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Everything posted by An-i-no

  1. An-i-no

    Thanks for a awesome design / site

    Wow that is nice. Good work.
  2. An-i-no

    SSA GCON 12" D2 BNIB

    Ah! I would swap my SA-12's for these in a heartbeat if I could ind another at this price.
  3. An-i-no

    Neo Pro 6.5 Review?

    I'm assuming that's a 400.4. If it's not bridged then then try bridging it (with the gain low at first, then raise it slowly and listen carefully for stress from the drivers). One thing you have to remember is that you'll have to raise the crossover to account for the added power.
  4. An-i-no

    The Next 5 Years For Subwoofers?

    Are we talking subwoofer politics or subwoofer technology?
  5. An-i-no

    my son is about to be born!!!

    Aw snap congratulations!
  6. An-i-no

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    If you get robbed (knock on wood), you might as well total your car and start over...
  7. Sounds like that stock head unit isn't cutting it. You could try to swap the infinity's back in with the amp and see what happens.
  8. An-i-no

    does the wife really know

    I don't...so how can she?
  9. An-i-no

    Fosgate T2-Need quick answers :)

    FLIP EM! EDIT: Let me elaborate....buy them, try them, then sell or keep them. We can't tell you how they'll sound and you have very little to lose right?
  10. An-i-no

    How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

    IDK (about the SP4's) but I'd bet 4 15's ported in an optimal enclosure would perform equally if not better for less money.
  11. An-i-no

    How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

    Then scrap the idea of 4 18's then. Me personally, I'll be damned if I pay for 4 18's and then not even use them to their full potential. That's a waste of money. If you want them just to say "I have 4 18's" then sure, we can't change your mind. If you want the most effective use of your equipment you will plan for something smaller.
  12. An-i-no


  13. An-i-no

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    Scraping or tapping metal. (The coil scraping the gap or hitting the back plate) It will probably sound sloppy and chuff-y or airy but that's normal.
  14. An-i-no

    this SH*T is funnyyyyyyy lol

    Dafuq am I supposed to do with one tire?
  15. An-i-no

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    Something is blown or almost blown. Is the sub secured to the box well? The box may be leaking/not fully sealed.
  16. An-i-no

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    The ssf on those RF amps is fixed at 12db @ 28hz which might not be high enough if he's tuned to 33. Does it do it at all frequencies or just low notes?
  17. Up your budget. Those will probably disappoint you.
  18. An-i-no

    selling WHOLE system... EVERYTHING MUST GO!

    You wouldn't happen to be selling your HO alt would you? I could really use one.
  19. An-i-no

    Upgrade Questions

    So two of the 15's will see ~750wrms and the other will see ~1000? The one with more power will move more and cause funny shit to happen.
  20. An-i-no

    BC2000D Lead-Time

    Ordered Wednesday, received Friday. From Florida to Texas.
  21. An-i-no

    imaging help

    Well...first of all you would either need godlike drivers (to handle the power they would need to keep up with that substage) or you would need a LOT of drivers, which would probably fuck off the imaging. Oh and you wouldn't be able to hear all the "warmness" and "detail" at 155db+ (Your 10 18"s SHOULD be doing more than a 155) anyway. If the fronts were louder than a 155+ sub setup then you'd be going deaf real fast. People confuse SQ with "small setup that's not focused on subwoofers." The reason most SQ setups don't meter a 150 is because it would be so uncomfortable (painful) to listen to the music that loud...which defeats the purpose of SQ setups, which is to reproduce the music EXACTLY as it was recorded. I don't think any artist records at deafening volumes.
  22. It looks like he wants to run a pair at 1 ohm each or strapped at 2.
  23. An-i-no

    Interesting site...check it out

    Since this is becoming an issue, what are the differences? T/S can be slightly altered easily by different cone mass, and other minute soft part changes. Seriously, what is the difference? What's the difference between the VVX and the SA series? Or any other subwoofer that comes from that factory?
  24. An-i-no

    Sundown sa15

    I had my 12's in 1 cu each. It sucked.
  25. An-i-no

    Ssa icon or kicker l7

    No offense...but this is totally a loaded question. You don't go to the Ford forum and say "I'm thinking of getting a Mustang...but I might get a Camaro. Who has driven both and which did you pick?" Y'know...obviously everyone there is going to say Mustang... I mean....come on. These are the SSA forums...how many people on the SSA Forums are really going to say that the L7 is a better driver? If you were looking for reasons to buy the Icon instead of the L7 then you came to the right place but you wanted fair, unbiased info right?