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Everything posted by jer

  1. 1. Sorry for my poor english (i'am from russia) I need help to build ported box for 2*sa12 (1 ohm connection) amp - Rockford fosgate t1500-1bd, i'd like port to be tuned to 40-42 hz Can anybody help me with dimensions of box and dimensions of port. Thank you very much. In russian discusion a can not find any info about that
  2. jer

    Need help (building box for 2*sa12

    thank you very much, tomorrow i get the subs, and start building
  3. jer

    Need help (building box for 2*sa12

    tyoung515 thanks, i need just enclosure volume, area and lenght of port for 40-42 hz tune, my car is mazda 3 hatchback
  4. jer

    Need help (building box for 2*sa12

    I can find nobody to translate what i d like to say. What dimensions of box and port needed to tune it to 35 hz? I am listening club and electro music, its ok with that way tuned box (35hz)? Thanks for answers
  5. jer

    Loudest Pair of SA-12s that I know of.

    Impressive ride (sorry for my poor english, i am from russia), can u tel dimensions of box please?