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Everything posted by An-i-no

  1. An-i-no

    hilarious vid 170+db

    Bigjon your doors don't fall off? The guy at bestbuy said that.....lololol nvm couldn't even finish it. This shit is retarded
  2. An-i-no

    A good place to work

    Shit, after 9 hours at work all he did was post on SSA and sleep lol
  3. An-i-no

    A good place to work

    This. It's always best to put in a two weeks notice. It looks much better to the next employer. You don't want them to call your previous employers and have them say "he just walked out and left us hanging". A lot of people won't do that. If you don't like the job already, some employers will make those last two weeks all kinds of fucked up. I work in fast food and see it all the time.
  4. An-i-no

    I'm an idiot

    And I can't. Ain't that a bish?
  5. An-i-no


    M5, you always remind me of that ONE guy that's like a manager or boss and follows all the rules so closely that it's almost redundant and then when he's right and you're wrong you do everything in your power to never let him know about it lol Anyway, things like this are things you have to deal with every now and again. Remember that reality is dominated by perception. If stereotypes lead to discrimination then yeah, that's ignorance but more often than not people have negative experiences that lead to that so you can't really blame them. We rip on bestbuy installers all the time here for that same reason so if another group of people have bad experiences with...say uhh...people who don't wear underwear, and voice their opinions about it, it might royally piss you off, but you have to understand why they did what they did. It really gets to be a case of..."same actions, different circumstance" where its ok for one person to do it in a certain case but when someone else does it its different for whatever reason. People in general are pretty stupid by their own standards.
  6. Hell yeah ohjay that would help me sleep at night.
  7. Damn man...I get mad when I have DREAMS that I get robbed. One thing I have learned is to give them as many obstacles as possible to atleast slow them down or frustrate them into running, but sometimes they'll trash your car instead. That's some lowlife shit though. People who would rather steal than work.
  8. An-i-no

    Ignore this

    Give Me Liberty Exam One Study Guide Concepts borrowed from anthropology (listed under the Course Information button in Bb and presented in the first week of class) Exploration and Discovery • ideological shifts and technological innovations making exploration feasible and motivations for exploration and discovery (p. 16-20, class notes) • Indian and European worldviews (11-16) • Las Casas (27-28) • Spain’s Black Legend (27) • Spanish Colonization (23-35, 500 Nations documentary, class notes maps) • French Colonization (35-38, class notes, maps) • Dutch Colonization ((38-41) Indians • Pueblo Revolt of 1680 (31-35, class notes) • Powhatan (57) • Opechancanough (58) • Squanto (65) • Pequot War (73-74) • Metacom/”King Phillip”; King Phillips War (86) • Five (Iroquois) Nations (89) • Pontiac (163) • Pontiac’s Rebellion (160-64) • Neolin and his vision and its impact (164) English Colonization • Richard Hakluyt and his impact (48-50) • Jamestown (54-57) • Plymouth Colony (64) • Mass. Bay Colony (65-69) • Great Migration of 1630s (importance of) (65) • Rhode Island, Roger Williams (70) • Anne Hutchinson (71-72) • The Holy Experiment: Pennsylvania, Delaware and Quakers; William Penn (92-94) Definition and Importance of: • Mercantilist system (86-87) • Headright system (91) • Triangular Trade (127-29) • Enlightenment (150-51) • Great Awakening (152-54) Servitude and Slavery • Indentured Servants (51-52) • Bacon’s Rebellion (impact of) (99) • Equiano (126) • Middle Passage (131) • Three Types of Colonial Slavery (131-36) • Barbados (90) • Stono Rebellion (139) • New York City Panic of 1741 (139) Liberty/Freedom • English Civil War and impact on colonies (78-79, 82-84) • The Glorious Revolution and impact on colonies (102-104) • “Freeborn Englishmen” (127) • British beliefs about power and liberty, rights (141-150) (important!) • British Opposition thinkers concept of relationship between power and liberty (168) • Local colonial politics and informed citizenry (148) • Albany Plan (165) Revolution • Proclamation Line of 1763 (164) • Taxation (171-73) • Stamp Act (171) • The Regulators (175) • Townshend Crisis (176-77) • Homespun Virtue (177) • Boston Massacre (177-79) • Boston Tea Party (180) • Intolerable Acts (181) • First Continental Congress (181) • Second Continental Congress (183-184) • Patrick Henry (181) • Thomas Payne , Common Sense (185-6, 188) • Declaration of Independence (189-90) Short answer questions: 1. List the five mechanisms of change and provide an example of each that you believe had the most impact . State why you selected each example. 2. List the four colonial regions and identify the major economic engine for each region. 3. What is legitimacy and why is it important? 4. Identify the use of soft power that you believe had the most impact. Describe those impacts.
  9. It's a dirty game.....lol jk. That would be ironic considering the context.
  10. An-i-no

    Sub wiring ohm outcome...

