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Ga foo 88

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Everything posted by Ga foo 88

  1. Ga foo 88

    rl-10 info

    hmm... anyone else using rli 8/10 currently, specificallly in a truck.
  2. Ga foo 88

    #s on rlp18 setups?

    Basically i was wanting to know how big a box would be with airspace and all displacements, using the reccomended 5 cubes and reccomended port area (slot port)? I tried to use subwoofertools.com and it gave me a 12 cube box, and the port was larger than the 5 cube airspace portion.
  3. Ga foo 88

    #s on rlp18 setups?

    Has anyone gotten their rlp18s metered yet?
  4. Ga foo 88

    #s on rlp18 setups?

    I think i read the required port area was a min. of 80 sq inches?? or maybe im off... What would that come to in cubic feet?
  5. Ga foo 88

    Ava recone, how much?

    Sent you an email. If you didn't get it my zip is 30341 and email is [email protected]
  6. Ga foo 88

    Ava recone, how much?

    Im pretty sure ive got a blown Avalanche. It slightly vibrates when powered, starts to smell, and makes a screaching sound at time. Anyways how much is it to reconed, its a 12? How much if i get a larger basket and get it reconed to a 15 or 18?
  7. Ga foo 88

    Mli-65 Ht testing??

    I know when i previously asked about using the mli-65s for HT use, there was testing being done on them in different sized cabinets. I was wondering if any conclusions were made about the enclosures, or any crossovers or anything new for them?
  8. Ga foo 88

    Mli-65 Ht testing??

    I would love to buy some, but i need something for a 2.1 system. I like what Ive seen witht the Hivi's and mli-65s. I dont really know enough about passive x-overs to design my own, or else i would have already bought quite a few.
  9. Ga foo 88

    Early review of Icon 15

    When you say not an spl sub... Do you mean its just more of a daily sub for music and not for burps at comps, or what do you mean more specifically?
  10. Ga foo 88

    HT plans for apartment??

    Would it be better to do a 2.1 system with the zaph waveguide with the minimalist x-overs?
  11. Ga foo 88

    HT plans for apartment??

    Currently im brainstorming for an HT system for my apartment at college. Right now im leaning towards going with 3 zaph bargain mtm's for fronts, mach 5 15, and the rest i need opinions on. First, id like a budget oriented reciever, but dont know what to look for really. Second, i was thinking i could just use a cheap bash/pe plate amp for the sub, but would like opinions? And lastly im not sure if i would need a pre-amp or any processing or anything else? I would just like the reciever to play music off an ipod, with my xbox 360 on games and dvds, as that would be the only uses.
  12. Ga foo 88

    HT plans for apartment??

    Ya i guess i should have stated, im trying not drop alot on this to keep car audio my main focus. Im not really looking to spend the funds on a high end set up here. I was going to do the three front zaph bargain MTMs first, then add the sub and rears later. But what do yall suggest if this is not the way to go. I would say maybe 500 to 600 to start things off with the reciever and fronts . Maybe some suggestions on some floor standing towers at less than 200 per. Then ill add the sub or subs later on.
  13. Ga foo 88

    HT plans for apartment??

    Around 200 for the reciever is what i was thinking, but i have no real set budget.
  14. Ga foo 88

    SSD 15 in a regular cab

    Might as well just make a console box, and port it firing into the rear of the cab.
  15. Ga foo 88

    Input on 8's

    I feel like im pissing into the wind, as far as trying to get any info on these. I guess only time will heal these urges.
  16. Ga foo 88

    mli-65 ht box?

    Whats the recomended sealed enclosure for an mli-65 for HT use, how about ported? Id like to make some kind of towers using 3 or 4 of these and a large format tweet, any ideas on that? How much power do they like per mli-65 for HT use? Any suggestions about this idea.
  17. Ga foo 88

    Input on 8's

    Ahh i was kind of hoping for the sub choice. Please tell me they will be small box 8s like .5 to .7 cube ported.
  18. Ga foo 88

    AA Assassin 8" specs?

    Is that for 8, or for the entire line? sorry i just got confused what we're still talking about.
  19. Ga foo 88

    Somewhat disappointed...

    I think its some what obvious to either seal up this box or start completely over. If you don't have the airspace, then two 15s in their reccomended box will be louder than two 18s crammed in a small box that lacks port area. Maybe the best solution if you have time, is to make a couple boxes for one of the Mjs and test out different port lengths and box volumes.
  20. Ga foo 88

    AA Assassin 8" specs?

    Will they be priced similar to old Assasins?
  21. Ga foo 88

    Input on 8's

    Any updates on these 8s?
  22. Ga foo 88

    mli-65 ht box?

    what would that be tuned to ? it could be kind of like an IB effect.
  23. Ga foo 88

    mli-65 ht box?

    Lol, so like what size hole?
  24. Ga foo 88

    mli-65 ht box?

    Interesting. I was thinking of this for a summer project, but we'll see what you find out first.
  25. Ga foo 88

    AA HT still?

    Is AA still gonna offer the Arbiter HT 2 way and MTMs?