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Everything posted by TheTechnician

  1. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Well hello to all the regulars here. I have been reading this forum for a couple of months anonymously and decided to go with dual RLs-15's for my home theatre-stereo DIY sub project. I looked at all the subs and forums I could find. After everything was said and done, they looked like the ones for the job. My requirements were very low distortion, very low frequency extension and awesome output too. I decided to do everything pretty mush as recommended for a change. I have built 2 sealed enclosures that have just at 8.5ft^3 a piece minus about .5 for bracing. I am going to power them each with a bridged Behringer EP2500 with about 2400 watts@4ohms. I am putting the finishing coats of urethane on tomorrow morning and then I can finally test them in the boxes. (I was afraid I would never put the finish on the boxes if I tested them first, ) Anyway I'm frikkin excited and I wanted to share my experience. You need some HT posts on here anyway.
  2. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Well I called Behringer and talked to tech support about it while I was freeair testing them. I guess they didn't directly verify 2400w@lower frequencies, but they thought the amp should be a good mate for the rls. I think they did say 1200rms, but I just don't think so. I'm gonna get something really powerful in a couple months or so, maybe a crown. Until then, these things still rock.
  3. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    For the record the EP2500's are not 2400watts rms, they are 2400 peak. If even that.
  4. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Nope, the filter switches aren't on, but when I first tested them free-air I had them on. Man talk about frustration, after I had the cabinets assembled, I figured out that the filter switch is backwards from the others, you have to push it to the right to turn it off, everything else is off when its to the left. I wasn't seeing too much movement freeair, but I had the filter on then and it was cutting off at 50hz. Mike told me he got it to full excursion with 600 watts free-air. Like I said, it reaches full excursion at super low frequency(20hz sine wave) but as you go higher it get much harder to get near that, plus the higher frequencies are making the amp clip at higher volumes, it doesn't clip at 20hz very easily. I don't know, but I wondered if maybe the ep2500 doesn't put out the wattage it claims or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Should I not expect to see more than say, 25mm movement at 50hz? Maybe this is clearer.... does it take more wattage to see a driver move 25mm at 50hz than to move 25mm at 20hz. If so then I think I need more power to make this thing perform as it is truly capable.
  5. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Ok, I finally got to play around with the test tones today and I have some questions. I seem to get that insane 3 to 4 inch excursion when I play 20hz, then less with 30hz, and drastically less as I go up from there. Now my amps clip SEVERELY and very audibly when I try and raise the volume on the 40hz clips and up, maybe 15mm excursion max(visually estimated). They seem to be capable of much more sound output at 40hz and up. Also, when playing the 20hz tone, they go full tilt with no clipping. So, I am guessing this is an amplifier related thing right? I was thinking of going with a better brand with more power for the amps. Don't get me wrong, the output is incredibly loud anyway, but I can't tell if I'm getting all these babys are capable of at the frequencies above 30hz.
  6. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    I got an awesome deal on something called fibercore, which I guess is mdf with red oak veneer on both sides. All the bracing is solid oak though including each edge of the cube where the ends come together so it doesn't fall apart. I was wondering though if any of you have experience with bracing cabinets for woofers this powerful. Should I have braced it more than that? I may make a more braced test cabinet to test with. I would have used more bracing, but the guy whose shop I was using (he's a professional cabinet maker) was like "man, you don't even need to brace that cabinet". The stain is red oak color by Minwax, two coats, and 3 coats of spar urethane by minwax. Oh yeah, they posted my excursion vid on ROE, I don't think I really captured it as well as I could but its not bad. http://realmofexcursion.com/videos/SoundSplinter/rls15.3.wmv
  7. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Well the edges will be a project in themselves. I will post the pics, but its gonna be a couple months till I have time to make the edging. I posted some more pics, and am still waiting for shon at RoE to post the excursion vid. http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/The...56/159027a5.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/The...56/573316fc.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/The...56/7f875447.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/The...56/352fcff4.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/The...56/99034d9a.jpg I feel kinda retarded for it, but I still don't know how to make it linkable.
  8. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    I'm sorry for the lack of pics & stfu, but I have a real demanding job and no experience with posting files. I have submitted a video of the setup playing the song I mentioned to realm of excursion, and it should be posted under my name when they post it. If you have any other suggestions for pics or more vids I'll be happy to oblige.
  9. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    Well this morning I was testing it, and when a track hit about 25hz or so at full volume it tripped the breaker. I flipped it back on, and now everythings running just as loud with no breakers tripping. I am pushing 2 at once with 2400 watts a piece off the same outlet( ya know, two receptacles but the same outlet ). It was a 20 amp breaker. Btw I was playing Kalifornia by Crystal method, and one part of the song hits 20hz. WOW-------These things had as much travel as the dust cap is wide at that frequency. I couldn't hear the sound it was so low, and the whole house was shaking!
  10. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    can anyone suggest a way to post pics easily?
  11. TheTechnician

    RLs-15's for HT, and music

    The living room and kitchen are part of the same room, 17' X 28' with a 17' vaulted ceiling, plus there is a small open bonus room and a short hallway.