    Hmmm....yes....nominal impedance....
  11. An-i-no

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I didn't know Romo played for the Jets....
  12. An-i-no

    Visonik Audio?

    Lol some people just need the approval of others cuz it feels wrong without it. Especially when you're young. Almost everybody goes through it. Those who do things on impulse get called stupid more often than not. And plus, it usually seems like the SSA users know everything, so why not ask hell.
  13. An-i-no

    Visonik Audio?

    What makes you say that? Shit like this.
  14. An-i-no

    looking for new 6.5 drivers

    Guys...what M5 is getting at is... If you use a test tone to set it...music is not that loud so it wouldn't be accurate. If you use music to set it, not all music is recorded/produced at the same levels meaning that some songs would clip and some wouldn't. Why worry about setting your amp "right below clipping" if that's a level that changes for almost every song lol. If you plan on adjusting the volume for loud songs and quiet songs...then...that makes the distortion analyzer kinda suckish in reality. He just wants you to use better ways to keep things from breaking, like an Oscope, a DMM, or hell, your ears and eyes. He's not saying "oh that thing won't show distortion." He's saying...why would you pay for something that does what your ears can do? He means that there are better (and cheaper)ways of setting gains on an amp. He's really looking out for you, whether you know it or not. Why spend money on a tool that can only kinda do one thing? Why not buy a dmm which you can use for multiple things? If you need this tool to set your gains then...you need to learn your system more and know signs of clipping and distortion without a machine to tell you.
  15. I have always wondered about this, because in my car, my roof moves, cups shake in my cupholder, the doors, seats, and windows shake...how do you stop the amp from vibrating? I don't mean to be an ass or threadjack, but...yeah...
  16. An-i-no


    Can you make a dual 12 with subs facing up? Or would that change the price and if so how much? This is exactly what I was looking for when we talked the first time. EDIT: Pm sent.
  17. An-i-no

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When my subs play higher notes (60hz+) my voltage drops. Is impedance going up or down? *doesn't feel like making a thread*
  18. An-i-no

    6.5 drivers/ sax 100.4d

    Google stuff. Seriously. I hate to seem like an ass but you need to read and read and read before you buy anything. There is no worse feeling than spending hard earned money on something you don't need or can't use. To answer your question, yes that combo will work just fine with the high pass filters set up correctly, but you need to know WHY it will work and not just that it will work, got me?
  19. Lol you have awful luck with these things don't you?
  20. An-i-no

    Where can I get mids reconed?

    That's what the f I said. How am I supposed to know it's broken if I don't USE it? And I even said I'd pay for just new ones cuz its a pain in ass to uninstall and then reinstall everything. He says no, it has to be sent back as a whole set. I said fuck it, back to ebay to do my shopping Anyway, Julian, its not the xover. The mid does nothing whatsoever. I tried it with the xover, full range from the amp, and even my sub amp lol. It doesn't play at all. EDIT: By new ones I meant mids.
  21. I was wondering if there was anyone around that can recone 6.5in mids? One was defective when I recieved the set and the store I bought it from wants me to uninstall the entire comp set and then pay to have them warrantied (not happening). Anyway, I haven't done much research so if anyone knows anybody who can do it then great. They are the mids from the Cadence CWM-6KIT. The recent ones, they're all over eBay. Thanks in advance.
  22. An-i-no

    Where can I get mids reconed?

    Ok. Quick story. I played one mid and one tweet to sorta preview them before I pulled the doors apart. (Doesn't everybody?) When I installed them (crossovers tucked away, tweets mounted, all that jazz) I noticed one tweet was...sticking out. Then I noticed I was getting no mid from that side. I uninstalled both mids, took them to the shop and he says I can get em swapped out for free.e But then he's like hold on, I can't send back used stuff. So I can only have them "repaired" and that costs. Bs. Anyway I understand about the crossover issue. I'll call cadence tomorrow.
  23. An-i-no

    Where can I get mids reconed?

    Yeah that was gonna be my next step. I'm really just fishing for options. EDIT: I still don't understand why the hell I have to pay to get em fixed. One didn't work when I got em...