sorry! If I can I'll get pictures of the box and the box for the Camaro, looks pretty good.
  24. manrossdamn

    Ross's Small Box for a 1988 Camaro

    Just worked on a small sealed box for a 1988 Chevy Camaro Iroc-Z! Found a router laying around my autotech class, man. Looks pretty nice. And for my FI Q 18 box, I rounded it, sanded, fixing to paint the port and get some carpet! Pictures up later today