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Everything posted by bcst86

  1. bcst86

    Guess what the duck!!!

    still no pics????
  2. bcst86


    i might be able to come. im always down for a bbq!!! any ideas on a date?
  3. bcst86

    1997 Isuzu Rodeo

    Ive been working a lot and the lazy thing is getting me, I need to get bromo some measurements so he can help me out with a nice box design. Im ready to see what this thing can do!
  4. bcst86

    1997 Isuzu Rodeo

    Well this is the first time starting a build log on here so ill do my best. Not anything major just something small for her. The car is a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo HU: Kenwood Excelon KDC-X395 Amp: SAZ-1000D Sub: Sundown SA-8......box around .6 cu ft tuned to 34hz. Front doors have 4" speakers and tweeters but not sure what to replace with, so if you have and suggestions let me know Today the HU is coming in so will get pics of that, and i will be running the wires for the amp since i already have it. more pics to come soon
  5. bcst86

    1997 Isuzu Rodeo

    what kind?
  6. bcst86

    Happy Birthday Aaron !

    Happy Birthday!
  7. bcst86

    * SSA Zcon T/S Parameters *

    im interested in 1...12
  8. bcst86

    1997 Isuzu Rodeo

    I havnt had time to take the door panels off. Shes always busy when Im free. But the SA-8 came in today. So I will be working on a box tomorrow for it. I should have done it already but Ive been super lazy because its so hot!!
  9. sa-8 will be here today....ready to try it out!

  10. I'm all jacked up on mountain dew!

  11. bcst86

    SSA XCON Unavailable for purchase?

    has there been a price set for the zcons yet? i need to start saving for one!
  12. yea, a HO alt is on the wish list. Ive already talked to DC power about what I need, just waiting for the $$$. plus i have a build going for my girlfriend so I have been putting mine aside for hers. As far as removing the alt from the bottom I will check it out, have to remove the skid plate. i hate it, even to change the oil it has to be taken off
  13. yea, a HO alt is on the wish list. Ive already talked to DC power about what I need, just waiting for the $$$. plus i have a build going for my girlfriend so I have been putting mine aside for hers. As far as removing the alt from the bottom I will check it out, have to remove the skid plate. i hate it, even to change the oil it has to be taken off
  14. Alright, well I finally had time to run the wires and hook up the AQ2200D i bought and hooked up the Volt meter also. When i First started my truck it was at 14.1V(If i remember correctly). that was with no sub hooked up just the amp, along with a boss rev-665. after having the truck run for about 5 minutes it dropped down to 13.8. I still need to do the big 3(i know i should have this done already ), and Im saving up for a XS D2400 for my main battery. What else would i need to keep a stable voltage around 14.4 or higher. I know I should get a HO alt but I just dont have the money to drop on one at the moment. What would yall suggest for me? Thanks! Alex
  15. not sure what size the stock alt is. its in the worst place ever at the bottom. i have to pull a skid plate off and i might be able to see it. the truck is a 2003 toyota tundra v8 4.7l automatic transmission 2wd access cab
  16. bcst86

    Just recieved my NeoPro 8s

    Not a beauty?? Hell that looks sexy!! i second that. looks nice. how do they sound?
  17. bcst86

    for m5...rail buggy

    thats awesome man. how much does something like that cost??
  18. bcst86

    New ZED products Group Buy

    what exactly is the RA for?
  19. looking to replace my crescendo 6.5's but not sure with what

  20. getting it reconed would be like getting a new sub. did you like the dcon? if so id just do the recone
  21. how do they sound? and how much were they?
  22. bcst86

    1997 Isuzu Rodeo

    yessir, i will get one later on. shes heading to work so maybe tonight.