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Hzd Skizzy

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Everything posted by Hzd Skizzy

  1. Hzd Skizzy

    Possible New Car

    Looking real hard on a 2007 Nissan Frontier NISMO Crew Cab. 4.0 V6 with 94k miles. They're asking $16,599. It's silver, only aftermarket items are the following. K&N CAI, Front Bull Bar, aftermarket exhaust, and a JVC headunit which will actually be replaced by my Pioneer AVH 3200-DVD. Rear Seats will fold up and in to make sub room and amp room. Main question is if any of you guys have dealt with Frontiers of any kind. Just state your opinion on them. Only thing that scares me is the some what high mileage. The guy kept stressing that it "is a Nissan, you can get 350,000 out of this truck". I was like ehhhh, but you have to account for problems down the road.
  2. Hzd Skizzy

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    Just started doing that.
  3. Hzd Skizzy

    Sundown October Sale : SA-10/12/15 and SAX-1200D

    Im going to go ahead and guess no... Reason being is because it's not posted in the original post... If there was a sale on it, I'm pretty sure it would be made known.
  4. Hzd Skizzy

    Ssa Zcon 18 power handling?

    x2 get 2 if you NEED to run 4k
  5. Hzd Skizzy

    I'm looking for a decent car audio setup.

    Got any goals? Without any goals for your system we can't really tell you what to get because we don't know what you like. But you could get: Sa-12 Incriminator Audio 5.1 Contact Audibel Customs for a nice box.
  6. Hzd Skizzy

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    As for an update...I achieved one of my personal goals. Monday-Friday, first thing in the morning I walk into school and have to climb up 3 flights of stairs. Can't avoid it. I used to get to the second floor and I'll walk into the hall and use the alternate staircase across the school and that would be the equivalent of a "break". Now I go up all 3 no problem, not even huffing or breathing hard. For some of you you would just say cool story bro, but I take it as a milestone. As far as losing weight goes, I'm not losing weight, but I'm losing fat. Gaining muscle though, it's keeping it pretty steady. My eating habits are a lot better. I made a rule for myself that I would have my 1 sweet tea a day, but that is it, water for the rest, then a protein drink after my workout. People are noticing my change. My mom, who I live with, knows I'm getting better but she see's me everyday so it's hard to tell for her. But when I go visit my grandparents they're like WOAH! What Happened! Or as my aunt said who I havent seen since June "Hey! Where the hell is the rest of you?!" I actually enjoy the attention because it keeps me motivated to keep going. Another personal reward, if I go to the gym Mon-Fri, which I am supposed to, on Saturday I'll treat myself with something I love like a favorite dessert or something from McDonalds that I liked. If I miss a day, I won't do it. Just updating my progress.
  7. Hzd Skizzy

    2012 Icon testing

    I love it
  8. Hzd Skizzy

    My subwoofer?

    I do not think recones take priority but we will have to wait for nick or scott to chime in.
  9. Hzd Skizzy

    The MECHMAN October Deal!

    Awesome deal. This means I will have to make my next car one of these, during this month. Btw, I love the fine print at the bottom haha.
  10. I'm pretty sure Iraggi is no longer making alternators, if I am wrong, sorry for my stupidity. I know your not buying from Iraggi and actually trading someone for it, but I tend not to buy things where the company is no longer manufacturing (few exceptions to that rule) but not in this case. But the big 3 would be a good idea.
  11. Hzd Skizzy

    My subwoofer?

    They upgraded to all U.S steel. Usually the problem is one of the suppliers is late or out of something they need to complete your order. Also depends on what you bought and such. Have you tried emailing? If not go ahead and do that,
  12. Hzd Skizzy

    Hzd Skizzy

    Thank you Kevin, I really do appreciate it.
  13. Hzd Skizzy

    Possible New Car

    It was totally listed online like 30 minutes ago? Damn, maybe it's sold?! It's not online anymore. Maybe I need to reconsider anyways.
  14. Hzd Skizzy

    Possible New Car

    Yeah I came back because I bought my last car at carmax and it was actually a good deal. I keep searching and searching and i dropped by and saw this one, drove it and everything and I loved it compared to all the other things I drove. Price to mileage ratio at carmax is insane though. They're always saying, oh don't worry it will last to 400,000 miles and I'm just like...Is every car in this lot a diesel?
  15. Hzd Skizzy

    Possible New Car

    Ive spent since the end of August searching. When I find a good one, like my last one, I have this good feeling about it. High mileage is definitly scaring me though. Brother had his timing belt replaced at 120k on his Nissan Xterra. Not a cheap fix.
  16. Hzd Skizzy

