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Everything posted by bcst86

  1. bcst86

    SSA 15" XCON for sale

  2. bcst86

    SSA 15" XCON for sale

    guess i cant edit my original post but i think i priced too high. offer what yall think is fair
  3. awwww. id be there if i didnt already have plans to float the Guadalupe river that weekend. maybe i can drop by for a little bit
  4. bcst86

    SSA ICON Series out of stock

    Not yet, we are looking to have it ready in less then a month. awesome. a friend of mine is waiting on them. hes sold on ssa after hearing my xcon and dcon
  5. bcst86

    why u wont help why u want deleted

    whats with this guy? i just dont understand
  6. i think its time to sell my xcon so i can get the zcon!!!

    1. stevemead08
    2. S.DeYoung
    3. bcst86


      its a 15, i will post it in the classifieds section here soon

  7. my phone doesnt take very long videos. but i will find something. I have always been a fan of IA. so i will find something to get it done! someone will be very lucky!
  8. ill have my entry as soon as i can find a video camera!
  9. bcst86

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    looks very nice. great job! i like it a lot
  10. Burgers, beer, hot dogs, apple pie and family. what a great day!!

  11. bcst86

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    lookin good my man. the headliner and carpet look great.
  12. bcst86

    Incriminator Audio I Series now on the SSA Store!

    its for the set, almost 100% sure.
  13. bcst86

    Nick Morgan, We got a serious problem!

    haha, Happy Birthday Nick!! Hope you have a good one
  14. 10" Dcon is amazing!!!

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      That is awesome to hear. The performance per dollar is top notch I say. :)

    2. bcst86


      All I need now is a Zcon to complete the family. I love all my SSA subs!

  15. bcst86

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    i just downloaded a lot of these.....cant wait to listen to them in my truck
  16. bcst86

    took the plunge (dcon 10)

    i have an icon and xcon and love both. i just bought a used dcon as well......im sure you will love it
  17. bcst86

    Hair trick with a single 15? no wall?? I think so!

    whats the boxed tuned to?
  18. bcst86

    Guess what the duck!!!

    lookin good homie, is that a sealed box?
  19. Yes!, Finally.....I wanna try these out
  20. bcst86

    sup from Houston

    Welcom Sir, what part of Houston? Im down the road in College Station
  21. bcst86

    SSA Merchandise New Pictures :)

    They are nice, you should get 1!
  22. bcst86

    ZCON 15" Sexy pics...

    I must have 1
  23. bcst86

    Guess what the duck!!!

    what about today? you said something about yesterday and tomorrow not today.... unless you are at work right now? i just wanna see whatcha got