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Everything posted by jearhart

  1. jearhart

    Help Wanted -- Pick my components!

    looks great if you can fit a large format tweeter. i wish i could without major modification. that tweeter should play low enough to mate nicely with the metal cone seas. i think you will like that more than a box set under $500
  2. jearhart

    displacement of 12in Mag D2

    awsome, but useless. im looking for the displacement for 12" mag. also i did search and couldnt find it. as i said in my first post. also if someone knows how much port area would be good for a single 12 that would be great also.
  3. jearhart

    Where can I buy Rainbow tweeters?

    here is a pair for sale. http://www.elitecaraudio.com/forums/showth...threadid=141788 or pm 6spdcoupe on diyma. he will probably be able to give you a deal and he is authorized.
  4. jearhart

    rainbow, focal, mb, diamond, infinity

    rainbow or diy
  5. jearhart

    What do you guys use for boxes?

    i tried the same thing, after about 30min to get half a hole done i went to my uncle and borrowed his jigsaw. now i own a jigsaw and a router(havent used it yet, also wish i would have known to get the spiral upcut bit)
  6. i will check on the highpass, but i think it will go up to at least 5khz. and the eq i havent played with much because i have a PPI DCX-730 that has 7 bands fully parametric eq per channel, so i really dont need any more. im sure i could figure it out if i needed to.
  7. im running a 9813 and the crossovers seem to be pretty good. i like everything about it other than the eq, i have yet to figure out how to run that damn thing
  8. jearhart

    Sundown Entry Level Woofer

    are these spl LSQ or sq?
  9. jearhart

    Sundown Dream System

    get the h701!!!!!!!!!! i was going to do something similar to you until the PPI DCX-730 came up super cheap, so i bought it. lets just say i will be using this in every car i own until it dies. the things you can do with a good processor will FAR outweigh any benefit with rear fill, im not going to argue about that. when i switched to active my rainbows sounded like completly different speakers, and rainbows have exceptionally good passives even if it does cost you a little more, you can use it in all of your systems in the future and will open many doors when it comes to buying raw drivers.
  10. jearhart

    ZOMG! A Build Log!

    my spare is completely worthless. i have a full day of wiring if i pull everything out of my trunk and put it back. ill just keep my phone with me
  11. i've got a pair of 250H's sitting in my basement waiting to be put in my doors. im not sure if it will happen but that would be awsome. i hope i can pull it off.
  12. jearhart

    Link to my tweeter review

    Hope you guys like it. http://www.diymobileaudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10458
  13. jearhart

    real world power

    there used to be actual specs on the zed site. unless they changed it.
  14. jearhart

    build quality

    pm flakko
  15. jearhart


    never heard of fi audio , could someone let me in on who they are and what they sell?
  16. jearhart

    Any news on the MD3 Yet?

    pm flakko
  17. jearhart

    USAmps demo car amp's and sub's

    why not just run 3 15s. it will still sound just as good just be louder. 3 15in 06xxx running off 3 3000de's
  18. jearhart

    Sorry everything is taking so long...

    2x!!! i would be into that!
  19. jearhart

    Save the Powerbass forum

    good plan
  20. i really like the look of those new punch amps. the old ones were ok but these look like something you could show off.
  21. jearhart

    us amps website

    2x for USamps and teamSSaudio.com
  22. jearhart

    The Review is in....

    Thats what i was wondering, if they were more comparable to like the xterminator line or the merlin line. thank you
  23. jearhart

    The Review is in....

    how would these compare to USamps?
  24. Cool man, thanks for the heads up
  25. jearhart

    should i go active or bigger 4channel?

    try this http://www.ikesound.com/product-product_id/4386 cheap not a refurb and will put out more that it is rated.