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Everything posted by rasic

  1. rasic

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Someone told me to look at some icons, joined the forum bought a icon. Then bought another
  2. i have a vid uploading if yall want to see that thought it was my battery but my alt isnt charging at all, maybe its my belt because it is the same one the puit on there(had to go to nissan to get this installed) i have the positive from the alt going top my back battery and the oem 4 gauge going to the front battery. it was charging well for the first day then the 2nd day just crapped out. vid coming soon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0kW3938HTY&feature=player_embedded
  3. got my dad to jump my car, got them dmm out put it on ac voltage, put a prong to the 0 gauge and grounded the negative, it read 27 volts.. any ideas?
  4. I have my tsns on 2k and gets loud. So 4 would be more intense
  5. rasic

    sub skips beat on high volume

    or low voltage or, cd skipping
  6. rasic

    I don't know what to do.

    go to a AA meeting
  7. rasic

    tsns on less than 2k

    But ill post pics of what is upcoming
  8. rasic

    tsns on less than 2k

    ehh still got more work to do, has alot of potential but here it is
  9. rasic

    tsns on less than 2k

    Thanks steve, to be honest during the build i didnt take many pics so it would be really half assed
  10. rasic

    tsns on less than 2k

    Thank you
  11. rasic

    tsns on less than 2k

    oh and my editing skills suck, need to work on that too... lol
  12. rasic

    06 Lincoln Navigator- RF & some 18s

    Im lookibg forward to this
  13. rasic

    if you had this budget....

    I ran a tsns off 6cubes wasnt enough. Now im doing 8 cubes
  14. rasic

    which ones would u prefer?

    Ssa icons
  15. rasic

    ZED Audio RA

    I really was zeds smaller 4 channel
  16. is it connected to a ipod? if it is your ipod might of froze lol happens to mine all the time
  17. rasic

    Box build for an IDQv3 12" sub

    Port on each sides? Or port down the middle, if you do build the box just divide down the middle and port on each side.
  18. rasic

    Box build for an IDQv3 12" sub

    i dont suggest building for 2 subs and only putting one in, the cubic feet will be huge and will bottom out on to much power
  19. Yeah id love to see some ill ask if my teammate jt has any I think he went
  20. Couldnt go dad made a surprise fishing trip lol, build will be done monday webster anyone?