    Possible New Car

    Yeah I understand all of this, but this is carmax and they are strictly no haggle. I'd definitley get it checked out and everything. KBB in my area is 17k as well. It is actually in EXCELLENT condition as well.
  17. This is why I never come to this forum, you bash peoples post and yet yours doesn't include one shot at a solution. His subs likely are doing around a 140, yet he has stock speakers on a sub par deck? An amp and speakers wouldn't be a bad investment. And since decks can "handle" max volume, go turn up your bass, treble, mid and all of the other settings on max, turn it up all the way on stock HU power and get back to me how it sounds. Go play in traffic OP either go do some of the suggestions on this thread or talk to the shop. No where did I ever say it would be beneficial to play at max, or turn all other setting to max, but if it goes to 35 it should go to 35 with no problems. So you're obviously missing the point. In a way I did give him a good lick of advice. It was to not listen to you so he could save some money and time. Plus, you will never know what he's metering unless he meters it so the comment about his subs doing around 140 is invalid based on lack of knowledge.
  18. Hzd Skizzy

    2012 Icon testing

    I think these would be a perfect match for my saz-2500d!
  19. What kind of shit advice is this? He has a problem with his head unit not his speakers at the moment. His deck is designed to go 35 max which means it should not be turning off at 30 or any volume within the range for that matter. It's his head unit that has the problem. New speakers and a new amp won't fix this problem. Quoted this to ask you how you know he's going to have a 140db system if he adds door speakers ad an amplifier? Please inform me on this stupidity. Refer to the first quote. Thanks for the bad advice. why would he need door speakers when he clearly has a h/u or even a wiring issue? putting more money into this issue isn't going to solve anything as if to say how will an amp on his NEW door speakers fix the h/u or potential wiring issue? I understand for his system to get loud he WOULD, in the future, need a amp and newer/better speakers to get loud at a lower volume with this problematic h/u but here is the interesting thing if the volume control on the h/u its self isn't linear how will the amp solve the non-linear problem thus he will still have to be around 25-30 to get loud! well I guess he could still turn the gains up on the amp which could over come this volume issue.... but in the long run that wouldn't be the best idea! so before we go any furthur with this lets first let the OP get the wiring checked out and go from there! holy shit this forum is all fail. if his door speakers were clipping because of how crappy they are and because he is putting his volume too high (clearly)... it would cause the head unit to go into protect mode. It's responses like this that make the forum seem that way.
  20. Hzd Skizzy

    Sa 15's, IA Death Row 15's or SSA Icon !5's

    Not sure what weight has to do with it because look at one of the best subwoofers on the market, BTL N2, motor is made out of neodymium which is far less as heavy as a ferrite magnet but yet it out performs many others in a daily application. But if it makes a big difference, the weight of the subwoofer can usually be found in the T/S parameters. So you want Sound Quality and SPL? Doesn't really make sense at all. Those are two completely opposite terms.
  21. Hzd Skizzy


    I can't stand people like this, they think it's perfectly fine to take something someone may have worked so hard for and takes it because they are too lazy to acquire the funds to get it themselves. My Dad's house was broken into three times within 4 weeks one of which I walked in on.
  22. Hzd Skizzy

    Sa 15's, IA Death Row 15's or SSA Icon !5's

    Welcome to SSA. Everyone here was also new to the forum at one point. Everyone of us is also here to help, and that goes for revising your question as well. I can answer the question you have now with the following. Bigger Better Badder? They're all 15" drivers so not one is bigger than the other. Better for what? Not every subwoofer does the same exact thing. Badder? How can it be Better and Badder... What I'm trying to get at here is you need to be more specific. Look at each description of each subwoofer you stated and pick the one that suits you best. They are all designed differently to accomplish different things. Look at the power handling of each selection as well, they are all different. State some goals, and we will lead you in the right direction.
  23. Hzd Skizzy

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    The exact one
  24. Hzd Skizzy

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    Some goals of mine are: To eat healther, feel better, walk up the 3 flights of stairs in my school without getting winded. I would like to lose all of this fat. I would like to become stronger, I would like to look healthier and look better. Don't really care what the scale says but really losing fat is the main thing. Confidence is a big key here. For me, the better I look the more confidence I have. I go to Planet Fitness Mon-Fri 30 minutes of cardio each day and then I do a plan of workouts that are different for each day of the week. For example, Mon is Arms and Chest, Tuesdays are 30 minute circuits, Wensdays are Back and Shoulders, Thursdays are 30 minute circuits, Fridays are Legs and core. If you need anymore info let me know. When you are doing your cardio, one of the more effective ways of burning fat/calories, is changes in heart rate. Meaning, just just hop on the treadmill and park it at one pace for 20 minutes. Mix it up, do a few different machines, some at high, some at moderate, that way you are changing muscle groups and making your heart adjust through out your work out, not just cruising along. Yeah I like to do that. I change the machines I do everyday. Arc trainer and bike one day, treadmill and ellipticall the next day.
  25. Hzd Skizzy

    Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

    Yeah I hear you. I only joined because at the time I was thinking about joining a gym, and they had a killer deal. 99$ for 12 months. But the guy I talked to goes to UNCC and he's studying kineseology (sp?). He also was studying something else that had to do with the body but I can't remember.