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Everything posted by adio

  1. adio

    two sundown audio E series subs

  2. anybody have 1 or heard one in person??? just saw a very intersting bench test on youtube....
  3. ha, he got the crescendo anyway. his mind was already set on it
  4. dont feel bad for me chief, im not intersted in wastin money. i want information that the majority of ppl agree on when it comes to car audio, cause when it comes time to resell, ppl wanna give you 40% of the price u paid for an item, regardless of how long you had it and/or the condition. id rather have an amp that ppl recommend and was bench tested rather than an amp that some dude said 'will absolutely murder the lows'. i try to stay picky, but if u say 'fuq a bench test from anybody!! this bobo schlomo amp is on the exact same level as this amp and its only $35.00' push forth son...........
  5. heres the problem I see with ur 1st paragraph...... (just look at the rms and if its in the range and ur budget) a funky pup amp the has "1700 watts of awesome bass power!!!!" For 69.99 (just make sure its a reputable brand that will do rated power) who determines what brands are reputable -funky pup could be reputable- and without testing how do we know what power theyre putting out out 4,2,1, 0.5 ohms???the 1st line of ur 2nd paragraph..... again if benching and clamping tests are gimmicks, bs, stupid and illegitamate should I assume and trust the wattage that every audio company puts on theyre box and in the pamphlets? If a funky pup amp is benched or clamped tested and puts out 173 watts at 4ohms, 350 watts at 2ohms and 801 watts at 1ohm but goes into protection after 4 seconds should I ignore those results and buy it cause the tests are gimmicks?
  6. So what (parameters, meadurements, stats, specs, etc)should somebody rely on for real world power?
  7. Bench test means nothing, fyi. why not?
  8. What was interesting about it ? the power output at 2 and 1ohms for its size
  9. i can make it in 1hr 23minutes and 14.2398 secs
  10. it seems like its just me and the shops ......... i need some face to face help with my recent install. maybe you know somebody that kicks car audio ass but works out of their garage?!?! thanks kids
  11. I'm not sure... You could get in touch with Nextime, he lives that way. See where he gets his stuff done at. ill try to find him thanks
  12. could somebody model a box for me in WINisd or bassbox, etc. i'm looking at the Tang Band W8-740P 8" Subwoofer (regular magnet) Tang Band W8-740P 8" Subwoofer and the Tang Band W8-1363SB 8" Subwoofer (neo-magnet) Tang Band W8-1363SB 8" Subwoofer i have 2 of the reg mag ones in a 1.6 cu ft box tuned to 28hz (a moe lester box from caraudio.com)and they absolutely stomp a$$, i would like to add 2 more subs, but i don't know if i should stick to the reg mags or the go to the neo-mags. i'm lookin to keep the box size small as possible without havin the subs choke or underperform. and for those who understand, these will be for a new box. please help
  13. adio

    tang bands from PE.......

    bump for more answers
  14. adio

    tang bands from PE.......

    And it seems like the box needed for 4 neo's would be smaller then one for 4 regular TB's, am I right? I would like them tuned to 28 - 30hz.
  15. adio

    tang bands from PE.......

    Hahahaahah, I just figured out that if I do get the neo's, I would 4 of them instead instead of buying 2 more the regulars
  16. adio

    tang bands from PE.......

    Its ok dan, were sharing
  17. adio

    tang bands from PE.......

    let us share brother.......
  18. adio

    Twisted's New "Chuck Norris" Subs ;)

    can't till u throw a vid up here.....
  19. adio

    144.8 db-------on music

    what does this mean?
  20. we do? where at and how much do we charge?
  21. witf are u at, i need you!!!! send me a pm or post/reply here.
  22. theres gotta b somebody....................
  23. does anybody have any websites where i can find build projects that DEFINITELY have mtm or tmm build designs using 8" mids?? the closest thing i found were nataliep speakers. would i even hear a noticable difference bewtween 7 inch and 8 inch mids??