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Everything posted by caintrain

  1. Will it matter if the amp ground is 5 awg, and the power is 4?
  2. caintrain


    I am wondering how these subs would compare as far as sound quality and SPL. , both 15" . Both powered by either sundown SAZ 1000d or a rockford t1000bd. I want to get a good quality sub and I am leaning toward the ICON but I am wondering if the SSD is a close enough match to save some money.
  3. caintrain

    System Noise?

    Good Advice, time to do some digging....thanks.
  4. caintrain

    System Noise?

    System specs: Fi BTL 15" Rockford t1500bd pioneer deh-p6000 ub Olds intrigue I cannot figure this out, when my friend turns his sub off at the head unit and plays music, his sub will play but not to the beats of the music, sounds like humming. I thought it was gain set too high but after adjustment there was no change. these exact same wires ran his BL and hifonics amp with no noise. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. caintrain

    System Noise?

    Thanks for the advice, i should see my friend today and we will try all of this stuff out and I will let you know how it goes...the only funny thing is these exact same wires ran his BL on a hifonics amp with no humming noise, literally just switched the amp and the sub. Any ideas on this?
  6. caintrain

    box for fi btl 15.

    I used the second set of dimensions he gave, which i was assuming was the maximum dimensions for his truck, the only one i changed(so i could get the volume within the recommended by the manufacturer) was the width.
  7. caintrain

    box for fi btl 15.

    Wood Thickness (inches) 0.75 External Height (inches) 17 External Width (inches) 38 External depth (inches) 20 Desired Frequency (hz) 32 Port Height (inches) 15.5 Port width (inches) 4 Sub Displacement (cubic Feet) 0.2 Sub Cut ID 14.125 Port Length 21 1/4 Net Box Volume 4.946836035 I think these will work, someone check my math.
  8. Does anyone know a formula that can be used to calculate the optimal box volume and tuning frequency for a particular subwoofer using the T/S parameters given by the manufacturer?
  9. caintrain

    System Noise?

    What do you mean. this also happens while he is driving, his voltage does drop. ALOT. but he is in the process of getting a kinetic and doing the big three. No my brother has too turn on his car in order so there can be music from the speakers. But from time to time the music goes on with the car off. LOL, ok I got you now.
  10. caintrain

    System Noise?

    Thanks Guys. I will check that he ran everything correctly and get back to you. I know his grounds are great(alot of time spent grinding paint.) Good advice for the HU. Also i think he ran crappy scoche rca's from walmart, how big of a deal is this.
  11. Thank You, any ides on what type of alignment these formulas would be optimal for(flat frequency response..etc.)?
  12. caintrain

    System Noise?

    What do you mean. this also happens while he is driving, his voltage does drop. ALOT. but he is in the process of getting a kinetic and doing the big three.
  13. caintrain

    need HELP with ported box

    I put together a box calculator in excel and would be happy to help you if you gave me some measurements for the maximum size, length width and height will fit in your truck. this calculator will give u the exact cuts you need and will figure in displacement for the port and sub, which is another measurement i will need.
  14. caintrain


    With the same QTS and BL and lower FS frequency, makes me believe that on paper, the ssd would have better low frequency production. with my BASIC understanding of these, this is what i think. Am i completely off track?
  15. caintrain


    Thanks for the help...Given the t/s parameters for all three subs(q,ssd, and icon) i would say they are all very comparable on paper. I feel like the icon would have better low frequency production in optimal situations for each, this is why i am leaning towards the icon. Think the SSD will perform better in low frequency production than the q even with less power this is why im comparing the ssd and the icon rather than the q.
  16. caintrain


    I know this is personal opinion, I have not heard either and was looking for someone that had heard both and could give me there opinion based on experience. I have looked at the subwoofer statistics of each and am still undecided. just wanted to get someones first hand viewpoint. My search Through the forum was unsuccessful, thus i am still in need of some advice. Going in 97 grand prix.