So I made the switch from one SX12, sealed (scary i know) to two RL-i8s currently sealed in my regular cab truck and need some help getting some more output from the little boogers... my amp is a 81000d and the 8s are D4 wired to 4 ohms to the amp since its unmodded, so I figure about 300 watts a piece on em. The box is sealed right at 1ft^3 net between the 2 seats. I am not competing or anything just looking for some nice LSQ (which these 8s sound great) but I am hoping that you guys can help me with a box design that will get a lot louder. Would it be possible to use a ported box (maybe using round ports) that has sort of a " T " shape to it, going between the front seats to the back wall and continues behind both seats along the back wall? should I sell one 8 and keep one and port it? or am i just outta luck and not gonna get that much output from some 8s? they seem to want more power, should i mod the amp and run them at 1 ohm? no selling the truck is not an option neither is a blow through.... thanks for any advice!