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Everything posted by Talonesi24

  1. Talonesi24

    team ramrod ftw

    Here i am to save the day. i decided im not gonna visit ca.com anymore its just flat out gotten retarded oh btw this is blunt sorry name change gets ya lol
  2. Talonesi24

    best place to buy H/O alts.....

    iraggi, excessiveamperage, ho alt, ohio gen
  3. Talonesi24


    yellow and blue tops are the same batts jsut different terminal options. yeah for a good all around batt the red top sucks. stock replacement for normal car use red top works great.
  4. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    4 optima d34/78 yellow tops
  5. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    So, there is a show sunday. I have 2 atomic 10 inch ap/spl subs in street beat 1. in my sig is my score on a american bass vfl 400.1 at 1/4 gain. 1/2 gain is where clipping starts. this weekend I AM A run 2 kx2500.1's at 1 ohm each. 1 per sub. stay tuned for the crazy number. and pray for the 150. If you didn't know sb1 is 30 seconds of averaged music. alot like bass race except its divided by number of subs rather then bracketed. you can also start your song before go so its a constant 30 sec. Sunday is the day I will post the results. A) I blow somethign up B ) the number will be LOUD as hell.
  6. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    did ok today 149.2 wanted louder but the first run had problems and drained the batts pretty good the the second wasnt loud as it hsould have been
  7. Talonesi24


    your probably right jim
  8. Talonesi24


    only 10 the nights still young
  9. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    ok tommorrow its back to buisness. american bass vfl 400.1 will post scores soon as i get home.
  10. Talonesi24


    i'm a crappie/catfish fisherman myself. living in kansas i dont get a chance at the big salt water fish
  11. Talonesi24

    models being replaced?

    csx ftw
  12. Talonesi24

    xt1600.4 distortion?

    if you bridge it you can set the gains to recieve the exact power you want and give the comps the most they can possibly handle. that doesnt mean set THE gain to where they are jsut before clipping and expectthe comps to take it it means set them at the comps max which is probably higher then the unbridged output.
  13. Talonesi24


    its not the amp nor the subs that win the comps so its of no value.
  14. Talonesi24


    the abs light comes on due to low voltage.
  15. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    im currently shopping for new amps jsut waiting on this one to come back from american bass. then i plan to sell them. look at 2 kx2500.1's or something around that. I wouldlove a vfl 400.1 if i can get my hands on one. I Havn't got to do much testing myself with both but i hear 2 200's is louder then 1 400.1 if you can get them to strap to music. that will really be the deciding factor on if i keep them or not.
  16. Talonesi24

    are you sure?
  17. Talonesi24

    Magnum vs SX

    that wouldnt be in kansas would it? i vote for the atomic ap/spl i have 2 10's doing a 148.3 on 20 seconds of music. they go for aroun 200 each new.
  18. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    now think abotu a pair of them
  19. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    it's an american bass vfl 200.1 my second one will be back from american bass in 2 weeks or so. then no more needing to borrow amps
  20. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    and cause i know someone will ask
  21. Talonesi24

    f'n loud

    well the guy that was gonna loan me amps screwed me over so i didn't get to go but stay tuned the score will come. just waiting on my amp back from american bass. I have pics i will get them up here later. and yes cbfryman 2 12's of these are great.
  22. Talonesi24

    does it work

    test hope my avatar works
  23. Talonesi24

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i feel a coming on
  24. Talonesi24

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i getting kinda drunk
  25. Talonesi24

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh brains fun stuff