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Everything posted by padoras_box

  1. thank you for sending the speakers and sticker to chris...i just got them he is gonna freak...they are awesome should have bought some too.

  2. padoras_box

    Ideas for new spring build

    my front speakers are rockford punch 5 by 7 120watts 4 ohms back speakers not worth mentioning they suck
  3. padoras_box

    Ideas for new spring build

    im sorry i know the drill, should have put it, i dont want to spend more then $1200, because i already have speakers and a deck, im really just looking for a small sub and a small amp to run the sub. I really don't want to have to buy a new altenator, but i would like to get a new battery. If i forgot anything else please tell me, i don't want to turn into one of the annoying people who dont give any good info.
  4. padoras_box


    i was told there was a dealer who dealt with this site for high output alternators. I was wondering if anyone knew who that is so i could speak to them privately. I want to buy one for a present.
  5. padoras_box

    Happy Birthday Icy_chris

    that is his present, but without a shipping date i cant pick it up.
  6. padoras_box


    thank you but i am a girl. lol icy cris's yes im a girl and i like car audio. I'm sorry i know that bad(lol). I love this site, it wasnt for all the awesome guys here i would never laugh. Just wait i'm doing my business and marketing plan for my classes on car audio, so i have had to learn a lot quickly. If it were not for you guys on this site and christopher i would be screwed. I love you guys. And yes icy_chris is my fiance just kidding i love him
  7. padoras_box


    thank you but i am a girl. lol
  8. padoras_box


    the alternator i need isnt for my car, its for a sunfire. but thank you i will
  9. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    you need to fix your voice you sound like a reader at a funeral. i love your bike i want to ride it. and your bike sounds very hot...you should get the thigny you showed melast night the intake thinger
  10. padoras_box

    Audio Ideas

    As ome of you may know by now...icy_chris is my fiance. I need some help with an audio problem. He has everything amps alternator, wires and fi btl 12" sub and everything he just got door speakers and I bought him the sundown 100.4 for his b-day.....but i dont know what to get him for christmas.... I realize he will see this but maybe you guys could give me some ideas anyway and that will maybe make him think about it. I'm starting to get ideas now because most things have to be shipped and I have to cross the boarder to pick them up. Thank you in advance for your help. I was thinking about getting him this deep-cycle battery thing he has been talking about....but have no idea what that is. maybe one of you could expalin it.
  11. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    i know but as fiancee it is my job to bug, annoy and act cute when he gets mad
  12. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    it looks better than pictures, apparently he forgot how to use the light switch for the basement.
  13. padoras_box


    you are my hero. Thank-you
  14. padoras_box

    Audio Ideas

    i actually meant the battery but im a girl and sometimes thingy and thing and whatchamacallits get thrown in sorry guys. christopher saved a website for batteries on my computer. He wants a second battery for his car, expecially since he is getting a new amp for his speakers. i think i might go with that or an spl(right?) meter for him. He really wants one and i dont know what they do.
  15. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    I'm not that wild. But just wait once the bike is back together christopher said he would teach me to ride. well drive it so i can ride on my own. I can't wait for it to be done...and i love helping him with his stuff. I started helping him with his car stereo. In the spring we are going to start putting together the parts for my car. I can't wait....my own boomy system.
  16. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    i love them !!!!!
  17. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    we picked out these killer mirror for the bike because the ones he has look like those big glasses from the 70's i cant find a picture but im sure christopher could for you. they look so much better
  18. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    i love you i know i cant wait to see it finished i will rape the bike. that tailpipe is straight right?!!!! i think it looks great already. can't wait honey.
  19. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    well he is also busy with the car or the bike i'm human i need some lovin too. jk but i really love helping him, it gives me something to laugh at. He hurts himself in more ways doing the littlest things and he has stop laundry production since my laundry room is right next to that paint booth. sO HINT HINT CHRISTOPHER hurry up, i dont like paint fumes. lol
  20. padoras_box

    bike makeover

    as pandoras box official agent i demand a better picture i look horrible im just kidding anyway yes i helped and i have to indure the stinky piant smell. i like the bike way better black it doesnt look so kiddish. and the gold accents are hot. I would rape the bike if he would let me.
  21. i protest the crappy picture i was sick as hell, i want a better picture this is crap i want a new agent lol

  22. padoras_box


  23. padoras_box


    we could shoot a video tonight of your awesomeness and that pretty car, since you need to get some hair tricks videos i do tricks for treats lol
  24. padoras_box


    we could shoot a video tonight of your awesomeness and that pretty car, since you need to get some hair tricks videos
  25. padoras_box


    i can barely sit still in that car...damn you and you wonder why i want to go for so many car rides