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Everything posted by DevilDriver

  1. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good football game on tonight.
  2. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have fun, Sean. Don't pass out in the water, eh?
  3. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "Punch this" Gladly!
  4. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like lamb chops. But I would kill that sock puppet in a heartbeat.
  5. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    With the exception of the Indie scene (which is just Indie being Indie; the music isn't mass marketable, although it's growing on people lately), there aren't any good underground artists, because as soon as anyone likes them, they get signed. Information and opinions travel too fast to stay good and unknown for very long. Also, if you can't enjoy good classical music, your opinion on music doesn't matter to me; you are clearly missing some "taste buds".
  6. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I really despise musical elitists. I listen to music at least 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, and at least 8 hours total on the weekend. Please don't pretend your tastes are better than mine: they're just tastes, and I have likely heard your cool "underground" band's CD 3 times in the last month. Just enjoy the music and quit the elitist garbage!
  7. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congratulations Sean and I wish you continued good luck.
  8. DevilDriver

    xj15 004.jpg

    From the album: DevilDriver

  9. DevilDriver

    xj15 003.jpg

    From the album: DevilDriver

  10. DevilDriver

    xj15 002.jpg

    From the album: DevilDriver

  11. DevilDriver

    xj15 001.jpg

    From the album: DevilDriver

  12. DevilDriver

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    Man Scott, those pictures are really telling the story. Midbass much? When you have this done and the next time I'm Saskatoon, we'll need to go for a trip around Circle Drive or something.
  13. DevilDriver

    FI Q coil ?

    They are aluminum coils, not flatwound. Copper has too much mass for the application. Not Fi, but 100% guaranteed.
  14. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The best kind. Lotta good posts there.
  15. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Double-checked on Facebook: it is Leong. Scott: probably better, yeah. DIYMA has been crack-a-licious the last couple of days.
  16. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jeremy's last name is Leong, I believe. Scott, I think I've got a buyer, so you'll probably miss out, I'm afraid.
  17. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I greatly prefer the cold.
  18. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Today is my official "Day of Long-Windedness" apparently. With the exception of this post, I suppose.
  19. DevilDriver

    Wiring Tweeters Out Of Phase

    Rather than edit this, there is one cautionary caveat that I failed to mention in my post above: a filter is not a brick wall. It's quite possible, even with a 3kHz xover point, that reversing polarity will have an effect on your tweeter. At 750 Hz, response is down by only 24dB (assuming a 2nd order filter) and ITD is still an issue. Sean is very good at making me jog my memory.
  20. DevilDriver

    Wiring Tweeters Out Of Phase

    If the symptom is a stage that leans to the right at upper frequencies, the cause is more directly related to a frequency response issue. This, of course, depends on the frequency at which the tweeter is crossed over at. If, for example, it's crossed over a 3 kHz or higher, changing polarity of that tweeter is not likely to do anything for you at all, as the ear identifies localization cues along the horizontal axis based on Inter-Aural Level Differences. I hate to totally whore this article out, but have a read of http://www.audiojunkies.com/blog/457 It is possible that changing the polarity of one of your tweeters can make a difference if it is crossed over low enough to have an effect on Inter-Aural Time Differences, which is what we use time alignment to avoid. However, a change in polarity is usually most effective with your midrange and/or midbass, as that is where ITD is the dominant factor in horizontal localization cues.
  21. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Actually, now that I think about it, I think there's an Apple call centre in Saskatoon, where Scott lives. Maybe that's where your call routed to?
  22. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As someone who used to do quality assurance for a call centre, I thank god that he was at least nice about it. Most are, unfortunately, dicks when a customer asks them a question they haven't heard before as they feel it is unimportant. Good luck with the new iMac, as well. We just got a new computer and my girlfriend wants an iMac now, too.
  23. DevilDriver

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    Congrats! What vehicle is this in? Any pics?
  24. DevilDriver

    Dome Midrange in Kick of S-10

    Here is a response I wrote, being driven by your question. http://www.audiojunkies.com/blog/457 In your situation, I recommend option number 3 (detailed a little lower in the article). If I remember correctly, your original concern was that you were unhappy with your stage height and wanted to know if you could get better height and still have the tweeters in the kicks. The simple answer is yes. You can, but it will require careful positioning and some EQ trial and error. If you stick with the 2way design, you can move your tweeters up into the a-pillars and bring the stage up with it. You will want to cross them over as low as possible with as steep of a slope as possible, to avoid vertical localization cues coming from both the mid and the tweeter. By the way, I saw the install you were talking about with the tweeters way up high in the a-pillars: that's retarded. They should be much lower down in the a-pillars. If go the 3 way route and you do move the midbass to the door, I wouldn't recommend crossing it over any higher than 400 Hz (and even that is pushing it a bit). Ideally, I think your existing mid in the doors crossed at 300 Hz, a 3" dedicated midrange driver in the kicks handling 300 Hz to 5/6 kHz, and your tweeter taking the top end in the a-pillar.
  25. DevilDriver

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nah, I don't think it's necessary. It's a cool concept and I would probably still be up for a separate forum if someone else wants to come along for the ride, but I like SSA just the way it is.