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Everything posted by bcst86

  1. hah....well things get better. so i go out since its daylight to figure out whats wrong and i walk out to my truck to see this. Uploaded with ImageShack.us last night in the very short time i got to hear it, some reasone one of my dumbass friends thought it would be cool to put a unopened can of beer on the cone. i didnt see him do it until i heard a popping sound when it hit the cone. since it was dark and my interior lights suck i didnt see this. i called him up this morning told him it was cracked and that it was because of him and he offered to get me a new one......cool deal so then i start to wonder how much a recone would be so i could have 2 15s now....so maybe i can get something good out of this, but i am still pissed that my sub didnt make it a whole day installed.
  2. i got the box design from the tech page 15" OPTIMAL SEALED 2.75 ft^3. now have free time so im going to start figuring it out
  3. could i have already messed something up in this short of time?
  4. so what would make it just go in to protect mode and shut off? i checked the wires. and the ground but i dont know what else?
  5. alright. im waiting till tomorrow to mess with it so i can see. im not to worried about the output, i was just thinking it would sound cleaner
  6. bcst86

    DLS R6A 6.5" component set

    see i have no idea what that means. passive or active. i want the to be loud and sound good on all types of music. as for the icon i have a sundown saz1000d.
  7. I plan on purchasing these soon (unless there is something better for the same price i should consider) and was wondering what a good amp would be to power these. Also, I guess i will ask. Would these sound good along with my 15" ICON? Thanks in advance, Alex
  8. bcst86

    DLS R6A 6.5" component set

    ok, but my main question was asking about what amp i should go with. and i wish i could hear these and all the other speakers i want to listen to but there is no way to do so
  9. bcst86

    SSAUDIO.COM Dickies Group Buy

    i ordered one but its asking for me to mail in the payment. can i use a debit/credit card instead?
  10. well i finally have enough to order the 15" ICON and i was wondering which coil i should get. copper or aluminum? the aluminum is a little bit more money. and also i was wondering about which amp to get. would the SAZ-1000D be enough power or should i go with the SAX-1200D instead?
  11. bcst86

    SSA Enclosure Recommendations

    Google Sketchup alright, i downloaded that, now i can see the pics of it but no measurements
  12. well my icon and amp both came in, but i still havnt had time to put it in my truck yet. i havnt had time to build a box and i still dont reallly know how to go about building a ported box. ive built sealed but thats pretty simple, and i cant seem to open the enclosure recommendations here on ssa
  13. bcst86

    SSA Enclosure Recommendations

    what do i need to open the file?
  14. ok, i think you have convinced me. lol i will pm you
  15. IMO it's worth it for the extra power handling these have. Copper has a slightly smoother sound to it, but the Alum is my favorite. will the SAZ-1000D still be a good choice for it since it will have the extra power handling?
  16. hmmm. is there a sound difference between the two? i still dont know if it is worth the +25 or not.
  17. i just ordered it. with the copper coils. and i also ordered a sundown audio SAZ-1000D
  18. alright. they are cheaper too. why are the aluminum coils more?
  19. i have been looking for a component set and i was considering going with something from cdt. I have never heard these with my own ears, but i have heard or read a few good things about them online a while back. Or if there is something better i should consider please let me know i was looking at the CL-61A-25 PRO here is a link to them http://www.woofersetc.com/p4596/CL61A25-PRO--CDT-Audio-Classic-65"-2Way-Component-Speakers.htm what do yall think, and what amp should i look into to power them?
  20. bcst86

    how are cdt components?

    Hundreds of things, but better is subjective and you gave us no direction so we can give you none either. what do you need to know?
  21. bcst86

    how are cdt components?

    which ones do you have? and do you have them powered by an amp or just the head unit?
  22. bcst86

    how are cdt components?

    anyone? 25 views no responses
  23. well i still havnt decided on what i want to get in my truck. i drive a 03 toyota tundra access cab and will be removing the back seat for the box. i plan on doing the big 3 and getting a kinetic battery to help the electrical. as far as music, i listen to everything so i want the sub to sound well and i want it to be loud. something that can play all ranges of bass and be loud, not only certain spots. sorry if i dont make sense i dont know how to word what im thinking. i was thinking of a single 15" and saw the ssa 15" xcon. would this be what i am looking for?
  24. bcst86

    which sub is best for me??

    how about loudness? and whoever that chick is in your banner is sexxxy
  25. bcst86

    need help deciding on components

    alright, my mistake for not including enough info. 6.5" component set, just front doors. probly not gonna use the rear speakers. i will be powering with an amp. and for the comp set id like to spend under 300 for nice sounding if possible. im going to try and put them in the stock location. and as far as music goes i listen to rap, classic rock, metal, pretty much everything....