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Everything posted by bcst86

  1. bcst86


    my shirt came in. along with some goodies from Knukonceptz
  2. thinking of getting a DC lvl2 8

  3. bcst86


    cant wait to get mine!!
  4. bcst86

    2 SSD's on a AQ2200D

    hmm. i have an 03 tundra access cab with the back seat removed. not sure if that would help at all. im really wanting to put the xcon in an isuzu rodeo that will be here at the end of the week. but i still cant decide.
  5. bcst86

    2 SSD's on a AQ2200D

    not sure if this is the right spot to ask, but would 2 stock SSD's be ok on an AQ2200D?
  6. bcst86

    2 SSD's on a AQ2200D

    yea dual 1's. would they be louder than 1 15" xcon....just curios
  7. bcst86

    2008 Lexus IS250 Double Din

    nice job, looks really good. nice looking car too
  8. bcst86

    DROP IN TEST DD vs. Fi

    that btl is sexy
  9. bcst86

    Got My SA-8s !!!!!!!!

    what are you gonna do with those DD's now
  10. bcst86

    Got My SA-8s !!!!!!!!

    gotta post some pics!!! how man did you get?
  11. i forgot i had this and found it in the closet. its got a small crack in the cone. what should i do with it. would it be worth trying to get someone to recone it? tried testing the coils and im getting all kinds of numbers sitting next to my icon thats waiting for a box to be built
  12. dog got out while i was gone and the pound doesnt have her. pretty bummed out

    1. bcst86


      i got her back!!!! a guy called the pound and they gave him my number.

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Yeah! Happy for you that you got your pooch back.

    3. ssh


      Happy to hear you got your dog back =)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  13. i just got a new netgear wireless router and tried setting up a password. it connects to the internet but only as a limited connection and cant get online. anyone know what i need to do? it worked fine without the password, but i dont want to leave it open so anyone can connect to it.
  14. in dallas, what to do now

    1. jcarter1885


      stay out the hot weather.

    2. onebadmonte


      go eat at snuffers. have a cheese burger and chedder fries. then die of a heart attack. :P

  15. im trying to get my laptop on. i bought the router new. followed the directions from the disk that came with it. my sister came to town last weekend and her laptop connected to it fine. she just searched for a wireless signal and mine popped up, i put in the key and she was online. i tried doing the same with my laptop and it just says connected with limited access.
  16. bcst86

    Upgrade to Xcon!!

    looks nice. i like the box!
  17. bcst86


    I bought an AQ2200 from him. Sent him payment and had the tracking number for it shortly after. It came in today just as described, in original box with manual and QC sheet. Looks great, almost brand new. Top notch seller in my book. Cant wait to hook this up to my Xcon...just waiting for 0awg wiring to get here to test it
  18. bcst86

    2006 Toyota Tundra by Handcrafted Car Audio

    that looks sweet. i want something like that on my 03 tundra!
  19. bcst86

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    what he said ^^
  20. Dont Crecendos have insanely bright tweeters? Ive heard RF Power Comps and loved them. I havent heard a true SQ system though, so my expectations were amazing very bright, but i still havnt switched them to -3db. guess i got used to them
  21. bcst86


    finally got mine ordered!
  22. bcst86

    Store Upgrades... Again :)

    i noticed it earlier today. i like the new look!
  23. bcst86

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    i love those tahoes. been thinking of getting one and selling my truck
  24. bcst86

    For the love of Xcons

    found this pic on my computer. my xcon and icon Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  25. i have the ccx65's. they get pretty loud if thats what you are after. not a lot of midbass from them though